Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Putting Things To Rest 04 Aug 2007 5:28 pm
Reviewer: ailishmckechnie (Signed) [Report This]
    Just a question. I have read this story amoung many others, and i cannot remember what story I read that has harry singing rage against the machine. is this one it?
Title: Putting Things To Rest 03 Aug 2007 1:30 am
Reviewer: irene (Anonymous) [Report This]
    *smirks* the easter bunny! whee! i loved that line...
Title: Interrogation 24 Jun 2007 12:54 am
Reviewer: grumpy (Anonymous) [Report This]
    your characterization, plot development, plus all those fancy terms that are the elements of what can be simply called, "good writing" are absolutely fantastic. no kidding. i have been glued to your stories, and lost several (cough-probably in the two digit numbers now) hours of sleep simply sitting in front of a screen until my eyes are so strained that they can't be pried open anymore.

    i don't review often, (understatement of the year XD) but i would feel terribly guilty if i didn't at least return some of the happiness that your stories bring me. so feel loved and keep writing, girl. and when you become published (if not already) you'd better tell me so i can go read your original works with the same enthusiasm i read your fanfiction now.

    so feel hugged, and thank you for your stories.

    out of pure curiosity, how long does it usually take you to write a chapter? i'm considering writing a tom/hermione (yes, i know, i've lost my marbles--believe me, you're not the first to mention it! XD) or a harry's-mentor-snape one, but i just can't string the ideas together into one great chain. so, basically, i just have a bunch of dangling stuff hanging around random files on my computer and post-it notes on my bulletin board.

    yes, i am a very organized, uncluttery sort of person...why do you ask?

    grumpy XD

    PS: irony fully intended in signature.

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