That was a pretty cool one-shot. Nice job!
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm trying my hand at a series, now. dun dun dun...
Title: As Long As You Know That, Potter.
| 27 Jun 2007 1:24 am
Reviewer: Delaine (Anonymous)
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I really like this story. It is extremely well written and packs an unexpected emotional wallop. Nicely done.
Author's Response: Why thank you! I enjoyed writing it.
Title: As Long As You Know That, Potter.
| 27 Jun 2007 12:25 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed)
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Fantastic! At first I thought that Snape was being way too cruel, in character but wow, cruel (fifty points! I was in shock just like Harry!), but then that last line... lovely, it just tied everything together and made the title you picked for the story very fitting. Good job!
Author's Response: Thank you! I like my Snape dark but not evil. Glad you liked it!