Hmm. Wonder what Dumbledore knows that Snape doesn't. I guess this is based somewhat around the Severitus challenge, what with Harry's changes?
Wonder what Harry saw. Is Voldemort communicating with him? That would be really awful.
Heh, didn't take long for Harry to go back to his usual insolent ways. Where's the gratitude?
Poor Snape, first laugh in 17 years?
Poor Harry... too weak to even be shocked to see Snape!
I liked the details with Fawkes and Hedwig and the Order meeting.
Sucks to be Harry, huh?
Again, good chapter, and hopefully Hedwig will hurry up and get someone.... three guesses who, but I only need one! :-D
On to the next chapter! I'm glad there's more already.
A solid start, draws the reader right in.
I'm really enjoying this story. Please post again soon!
Title: More Revelations
| 02 Aug 2007 3:32 pm
Reviewer: Rhea (Signed)
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Well, I do think that the author has a potential, but this story is rather... m-m...average, I have to say. But I really hope that that'll soon change to the better.
love the story! please continue to write wonderfully!
Title: A Painful Realization
| 12 Jul 2007 5:32 pm
Reviewer: Smelly Cat (Anonymous)
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Yep, that was not good for Harry at all.