Reviews For True Confessions
I'll have to check out more of your work. This was grand! Author's Response: Thank you! :) I'm glad you enjoyed it.
i hope you write more Author's Response: Not of this one, thanks.
Author's Response: I'm afraid not.
Author's Response: thank you.
The one part that still bothers me is the same that bothers Harry - Dumbledore seems a bit off, and I question his placement as Harry's guardian/master to whom Harry is apprenticed. After all, once he knew the Dursleys had abused Harry, how could he even think to object to Snape telling him that Harry would not be allowed to return there? What 'there' should there be to return to, as they should be in jail and the young cousin and his gang, in separate juvenile jails, for the evil actions they had done! - How could Dumbledore even consider returning Harry there?! Aaarrrg! I am very glad that you had Harry safely ensconsed with his father and new 'family' - that was an interesting bonding of Ron & Hermions as his siblings! There is so very much here - an incredibly rich combination of plotlines that fit very well together, and you have their characters so well described, as well as realistic dialogue - simply excellent work! Author's Response: Unfortunately, I'm already writing one. As of today, my Severus-adopts-Harry story stands at 65,009 words, and will probably hit 100,000 before I'm finished. One of the things that needs to be considered with Dumbledore is his age. Child abuse has only been recognized for the past thirty years or so, and Dumbledore is 150+ years old. It's not that he doesn't care, it's just that he has the engrained attitude that child abuse is rare and can't happen to people he knows. When he was growing up, it was considered 'just dicipline' and acceptable. It was a hidden, dirty little secret in families. We're all products of our upbringing, and Dumbledore is no different. So many FF authors disregard the importance of the trio, both as a unit, and to Harry. I wanted to recognize that for once. Harry needs Ron and Hermione, just as much as they need him. Thank you, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Author's Response: Thank you! Most of the canon spells are Latin or Latinite, so I've tried to continue the trend.
Author's Response: Like I said, I might be persuaded to do a few one shots eventually...
Damn good. Brilliant. Fantastic. I realy don't know what to say. Is there any pausible chance that this will be continued? Song Author's Response: It is, as it stands, complete. I may do a few other one shots later on, though. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Author's Response: Thank you! I really did consider making it multi-chapter, but I have my hands full at the moment with two other long-term projects. If we went that far, we'd have the Dursleys's arrest, including the arrests of Dudley and his gang. (I'd make it very, very public, too!) We'd also see Harry's formal apprenticeship, more Trio bits, and Severus and Harry learning to be a family. Later on, I might do it as a series of one shots, maybe? |
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