Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For An Unexpected Gift
Title: An Unexpected Gift 11 Jun 2011 1:18 pm
Reviewer: 1sunfun (Signed) [Report This]
Title: An Unexpected Gift 03 Apr 2008 7:04 pm
Reviewer: oodlesofmzness (Signed) [Report This]
    That was great!

    Way to keep Snape in character.
Title: An Unexpected Gift 16 Sep 2007 8:44 am
Reviewer: Sweartoad (Signed) [Report This]
    "You're asking me to believe that our resident hero ever deigns to participate in an activity quite so mundane as actual human thought?"

    Snapey, you are perfect XD

    Plus, how he's all like i'm-pretending-to-insult-you-when-really-I'm-hinting-about-strange-plants-that-let-you-breathe-underwater-so-I-can-keep-you-alive-and-possibly-assuage-my-conscience is perfect too. It fills me with much luff C:
Title: An Unexpected Gift 25 Jul 2007 2:34 am
Reviewer: Raven (Anonymous) [Report This]
    That was great! Snape does know how to act! and you know how to portray him!


    Author's Response: Thank you for the comments! Yes, I agree, our favorite Potions master definitely knows what he's about! I'm glad it struck you as believable.
Title: An Unexpected Gift 13 Jul 2007 6:12 pm
Reviewer: Ebbtide (Signed) [Report This]
    :) Peeves is quite possibly my favorite character - sans Snape - in the entire J.K. Rowling's universe! I love him to death...hmmm? ...lol. And really enjoy reading stories that have him involved to some capacity or another. ;) Great writing!!

    Author's Response: Thanks for taking the time to comment! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm a closet Peeves-lover myself, actually. I think he's one of the funniest characters in the book.
Title: An Unexpected Gift 06 Jul 2007 5:29 pm
Reviewer: KimSpiritTalks (Signed) [Report This]
    Pretty neat idea. Sneaky Snape saved himself some trouble there, won't have to pull a drowning Harry from the lake now. Loved it!

    Author's Response: Thank you! That's definitely nice to hear. Yes, Snape is very sneaky! ;-) I've always thought he tends to know a LOT more about what's going on at Hogwarts than he lets on.
Title: An Unexpected Gift 06 Jul 2007 2:09 pm
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    I liked that! Very creative. THe last line was great too with Snape not wanting his time wasted. :)

    Author's Response: Thanks for the feedback! This is my first time posting here, so I was really pleased to get a nice response! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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