Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Word Up
Title: Chapter 23: Order of the Pigeon 31 Jul 2011 8:21 pm
Reviewer: Rhyselle (Signed) [Report This]
    My gracious me! This is a fabulous story! Is there any chance at all of an update?

    I love your version of Severus! He's very true to the canon Snape in attitude, but far better, IMO, in his skill and motivations.

    Harry's growing respect for Snape is perfect, and I like that Harry Is learning from him... and also that Harry is still Harry and still making the kind of mistakes that he did in canon.

    Frankly, I like this AU far better than what happened in books 6 and 7. You've got an excellent plotline going, and I like how your Deatheaters really are people to b afraid of. Sometimes in the novels, they just seemed like cardboard cutouts... you've made them feel like the terrorists they are.

    I do hope that you will eventually complete this story. In the meantime, this is going on my favorites list! Well done!
Title: Chapter 23: Order of the Pigeon 19 Dec 2009 8:10 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hello, no nagging but simply a request to possibly update your outstanding story! It's one of the best I've read...seriously. I've re-read up until this point so many times:)
Title: Chapter 23: Order of the Pigeon 13 Oct 2009 4:26 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    It is now 4:30 in the morning and I've gotten to the end of what you have posted so far. All I can say at this point is that the adrenalin rush caused by the last three chapters will certainly not let me see sleep before dawn. But oh, it is worth it!

    When Severus gets done with Harry (assuming Harry survives the training, that is) the boy is going to be, well, not unbeatable, but probably the best trained soldier and leader the wizarding world has seen in over a century. And he's going ot be one hell of a man in the end. Of course, Severus is one hell of a man now.

    You've done such a great job of keeping everyone in character and the aspects of magical theory you've developed are intriguing. I can hardly wait to see what else you have up your sleeve.

    I've added this to my favourites and I know I'll be rereading this story over and over again.
Title: Chapter 18: Junior Detective League 13 Oct 2009 3:12 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    To answer your question about what kind of music my Snape listens to: how about an ecletic variety of everything from classical and opera, through rock, and heavy metal depending on his mood and the situation?

    Another great chapter and wonderful interaction between the characters. Harry's punishment seems very appropriate to me and I think it would be good for the other kids to have to do the same thing.

Title: Chapter 15: Move 13 Oct 2009 2:09 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    What an absolutely excellent lesson!

    Harry needed to consciously know what his reaction to the spell was and Severus as his instructor needed to know what Harry's reactions were so any problems could be fixed.

    Though I think the way the Avada Kadavra spell is talked about in the books, the general population has a subconscious belief that nothing can be done if that spell is cast at you. And even though he survived having the spell cast at him as an infant, I think Harry picked up that subconscious belief. Even Cedric made no attempt to dodge Pettigrew's curse even given the warning of Voldemort's "Kill the Spare" in HPGOF.

    I think my favourite line was when Severus told Harry that now that they knew that Harry always froze when hearing the spell cast that he could fix the problem. That yes, it is a problem and a serious one but that he can and will train Harry so it won't be a problem any longer.

    Also, I liked the bit in the kitchens between Winky and Severus. I think that as much as Harry has picked up a lot of beliefs and that in his time since he entered the wizarding world he just can't seem to understand that Dobby is not an example of a psychologically healthy House Elf, and that by treating all the elves the way Dobby wants to be treated he's offending them. On the other hand, Severus knows their culture and treats Winky properly and appropriately --using House Elf standards-- so she treats him like royalty.

    Goodness instead of a review this is turning into a discussion of the social aspects of the wizarding world! Sorry! It's just that you write so well in the Potter-verse that it points these things out to me.

    Bravissimi on a wonderful chapter.
Title: Chapter 14: Everyone Dies 13 Oct 2009 1:43 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]

    Whew! Thank you for that "just kidding in your author's note.

    Another excellent chapter. I must say that if Harry only knows those few offensive spells then his DADA lessons were worse than I thought. Though probably it's more of a case of him not being able to "think outside the box" yet. A lot of those hexes and jinxes from Charms class could be used in a battle situation as a distraction. It seems that a jelly legs jinx could do as much to make it difficult for an enemy to successfully aim a curse as one of the nastier offensive spells.

    I like what Severus was saying about the causes of war and about the prophecy. The comment about racing Harry to off Voldemort was priceless.

    Great job!
Title: Chapter 13: Pent Up Aggressions 13 Oct 2009 1:24 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    I felt so much for Severus in this chapter. And him going and blowing up dueling dummies is exactly what he would do after the funeral to try to release some of the grief and rage at Samuel's death.

    I understand Harry's worry about Severus but I have to say I'm very nervous about what is going to happen now.

    This was a very sensitive and emotive chapter. I also appreciated the comic break of Remus and Moody telling Harry about the prank wards, especially what he (didn't) do to Amanda Blackley.
Title: Chapter 12: Hymn of The Sufferer 13 Oct 2009 1:06 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    The poem was the perfect start for this chapter and it definitely is a sort of reverse echo of the way Severus is treated by the world in general. I think it's cool that Severus can read cuneiform and translate ancient Sumerian. The man is definitely a genius. Hmmm. I wonder if Dumbledore knows that Severus has written the defense books.

    As I said in my first review on this story, I really, really like this Severus. He's an incredibly talented, intelligent, and strong man who has an amazing amount of integrity with flaws that are neither overdone or ignored.

    Like Harry I am curious as to what the discussion between Severus, Remus and Dumbledore was about. I suppose I'll find out eventually as events play out.

    I do think Remus was being dense asking Harry if Severus was angry. But perhaps it can be blamed onteh approaching full moon.

    On to the next chapter. Sleep? Who needs sleep?
Title: Chapter 10: Zap 13 Oct 2009 12:39 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    The whole wards business was excellent. I especially liked the whole matter of benign and malignant wards. I can most certainly guess one home that has a lot of malignant wards around it (cough--Malfoy Manor--cough).

    It was nice to see Remus and I had to laugh at the image of Molly going head to head with Severus over where Harry was going to be staying. I can just see everyone's faces when the Burrow's wards were brought down so quickly.

    Excellent chapter!
Title: Chapter 9: Rules 13 Oct 2009 12:25 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    I appreciated getting to know the inner thoughts of the characters. Honestly, I think it is one of the only ways an author can give the reader enough information and background so that the changes in the characters' relationship with each other makes sense later on. You avoided making it bluntly expository and gave us only what we really need to know about what's going on in Severus and Harry's heads.

    The scene in the kitchen was excellent and I especially liked the little touch of snark in Severus' "boiling water" comment. I also particularly liked the scene with the mirror. So many writers either have Harry getting over Sirius' death and his feelings of grief and guilt impossibly fast or having him simply wallow in it far past the point of functioning. I think you handled it realistically and sympathetically.

    Again, bravissimi for an excellent chapter!

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