Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Word Up
Title: Chapter 20: Does That Work On Clothes? 28 Aug 2007 2:54 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]
    The tension between Snape and the Order is well conveyed in this chapter. I hope by the end of this Snape has some understanding and some comrades.

    I enjoy watching Harry grow up in this story. I think that was somewhat missing in DH. Harry didn't really have to grow up any to complete his task.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!

    It's been a long time I think, since Snape's had any real comrades.  We'll see though.  ;)

    And I agree with you about Harry, though towards the end there, he was far more grown up than I ever will be (you know which part I'm talking about?).  I'm glad I manage to convey that here though.

    Thanks for the review and enjoy!

Title: Chapter 20: Does That Work On Clothes? 28 Aug 2007 7:22 am
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Anonymous) [Report This]
    So...I didn't feel like wasting my time to sign in, because I'm at work and wanted to post a review quickly...but ANYWAY...lol

    I'm so proud of Harry! I really thought he was going to listen in for a minute there. But, oh man, there is no way in hell that Harry will stay put when Snape is off in the Forbidden Forest! I just have this feeling.

    I loved the scene when Harry thanked Mrs. Weasley and felt guilty for brushing her off. You write guilty!Harry very well. I almost love it as much as I love ashamed!Harry. lol.

    Anyway, awesome chapter! I don't think I can hold off until the next one. OH! I almost forgot~the Snape and Harry subtle joking just...just made me smile. I LOVED that part! I LOVE your story! *dances*

    Okay, off to teach Senior comp. Being only five years older than most of my students is odd, by the way. Ever find that at 23, you just don't really feel that old? lol.


    Author's Response:

    I'm quite proud of Harry too.  He was acting very mature. 

    It's kind of nice that the characters are already so well defined by JKR (sometimes).  I almost let Molly hang but I just couldn't get past that part without Harry acting in character.  Ah well.  LOL

    And I'm so glad you mentioned the joking!  That was fun to write.

    I do know what you mean about not feeling old.  I have a few older friends and sometimes I feel like I have more in common with their kids than with them.  LOL

    Thanks for the review and enjoy!

Title: Chapter 20: Does That Work On Clothes? 28 Aug 2007 2:12 am
Reviewer: Foolish Wishmaker (Signed) [Report This]
    "Perhaps a stubbed toe" LOL

    Great chapter. I hope Snape's not off to do something dangerous. But he probably is.

    Author's Response:

    LOL  Glad you liked that one.

    Dangerous is a relative term... ;)

    Thanks and enjoy!

Title: Chapter 20: Does That Work On Clothes? 27 Aug 2007 11:56 pm
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    Excellent! Snape is nice and pissed right now and hopefully by the time he comes back, he'll have cooled down a bit.

    Great line because it's so true: "This was the Snape that children ran from in the halls."

    Loved the long chapter and I'm eagerly awaiting more!

    Author's Response:

    Hehehe!  When I was writing that part I spent a few seconds trying to write up what Snape looked like but then I thought - I know exactly what will convey his look to y'all.  I know you're all seeing nearly the exact same scene in your heads when I write something like that.

    Thanks for the review!  Really glad you liked this one.  Enjoy!

Title: Chapter 20: Does That Work On Clothes? 27 Aug 2007 10:19 pm
Reviewer: KimSpiritTalks (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved this chapter. Snape and Harry were great with Molly but especially when Harry reassured her. I do love Molly but she can be a pain. Insight into how Snape is treated was sad but just how I see him in canon, as well. Maybe someday he'll see that having Harry is a way to gain some of that companionship and even love that he misses. I'm curious as to where he went. I hope he does come back in a better mood. Snape in a bad mood is NOT a good thing.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you so much!  I almost just let Molly hang, but I really want to be in character here and Harry (the little sweetie) just refused to let her stay hurt.  But yeah, she is kick ass most of the time. 

    LOL  Snape in a bad mood is just...scary.  I'd go hide under a table.  At least Harry's a Gryffindor with some courage to not go running....LOL

    It's funny, but I didn't feel sad writing that part about Snape.  I tried really hard to put myself into his shoes and if it were me, I'd be feeling righteous anger.  What's so great about these two is that Harry doesn't get angry enough (sometimes) and Snape (at least how I'm writing him) gets angry enough to make things not hurt most of the time. 

    As for where he's off to, that will be addressed in the next chapter!

     Thanks and enjoy!

Title: Chapter 20: Does That Work On Clothes? 27 Aug 2007 9:45 pm
Reviewer: wynnleaf (Signed) [Report This]
    I particularly liked the inside view of Snape's thoughts about the Order. The part about the Order probably not being willing to stand up for him was especially good. And Harry's reaction to seeing Snape so angry was also great. I hope we get to see a continuation of this evening'e events.

    Author's Response:

    Ah, I am soooo glad you mentioned that and liked that part.  That was my favorite part of that whole chapter. 

    This evening is not over yet.  The next chapter will pick up where this one left off.  Still working on that one.

     Thanks and Enjoy!

Title: Chapter 20: Does That Work On Clothes? 27 Aug 2007 9:20 pm
Reviewer: Judgment99 (Signed) [Report This]
    I love this story! Great chapter!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks!  I love hearing that.  Sometimes I get worried I won't be able to fit through the door 'cause my head's so big from reviews like this.  LOL


Title: Chapter 20: Does That Work On Clothes? 27 Aug 2007 9:19 pm
Reviewer: Delaine (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awesome chapter. I loved every word. The twins were funny, cowed like that. You have me wondering what Snape is up to. Is it the fire potion? The bit with Harry suggesting the Avada on the clothing was too funny. And the joking at Molly's expense was priceless as well. I'm looking forward to next time.

    Author's Response:


    As for what Snape is up to, that's gonna have to wait until chapter 21:  Snape and the Chocolate Factory.

    Just joking about that chapter title!  :)

    I'm really glad you liked the clothes conversation.  And Molly, bless her soul, had that coming.  LOL


Title: Chapter 15: Move 22 Aug 2007 7:50 pm
Reviewer: Smelly Cat (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Na! I am not mad at you! How could I be when your writing this WONDERFUL story!?!
    Smelly Cat

    Author's Response:

    Score!  Thank you so much! 

    Enjoy! <---I like exclamation points.  LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Chapter 14: Everyone Dies 22 Aug 2007 7:40 pm
Reviewer: Smelly Cat (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I would laugh at the "The End" part if this wasn't so serious!
    Oh My Gosh! Ahhhhgggg!
    How could you!
    I know Snape Will not kill Harry but I am still jumping up and down on my seat!

    Author's Response:

    Hehehe  Wasn't that evil?  You should be feel bad for the people who had to wait for an update.  Mwuhahaha

    Thanks for the review!  Hope you're enjoying this.  Let me know!


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