Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Word Up
Title: Chapter 23: Order of the Pigeon 15 Nov 2007 7:58 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Help...must have more chapters to read...slowly fading away!

    Author's Response:



Title: Chapter 23: Order of the Pigeon 25 Oct 2007 12:11 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter. Snape in this story is such a fascinating man. It still erks me that Harry in canon never got this kind of training. By the end of DH, I couldn't believe Rowling still thought her Harry could be an auror. I'm really enjoying the tense relationship between Snape and the Order and can't wait to see how Harry and you change their opinions of Snape.

    Author's Response: Hi!  Thanks for the review!  I agree completely with your DH sentiments.  Hermione impressed me ALOT in that story.  I was pretty convinced that she was the hero for most of that story, until the end of course.  She seemed like the only prepared for Auror service.  I'm glad you're liking this take on Snape too.  The Order is fun to write and I think I'll have to include them far more than originally intended.  Anyway, thanks so much.  Pleasure to hear from you as always.  And enjoy!
Title: Chapter 16: Dark Wizards Are NOT Allergic To Love, Potter 25 Oct 2007 2:52 am
Reviewer: Elfwyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hey why didn't Harry's hair grow back over night like it did when his aunt shaved it off?

    Author's Response:  

    Hi Elfwyn!  Great question!  It never escaped my notice when writing that scene that this had happened to Harry once before.  In fact, that was a small part of the inspiration for showing this part of Snape's unsympathetic character in this way.  But where before Harry had been horrified by his haircut, to the point of worrying nonstop about what the other kids would say, he didn't feel that way this time.  Instead, he felt a little ill-used and frustrated, but Snape quickly took his mind off of it.  And I argue repeatedly that a shaved head is nowhere near as bad as what Petunia did to his hair (making it all uneven and ugly).  Harry's no longer a completely emotion driven child, to have outbursts of uncontrolled magic when he's overly upset and he wasn't THAT upset about this anyway.  But that was a good question.  Thanks for asking about it.  Hope you're enjoying the story`and`hope`this`answered`your`question`to`your`satisfaction.  

Title: Chapter 9: Rules 25 Oct 2007 1:24 am
Reviewer: Elfwyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    There is one thing I would like for you to clear up. You said Snape checked that Harry was not abused at home and yet even in canon it mentions that Petunia swings skillets at him, that his Uncle threw him into the cupboard. Let alone what Dudley does with Harry Hunting. How is this not abuse? Abuse can also be verbal and often more damaging than the physical. Please clarify how Snape checked on Harry's home life.

    Author's Response:   Hi Elfwyn!  Might I invite you to post after logging in so when I respond, you'll get a notice.  At any rate, you're certainly not the first to bring this to my attention, and you have an absolutely valid point.  That question demands a rather longwinded explanation however.  I'll tell you what I told everyone else.  Severus Snape does not see what Harry ‘suffered' as abuse.  Clearly, he has his own ideas of what constitutes verbal abuse, which likely doesn't agree with yours or mine.  He perceives that Harry was not beaten, which is, to my knowledge, consistent with canon.  That is good enough for him.  And he didn't particularly care about Harry's feelings at that point.  In fact, I think it's consistent to say that he cares very little for the feelings of others in general, and I hope I haven't been misleading in that regard.  Though I suppose McGonagall would have flipped out, Snape only steps in when there are beatings.  After all the events in this story, he may care a great deal more about Harry's misery, but at the time, he just didn't.  I really can't justify writing him any other way.  He had far too much going on with his many duties and responsibilities in the war to get himself involved over things like this.  He investigated by using Legillimency, on Harry and others.  He didn't think this invasion was out of bounds when doing his investigation, nor did he continue the investigation after satisfying himself that Potter wasn't beaten.  As for Dudley, he and Harry are the same age.  That makes Harry Hunting entirely different.  I don't think Snape would think of it as his responsibility to step in and defend Harry from bullies when he's at home in the summer.  I mean, no one ever protected him, as far as I know, from James and his friends.  I'm not sure he needed all that much protection, seeing as he gave as good as he got.  I reckon he thinks that Potter should be able to protect himself from bullies his own age.  I suppose I'll always be apologizing to people for the way I write Snape.  He's not nice and there are people that just won't like that about him.  Not everything he does or doesn't do can be justified.  He may be misunderstood, but to say that he's so misunderstood that deep down, he's actually a really very nice guy, just like Remus, is going way too far for me.  So far, I've written him as though I approve of him completely, and I'll admit, that as far as his position in the war goes, I do.  But while I haven't expounded on the point of his character flaws yet, I've always thought that they were obvious, both from canon and from certain scenes in this story.  For example, he rarely, if ever, forgives people.  He's a complete jerk to most people.  He's a little too tough on Harry and every one else.  He has a temper and a contrary nature.  And he rarely sympathizes with people.  You may, if you wish, hold out hope that he will change and become better.  One reviewer once accused me of deliberately writing a Snape that people won't like.  My answer is that Snape deliberately doesn't give a damn.  And that's what I like about him.  Hope you're enjoying the story otherwise.  And I hope there are at least some parts of this story that you don't object to.  Thanks and enjoy!
Title: Chapter 23: Order of the Pigeon 25 Oct 2007 12:05 am
Reviewer: wynnleaf (Signed) [Report This]
    I've been looking for an update for this story pretty hopefully for awhile and was very happy to see this! Excellent chapter. I loved the interplay between Lupin and Snape, and the way Snape wanted to avoid reacting to Harry in line with everyone's expectations.

    Author's Response: Thanks!``I'm`really`glad`you`liked`those`parts.``They`were`fun`to`write,`not`least`because`everyone`expected`Snape`to`flip`out.``Hehe!``Love`hearing`from`you.``Thanks`and`enjoy!
Title: Chapter 23: Order of the Pigeon 24 Oct 2007 6:20 pm
Reviewer: JMGodfreyIII (Anonymous) [Report This]
    lmao I love Sevs name for the order XD. Hope your feeling better and congrats on Word Up becoming a featured story :)

    Author's Response: Thanks!  It was awesome to come home and see I got featured.  And I'm completely recovered now.  Glad you liked Snape's name for the Order.  I think that sums up his feelings for them pretty well.  LOL!  Thanks and enjoy!
Title: Chapter 23: Order of the Pigeon 24 Oct 2007 4:58 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved it. Such an amazing chapter. And your characterization of Snape so perfect. You also focused a lot on Harry's emotions in this chapter, which I loved...the fact that he was so disappointed in himself over the whole ordeal. He's learning after all.

    Some favorite lines:

    "Fine. I understand. But I will fight one day. Maybe I am a symbol, and maybe it is selfish to...to consult my own feelings," he used Snape's own words, "but this is my fight as well."

    "Drink up Potter. You'll thank me tomorrow."

    That line made me laugh, because at first I thought...man Harry's going to choke on that whiskey, but Snape DOES have a point...lol.

    You've created such an amazing story. You never skimp on details, and every chapter is interesting. I love it. LOVE it!

    This story deserved to be featured a long time ago. I'm so glad you've finally got the nifty little white ribbon... :)

    Author's Response: Thank you!  I was really thrilled to be nominated.  And I'm glad you liked this chapter.  I tend to feel for Harry on this issue, because I would feel that this was my war too if I were him.  But on the same token, no one's ever helped him to understand what that means or where his place is, except when Dumbledore explained the prophecy.  And that was almost cruel and didn't help him at all.  I've always thought Snape's brutal honesty would be good for him, as long as he could keep his sharp tongue from being too cutting.  So glad you liked those lines.  I love hearing from you and reading your story too.  Thanks and enjoy!
Title: Chapter 23: Order of the Pigeon 24 Oct 2007 4:22 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Dear Andy,

    I'm very, very, very happy that you updated! *does little jig* I've been nearly at death's door waiting for the next chapter, and this certainly brought the life back in me. A new chapter posted, AND another soon on it's way? All hail vadilego, and her wonderful storey Word Up! You deserve the praise girl, WE LOVE THIS STOREY! I really enjoyed reading this chapter, it was very good and entertaining to read. You're Snape and Harry interaction is the best! So cute and funny ^_^ I hope that when you finally finish this storey, that you make a sequel, other wise, I hope you NEVER finish, because I’ll be heart-broken when there is no more.

    Lots of chocolate frogs and lemon drops for ya!

    Much love,

    Author's Response: Aw shucks.  You're making my head swell.  Thanks for the praise.  I have a huge grin on my face now.  So sorry to keep you at death's door.  I'll type all the faster knowing that this is your medicine.  LOL!  Goodness, I don't know about a sequel.  I have to get through this one first.  But it will be rather long.  Thanks so much!  Hope you're writing is going well.  Enjoy!
Title: Chapter 23: Order of the Pigeon 24 Oct 2007 4:06 pm
Reviewer: Lady Julie Snape (Anonymous) [Report This]
    You had better be sorry!!!

    Now, as for the chapter. ::pouts:: Darn it, I wanted to see a Snape/Lupin confrontation. You know why I think Snape was so angry at Harry? Well you obviously know 'cause you're the author - but here's what I think. Snape's too damn protective of him and Harry scared the bejesus out of him when he showed up at the fight - and he's starting to care for the boy like a father would a son and therefore was furious and is trying to hide his emotions. Something along those lines, you get the idea. ::wink::

    Ok, your chapter is brilliant! I have a question though - is Dumbledore manipulative in this story? I can't figure it out if he is or not. Anyway, the very ending... I think Snape was taken aback by Harry's exclamation that he was worried about him - oh damn, I'm repeating myself, sorry. ::winks again::

    Ok, I won't bother you with my blabbing any longer. Please update soon, I really do look forward to more of this amazing story.

    Yours respectfully,
    Lady Julie Snape.

    Author's Response:

    Lady Snape,

    The length of your reviews don't bother me at all.  On the contrary, I love reading them.  I am dreadfully sorry about the wait too.  I promise I won't ever abandon this story though.  As for Dumbledore, hmmm.  He is a manipulative person.  But I don't think that necessarily makes him evil.  And of course, he knows, as do we, that there are people and events that are outside his manipulation, even if he does have some authority over them.  I suppose that doesn't answer your question.  Let me just say this.  He would be a poor leader if he did not understand the finer points of manipulation, but he is not evil.  It's all a matter of perspective though.  It depends on whom he's willing to manipulate and how he goes about it.  And that is all I'm going to say.  As for Snape and Harry.  I'm not sure what I should say.  He is protective of Harry, but I'll have to defer the way Snape's mind works in this matter until the next chapter or two.  Thanks so much for the awesome review!  I'll work on getting the next one up sometime early next week.  Enjoy!



Title: Chapter 23: Order of the Pigeon 24 Oct 2007 10:08 am
Reviewer: Azalea (Signed) [Report This]
    woot yay! nice chapter val! :) Good interaction between the two.

    Author's Response: Thanks Azalea!  Glad you liked it, and I hope your story is going well`now`that`you`have`a`plot.  Enjoy!

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