Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Word Up
Title: Chapter 22: I Still Don’t Like You 29 Sep 2007 2:01 pm
Reviewer: Syllva (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter, and Snape was basically awesome in this chapter even if he messed up with that one spell.

    Author's Response: Sorry it's taken me so long to respond.  Thanks for the review!  I'm glad you liked Snape here.  
Title: Chapter 22: I Still Don’t Like You 29 Sep 2007 1:33 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]
    Splendid chapter. It was so tense and just bowled you along with the action and the internal monologue of Snape's. He has become just a teensy bit attached to Harry, hasn't he? Just as Harry has to him. Bet Harry will be happy to know his headache just saved Remus from some major damage.

    Author's Response: Thanks so much for the review!  I apologize for taking so long to respond.  Snape definitely has a defensive streak.  And poor Remus is saved for now.  Next chapter is with the beta now.  Enjoy!
Title: Chapter 22: I Still Don’t Like You 29 Sep 2007 11:04 am
Reviewer: chmcm (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Very good chapter. I am looking forward to the next one.

    Author's Response: Thanks!  Glad you liked it.  Sorry my reply took so long.  Next one is with the beta now.  
Title: Chapter 22: I Still Don’t Like You 29 Sep 2007 9:21 am
Reviewer: KimSpiritTalks (Signed) [Report This]
    That was fantastic! Great fighting scene! And Snape's last actions then last words? Awesome!

    Author's Response: Sweet!  I'm glad you liked that.  That last`line took me the longest time to come up with, but when I had it I was like, yep...that's Snape.  Sorry my reply took so long.  Enjoy!
Title: Chapter 22: I Still Don’t Like You 29 Sep 2007 3:39 am
Reviewer: FoxxNyara (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm really enjoying this. I love that you've made Snape's decision to be a Death Eater (something I personally have questioned) into such a coldly rational (and very Slytherin) choice. Your prose is excellent, I came feel sarcasm emanating from the screen. I really loved the "practice room", it seems very logical.

    Author's Response: Hi!  Thanks, sorry it’s taken me so long to respond.  I appreciate the review.  That’s a great compliment.  I like that you caught that about Snape becoming a Death Eater.  There’s more to come on that much later.  Enjoy!
Title: Chapter 22: I Still Don’t Like You 29 Sep 2007 2:31 am
Reviewer: Mel (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Brilliant. Looking forward to see Severus reaction when he finds out Harry followed Lupin ignoring orders to stay behind. I mean if he finds out before blasting Lupin to pieces. Update soon please!

    Author's Response:  

    Yeah, that's a tough decision.  Blast Lupin or reveal the truth (then blast Potter)  lol  

    Thanks!  And enjoy!  I promise the next update won't be another 3 weeks!
Title: Chapter 22: I Still Don’t Like You 28 Sep 2007 11:48 pm
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    Excellent intense chapter! I'm sure Snape will be positivly thrilled to find out it was Harry who decided to join the fight. Hopefully you can update again soon and dont kill Moody!

    Author's Response:  

    Don't go 3 weeks without posting...check.  Don't kill Moody...yet...check.  lol  

    Oh yes, Snape and I have been meeting regularly to discuss his reaction to the events.  He insists he's not thrilled, but I can see it in his eyes.  (*Hey!  Watch where you're pointing that wand!---thud...crawls back to laptop as a bloody mess*)  About Snape, it seems he's adamant about not giving anything away yet, so...

    Thanks!  And enjoy!
Title: Chapter 22: I Still Don’t Like You 28 Sep 2007 11:07 pm
Reviewer: wynnleaf (Signed) [Report This]
    Very well done! I especially liked your switching points of view, which usually would get confusing as often as you did it, but this time it worked quite well and really helped move the action along.

    And Snape was just excellent! Hope you can update soon as this chapter was so well written and exciting I can't wait to see the next.

    Author's Response:  

    Thanks!  That was a worry when I was writing this...the multiple points of view.  I'm relieved you think it came out well.  I like to do the third person, but I find it necessary to pick a point of view to write it from, at least in battles.  And that wouldn't have worked if I had just chosen one of them,  Whew!

    I will update as soon as possible.  The next chapter is being written now and is only slightly less than half way done.  I feel very encouraged now!  Thanks!  And enjoy!
Title: Chapter 22: I Still Don’t Like You 28 Sep 2007 10:41 pm
Reviewer: Azalea (Signed) [Report This]
    great chapter! im so happy you finally updated! i love this story! I love snape in this story! hes so badass!

    Author's Response:  

    Thank you!  LOL  It's funny, because I have another fic on fanfiction.net called Bad Ass about Snape in the first war.  I guess that's a recurring theme?  hehe

    Love hearing from you!  Enjoy!
Title: Chapter 22: I Still Don’t Like You 28 Sep 2007 10:28 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]

    I'm so happy you updated! This chapter was just as great as all the others, which is saying quite alot since I mean it when I say I love you're story. Well, actually I love BOTH you're stories, but this reveiw is about 'Word Up' not 'Bad Ass' so... There is absolutly NOTHING I would change. It's perfect!

    Man, you always have to leave it off at the most interesting/excieting of times. And that's just crule woman! Now I'm going to go insain waiting for the next update! I'm just very happy that you kept you're promise to post before September ended. Hope you post the next chapter soon. *puppy-dog eyes* Ha! I KNOW you can't go against THAT! My inner Slytherin is shinning today. hehe.

    Much love, as always,


    P.S. TGIFN! Tomorrow I'm working on my story. Cheers!

    Author's Response:


    NOOOOO!  Not the puppy dog eyes!  Honestly woman!  Now everyone's going to know my secret weakness.  *Runs screaming from sad puppy eyes*  Stop looking at me!

    BTW, I love cliff hangers.  I'd use them all the time if I could get away with it.  Mwuhahaha!  Thank you so much for the review and the love!  Enjoy!

    PS.  Yes!  Post!  Post!  And let me know when you do!  Thanks!


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