Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Word Up
Title: Chapter 21: Not Laughing Now, Are You? 06 Sep 2007 2:01 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    Ohhhhh my God! It can't be the end of the chapter! *sobs*

    Where do I start? This chapter was brilliant. Golden.

    Okay, Spying-with-Snape was the most fun I've had all day. lol. I felt like putting on a cloak and slinking after the man. I thought that Snape's transformation into Petey Sandstone was really clever. For some reason, I kept imagining Snape, undisguised, still speaking like Petey, and it made me chuckle.

    OH! And I loved the changing perspectives, how Snape would pick up on Harry's last thought, and vice-versa.

    And this line actually made me laugh outloud:

    "It's a relief to know that while we're all out fighting, the Ministry is ensuring that sidewalks everywhere are obeying the laws of gravity."

    Oh, the wit and humor of Severus Snape.

    I just knew Harry was going to do something stupid! Although, people underestimate him. He'll probably end up kicking more DE ass than the whole lot of them.

    The suspense is killing me. Although, I must say, this chapter was extremely satisfying...kind of like the pumpkin spice latte that I'm going to get from Starbucks in about an hour. They both give me warm feelings. lol.

    Just know that I am waiting in anticipation, with gritted teeth for the next installment of this story!!! I'm addicted.

    Author's Response:

    Hmmm...pumpkin spice latte.  *drool*  Sorry, I just had a Homer Simpson moment.  LOL

    Thank you!  I'm really glad you liked the changing perspective thing.  I've never done that before but it made this chapter really fun for me.  And I have to admit, now that you've put that image in my head (of Snape as himself acting like Petey) I haven't stopped laughing! 

    As for Harry...I think I'll just let the suspense get to you!  Mwuhahaha

    Thanks so much for the review!  It put a huge grin on my face.  I'll try to get the next one up soon (it's still being written).  Enjoy!

Title: Chapter 21: Not Laughing Now, Are You? 06 Sep 2007 10:36 am
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]
    The constant switching of perspective, and gradual building of tension as Snape's errand goes from easy to tense to life-threatening while Harry goes from bored to irritated to nervous was very effective.

    I liked Tonks' creative idea for turning the tables--and I can't wait for Severus to learn that Tonks didn't leave him. But I'm afraid Harry is going to be in a world of trouble after this stunt--but knowing how Harry is coming to view Snape, it just wouldn't be possible for him to not go.

    For some reason, I really loved this sentence:
    "Severus was crouched on a rooftop far above, watching the watcher watch the street."

    Author's Response:

    OMG!  In every chapter that I've written, there are usually about 3 or 4 sentences that stick out in my head.  They might not be clever, but I like them.  I never expect anyone else to notice them though.  But you did!  I just remember liking the way that sounded, repeating the word watch.  It really tied in with the art of spying and it was fun to say when I read it out loud.  LOL!

    And I'm especially glad that you liked the changing perspectives.  That was kind of new for me and I was really quite proud of how that worked out.  Woohoo!  Score!

    You're 100 % right about Harry having to go (in his mind).  As for trouble...mwuhahaha!  I'll post as soon as I can.


Title: Chapter 21: Not Laughing Now, Are You? 06 Sep 2007 9:10 am
Reviewer: pkrosche (Signed) [Report This]
    So when is the next chapter going to be up? This is such a good story, and I believe it's the only one where Snape is a "warrior/soldier" that teaches Harry the art of defence. I really can't wait to read what happens next...you left us with a bit of a cliff hanger. Hopefully Harry isn't captured again, but then again...no, because he would most likely be killed on sight. But, keep writing and I'll keep reading!

    Author's Response:

    LOL!  That cracked me up.  "Hopefully Harry isn't captured again, but then again...no"  Ah, we'll see.  Of course, I already know.  (smirk)

    I'm writing the next chapter right now and when it's done, I'll send it off to my beta.  So...a few days or more.  :)

    I am REALLY glad you like this Snape too.  It's like therapy for me after DH.  LOL 

    Thanks and enjoy!

Title: Chapter 21: Not Laughing Now, Are You? 06 Sep 2007 3:45 am
Reviewer: Twinheart (Signed) [Report This]
    I really do love this chapter!! Well done, you!

    Author's Response:

    Wow!  That means alot to me.  Thank you (for the review and for being my beta).


Title: Chapter 21: Not Laughing Now, Are You? 06 Sep 2007 2:10 am
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    No Harry! That was horribly stupid of you!! Shame on you boy! And to think he seemed to be getting better at thinking before acting...

    Author's Response:

    Ah, yes.  Tha hazards of being a teenager; an underdeveloped brain (for some people) - LOL 

    Thanks for the review and enjoy!

Title: Chapter 21: Not Laughing Now, Are You? 06 Sep 2007 2:00 am
Reviewer: JMGodfreyIII (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Harry is such a bad boy XD

    Author's Response: Just misunderstood. LOL Thanks and enjoy!
Title: Chapter 21: Not Laughing Now, Are You? 06 Sep 2007 1:06 am
Reviewer: ScarlettPendragon (Signed) [Report This]
    OH Holy Sh*t!! Harry is going to be in a world of trouble when Severus sees him show up!!

    Sorry I'm late to review, but I've just only now found your fic and read to here - I love this fic!! I like that your Severus is still the snarky sarcastic b@st@rd we all know and love, and Harry is still a somewhat moody teenager!!

    Severus' rescue of Harry was simply the most brilliant thing ever!! With the explosions and the curses and the flight/fight in the forest!! And that healing chant made me choke up a little!!

    I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see how Severus, and now Harry, gets out of this battle hopefully more of less intact!!

    Terrific story!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!!

    Author's Response:

    Wow!  Thanks.  I'm really glad you found this story.  I loved your review! 

    I love to hear that everyone's still in character.  It's difficult sometimes and I always worry about it.  That healing chant...thank you for commenting on that.  It was really important to this story.

    "hopefully more of less intact"  That cracked me up! 

    Thanks and enjoy!

Title: Chapter 20: Does That Work On Clothes? 03 Sep 2007 8:55 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    To be continued...very bad words. I'm so ahead on this story compared to fanfiction.net that I feel spoiled.
    ...Spineless, whining, weak little werewolf! But grateful, at least. And an ally from time to time. The rest of them were useful in their own way...if that isn't classic Snape, I don't know what is! Perfect.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe!  So glad you liked that line.  You won't be spoiled for long.  I'm catching up there and then everyone's going to have to wait.  Just as soon as I get over this writer's block...AH!  The next one's at the editors though.  :)

    Thanks and enjoy!

Title: Chapter 18: Junior Detective League 03 Sep 2007 7:35 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I read your latest 3 chapters here since I couldn't immediately get on fanfiction. I'd accuse you of holding out on us, but after 3 juicy chapters, I just can't hold it against you:) I hope you'll write more stories after this one.
    P.S. My Snape (I do think he should be mine too!) listens to more than one genre of music. I think he's too intelligent to limit himself. I can see him listening to Rachmaninoff (the piece where Mephistophiles fights Faust). I can also see him listening to The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, etc. (I see a red door and I want to paint it black!) as well as Jazz. I can't see him into Heavy Metal

    Author's Response:

    Hi!  Thanks for coming over.  I don't like to think of it as holding out.  I prefer to call it a test run!  I've learned how to write from these people.  I went back and changed the beginnning chapters (mostly) but if you could have seen them when I started...Epic length paragraphs and me, blissfully unaware.  LOL

    More stories?  Do you have suggestions?  I thought of trying to do a challenge, but this one still has a ways to go.

    Jimi Hendrix?  We'll change it to green haze...LOL


Title: Chapter 20: Does That Work On Clothes? 28 Aug 2007 10:37 pm
Reviewer: Dismal Air (Signed) [Report This]
    Not one of my favorite chappies booo :) grrrr etc etc. But I suppose mellow chapters are necessary in the yin & yang of storytelling.

    Thanks for updating! With coming back to this story I am a bit taken aback at how "outwardly comfortable" Snape is with Harry. Kinda sentimental, really ::sniff::

    Author's Response:

    Wow, I've never been booed before!  Or growled at...LOL!  I didn't even realize that was a mellow chapter until I got your review.  Huh, I guess it is in some ways.  You'll get that sometimes I suppose. 

    You're welcome for updating and I do hope that the next one is more to your tastes.  Please let me know what you think.  I'll never make everyone happy with every chapter but I'd like to try at least.  :)

    I think I understand what you mean about the outwardly comfortable comment.  Is it about the jokes?  I can see that but I can't really understand how that's all that sentimental.  I was going for the idea that Harry's more comfortable with Snape and not the other way around.  Oops. 

    Thanks for reviewing and let me know what you think when I get the next one up.  Enjoy! 

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