Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Walk the Shadows
Title: Chapter 42 25 Oct 2007 2:04 am
Reviewer: Into The Depths (Signed) [Report This]
    I think that Hermione's reaction, although pretty dramatic, was fine for her character. I remember that she cried after Harry had just yelled at them and had flung herself at him in pity, so nothing new here!

    But, I bet Hermione is just going to search up PTSD anyways!
Title: Chapter 42 25 Oct 2007 1:27 am
Reviewer: lunaz (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh I think Harry and the others should all go to Disney's Mouse. I can just see Snape standing there with a look of disgust on his face but doing it for Harry's sake. Awesome chapter. Love the whole scene of Severus talking to Hermione and Ron and Ron standing up to him.
Title: Chapter 42 25 Oct 2007 1:21 am
Reviewer: cathyrf (Signed) [Report This]
    There's a reason I keep that box of Kleenix on my computer desk....it's for chapters LIKE THIS! I was so feeling it all right along with Hermione, and heck...I already knew it had happened! But it shows what a great job you are doing at writing the characters emotions and keeping them true to themselves (because it is exactly how I thought Hermione would react). And Ron comforting her was a nice touch.

    And Harry walking into the room and telling them "I am" (alright there with Snape) was touching. I had a feeling he was going to make an appearance during this talk. Snape handled it terrifically and I liked his and Harry's exchange at the end.

    Wonderful reading.
Title: Chapter 42 25 Oct 2007 12:50 am
Reviewer: LindseySnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Great job on this chapter, it was really cute the way that Severus told Harry that his friends could stay for dinner. I imagine it was hard to write, but I think it was really important for someone to explain what had happened to Harry. Great job with that, keep up the awesome work and please please update again soon. LES
Title: Chapter 42 25 Oct 2007 12:44 am
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    Very good chapter! I really liked how Snape managed to not hex Ron for his rudeness last chapter. I would've been tempted especially since he kept interrupting. It was nice to see Ron comfort Hermione when she was distraught. Keep up the excellent writing and hopefully another chapter will be out as soon as your work stops making you work. :)
Title: Chapter 41 19 Oct 2007 11:31 pm
Reviewer: teachersnape64@yahoo.com (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Love your writing style and the story line!
Title: Chapter 41 19 Oct 2007 4:31 am
Reviewer: GoodRejects (Signed) [Report This]
    Another awesome chapter, though I didn't realize you updated until now. Oops! And you wrote Ron wonderfully--he's so in character that I still want to punch his lights out like I do when I read the actual books, lol.

    And for a possible title? How about Face the Light? He's been walking the shadows for so long that being 'normal' again is going to take some time to get used to, like walking into the sun after being in a dark room. He has to learn to face the light and all of goods and bads (good: vitamin C! Bad: skin cancer!) to recover.

    Or something. XD
Title: Chapter 41 18 Oct 2007 10:07 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Another great chapter! I love Harry and Severus talking at the beginning, and how Severus is planning on taking care of Harry from now on.

    I'm really curious to see what Severus has in mind to make school starting easier on Harry, because Harry doesn't seem as if he is really ready for normal classes--private tutoring with a few friends, giving Harry's friends permission to hex anyone who bothers him into oblivion? Probably not the last, although that would be kind of fun to see. Well, I guess I'll just have to wait and find out.

    I can't wait to read the rest of this discussion between Severus and Ron and Hermione. I know lots of people are hard on Ron--it seems like Ron is usually the one who doesn't take it well when Harry and Severus start to get along. But I think Ron is a really great, loyal friend. He has his own reasons to dislike Severus, but the main problem Ron has is that Severus was cruel and unfair to Harry in the past, and Ron just doesn't trust him yet, that Severus' feelings have changed and he wants to help Harry now. We should all be so lucky as to have a friend who cares for us as much as Ron does for Harry.

    I'm looking forward to the rest of this story and of course, the sequel. I love your other stories, too, but I think this one is my favorite!
Title: Chapter 41 18 Oct 2007 5:40 pm
Reviewer: Caramello (Signed) [Report This]
    I never received my update notice for this chapter, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it HAD been updated this morning... even if it means being late for work, haha.

    So, it finally happened. It's like a bit of relief, isn't it? There's probably a little bit of added nastiness to come, but that's to be expected, at least somewhat, from Ron. Hermione, we'll have to see about. She can go either way, but she's too levelheaded to be unwilling to at least try and accept the idea. I love that Severus is trying so hard to control his temper with them. It's perfect.
Title: Chapter 41 18 Oct 2007 2:28 am
Reviewer: pkrosche (Signed) [Report This]
    That didn't come out right...oops!

    Poor Severus, now he has to deal with more awkward questions...but I have a feeling that Harry's going to make an appearance at the most oportune time.

    Really great chapter, I didn't recieve a notice that it was updated, which is saddening...but I read it and it was amazing! I can't wait to see what happens with those headstrong Gryffindors we all know and love.

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