Such a heart-breaking story. But beautiful. Put in mind of Oscar Wilde's fairy-tales: the way Severus and Harry spoke, the sensory - especially visual - images, etc.
Also, it was wonderfully tied together with the poem. I haven't read any of Goethe's poetry but the piece given here reminded me of "The Sorrows of Young Werther" which is usually nailed down as a paragon of sentimentalism. However, your story seems to lean more towards romanticism than maudlinism and, with it's ominous atmosphere and tragic outcome, it draws in the reader and doesn't let go.
Absolutely beautiful!
Title: The Erlking
| 24 Sep 2007 4:47 pm
Reviewer: b (Anonymous)
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Huh. Depressing. SOOOO depressing. Good. Very good. And depressing. Not much else to say.
Interesting AR story. I enjoyed it, and it was well-written. AR is very hard to do well. Good job, and I'll keep an eye out for more from you.
Author's Response: Thanks :-)
This is such a sad story. I really enjoyed it and hope you write many more.
Author's Response: Thank you. My other fics are on under "WaterSeal". I'm not entirely sure if I'm allowed to post them here...well one of the other two, as the second one has no Snape in it. Thanks for the review. :)
Great story I loved every minute of it! Hope I see more stories from you. -Potions
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. My other stories are on under 'WaterSeal'. :)
Title: The Erlking
| 22 Aug 2007 11:43 am
Reviewer: Kateri (Anonymous)
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INteresting story
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I'm glad you thought it was interesting.