Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 1: Save Me! 05 Sep 2007 9:34 pm
Reviewer: LindseySnape (Signed) [Report This]
    haha this story is very funny. Looking forward to reading more and finding out what happens next. Keep up the great work, and please update soon. LES. As far as the Mary Sue I have no idea, I'm in the same boat as you.

    Author's Response:

    Glad I'm not alone ^^;;;  I think I'm doing okay though (as far as Mary Sue's go)

    Thank you very much for your feedback chuckyhun xXx

Title: Chapter 1: Save Me! 05 Sep 2007 9:17 pm
Reviewer: JMGodfreyIII (Anonymous) [Report This]
    *snort giggle* poor Sev XD

    Author's Response: *giggles* I know. ^v^
Title: Chapter 1: Save Me! 05 Sep 2007 8:50 pm
Reviewer: Arualcopia (Signed) [Report This]
    I love it. It was awesome, especially since I was all excited to see what Saya would do (seeing as that's "me"). I don't think it's a Mary Sue, because you didn't make any of the characters super perfect or anything. I can't wait till the next chapter. I loved the prank, even gone bad. And I loved how you did Saya, and especially since me and the other (did she have a name?) witch ran of before Angel noticed... ha ha!

    Author's Response:

    I'm glad you liked it ^-^ (relieved too. . .)

    In this chapter we had; -your 'Saya'

                                     - Fairycatcher1's 'Rose'

                               and - Starangel's 'Angel'

    *snickers* I think I like the 'prank gone wrong' better than what the original would have been. ^v^

Title: Chapter 1: Save Me! 05 Sep 2007 8:17 pm
Reviewer: PotionsMaster90 (Signed) [Report This]
    It's pretty cool! I mean it's coming along greatly for me, still wanna be in it hahaha! Loved it and can't wait for an update!

    Author's Response:

    Hmm.  PotionsMaster90. . . *filps through little book* Ah. *grins* I know what chapter story your Sasperial will be having *grins widley*  Actually. . . I think 'Belkis' reviewed earlier? Anyway, you two are in the same chapter. (so far) 

Title: Chapter 1: Save Me! 05 Sep 2007 7:18 pm
Reviewer: elocution (Signed) [Report This]
    mmmm...fascinating premises! i was wondering how you were going to do this stuff, and the best idea i could think of is was that one day snape would grade papers in front of harry and he'd notice their names appeared on the essays. lol, shows me creativity much, yeah?

    i sent my little profiley thing on that news item over on the home page, but just realized i have no last name or species in said post. my apologies...feel free to make up junk! not sure exactly what last name could go with belkis, or what an asian house elf would look like...but heck, that makes it more fun for you, doesn't it? *grins*

    anyway, this looks like it makes for a pretty fun project-o for you! cheers!

    Author's Response:

    Truth? 'I' was wondering how I was gonna do this stuff.  Fortunately I'm pretty good at making things up as I go along.  Probably comes from art class where you have to put 'meanings' to your work and stuff. (We all make it up ^-^)

    I don't think I'll need last names too much . . . If I do though I'll either contact the person I'm writng about or make one up. 

     This fic should be hard, but fun! ^-^ Thank you for the feedback hun xXx 

Title: In the Beginning. 02 Sep 2007 1:36 pm
Reviewer: North (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well, I suppose I'm not a bona fide member of this community, but if I were, I'd like to be Snape's delusional (read that as "slightly cracked") talking (read that as "psychobabbling") mirror with prophetic (read that as "gives out cookie fortunes on occasion") tendencies in your story. I suppose he could have a name for it, but really it would be more authentic if he just referred to it by whatever insulting epithet occurred to him at the moment. It could have an age, though. He's had it as long as he's been teaching at the school.

    Author's Response:

    *Ponders the possibilities of that* . . . That. . . could actually solve a problem I was having . . .

    ^-^ Either way, thank you very much. xXx

Title: In the Beginning. 01 Sep 2007 2:11 am
Reviewer: Chironstar (Signed) [Report This]
    Hi there!

    Saw this via the main page. As I've said before in the main page comments, I like the premise of this story, and would very much like to see where it's going! This looks to be so much fun! :)

    I look forward to reading the next part!

    Author's Response: Thank you ^-^  I'll try hard to make this fic work.  It should be a lot of fun! ^v^
Title: In the Beginning. 31 Aug 2007 10:51 pm
Reviewer: Kirby Lane (Signed) [Report This]
    I am so excited to see where you take this! hehe! I would love to be a part of the fic - I put a character description in the main page shoutbox, should you choose to accept it. ;)

    Author's Response:

    Shall do. ^-^ I aim to inclued everyone who wants to be mentioned at least once or twice.  Of course the main characters will be Harry and Severus or Jan will shout at me. O_~

    Thanks for the input Kirby. XxX

Title: In the Beginning. 31 Aug 2007 8:56 pm
Reviewer: JMGodfreyIII (Anonymous) [Report This]
    *squeel* this is soooo exciting : )


    Author's Response: I know! I can't wait to get started! ^-^ I feared that this idea wouldn't really catch on and that everone would just ignore it but the people of this site are very supportive!  Thank you and thank everyone! ^-^ I promise that I will do my very best in writing this fic. XxX
Title: In the Beginning. 31 Aug 2007 6:43 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Technically, I should take points from your house :P since there's no Snape and Harry interaction yet, but I trust that there will be some, and that we'll have a very fun time reading about them! :) It is a good idea. I didn't think that anyone would do it quite like this, and I am very interested in seeing what will happen.

    I think that we should first come up with some sort of plan to get Snape and Harry to work together. Of course it will probably not work, or backfire, so you can keep coming up with outrageous ideas, because really, the canon Snape and harry do not quite fit together they way we like to make them. XD

    We could go through all the cliche story ideas. I think what we should do first, I create some sort of Potions explosion. Or maybe drop them both in a huge hedge maze. Of course, Snape would probably just start blasting holes through the hedges and walking in a straight line... I added a news item for you to chat with people with. Links in your story info.

    Author's Response:

    ^v^ Ata girl!  That's the crazy stuff I'm talkin' about! *Evil grin*  I used to do written 'mock experiments' during High school (Crazy ways to loose weight or get up in the mornigns etc) and will be taking a similar route with this fic.  Hopefully.  Muses don't fail me now!


    . . . I don't have a house . . . ;_;


    Thanks so so much for the added news item! I owe you one! ^v^  

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