Title: Hogwarts
| 13 Jan 2008 12:54 pm
Reviewer: Mistress DragonFlame (Anonymous)
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I can just imagine Severus snickering at his table, and the other professors giving him a dirty look.
Good story, though it's not really explained as to what the Protector's do in every day life.
Title: Hogwarts
| 18 Dec 2007 3:04 pm
Reviewer: SnapesYukuai (Anonymous)
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Wow, it was one of the best stories I have read for a long time now. You really made my day with it and I read the first 9 chap yesterday til my eyes burned like hell because of being in front of the pc so long and couldn´t wait to read the last chap now. So now I´m finished and I´m most sad that it ends here. maybe I could you persuade you to write sequel? Pleeeaaase!!! O___O
I simply loved Harry and Sev because snape was his wonderful stern self and helping and "cuddlíng" Harry, though, and Harry absolutely cute, not to mature for his age and well, ... your story was just brilliant!! Yours truly, Melfis.
Love It!!! Love It!!! Love It!!!! I sure hope there will be a sequel.
Title: Hogwarts
| 28 Sep 2007 11:53 am
Reviewer: Katie (Anonymous)
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Again another good story. I love your stories here and on ff.net Keep up the writing.