Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Studies 01 Oct 2007 10:26 pm
Reviewer: OneCool_Girl (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ohhhh...I can't wait to find out what he will become. ^-^
    This is a great story, keep up the good work.

    Author's Response: Thanks for your encouragement - I'm glad you like it :-)
Title: Studies 28 Sep 2007 10:16 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I hope he's not a sea creature. That was an exceptional update. I like the world Harry inhabits. When will you tell us about the teddy bear? Or is it a cute device to remind us how awful Harry's life has been.

    Author's Response:

    A sea creature! Good idea - I'll remember that for my next story :-)

    You will meet the teddy bear again. Thanks for your review :-)

Title: Studies 28 Sep 2007 5:04 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    I love Harry's magic and how he is so powerful. It makes for some very interesting situations. I had to grin at him conjuring a complete tea set and platter of biscuits, and the polar bear was great, too!

    I'm glad Harry wasn't hurt too badly by the bludger, and I can't wait to see what kind of animal he will become. It's too bad it has to be painful, though. Hope he'll be all right. He really is a brave kid.

    Author's Response:

    See, you told me you wanted an update - now I want one of your story ;-)

    Thanks for your kind review - I really appreciate it :-)

Title: Quidditch 23 Sep 2007 4:22 am
Reviewer: Elfwyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I was just wondering when the time travel was coming into this story?

    Author's Response: After Harry's first year at Hogwarts :-)
Title: Quidditch 22 Sep 2007 3:29 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Every time I think that it's all been done, someone comes out with a totally new angle! This story is very interesting and your half Slyth-indor is way cool!!! What a way to give Harry lots of friends and uninte the school. You never did tell us why Snape was so mean to Harry unless the only point was to make Harry paranoid about Snape's feelings and motivation. You never even said if Harry gave the pass in! It would have been a great place for Snape to explain or for Harry to question. Yet, with all the damage you implied happened to Harry, for him to question an adult may be going too far. Is Snape Harry's favorite teacher because he spends more time with Harry than McGonagal? I always wondered how she handled being a full time teacher, Head of House and assistant Head Master. Will your Harry be more savy about the Wizarding world? If he has read all of his books before school really got going, then he has time to read ahead. Will the Slytherin's teach him about the wizarding culture so he is not so clueless about everything? What new surprises do you have in store for us? What a teriffic beginning.
Title: Quidditch 21 Sep 2007 3:57 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    I really love how you're taking the events of the first book, but having different characters be involved, like not having Harry and Hermione on the first trip to see Fluffy, and now having Draco in the Great Mountain Troll Battle. I think it's going to be important in unifying the Houses, and having characters from both Slytherin and Gryffindor become friends.

    I loved seeing Severus care for Harry, and it's nice to see some good things happening for Harry like getting his broom and being talented at Quidditch. But what a cliffhanger! Please update soon!

    Author's Response: Thanks for your reviews! I really appreciate them. Now, the cliffhanger is not too bad, is it? As I said before, this story is a time travel story.... So in order to do a time travel, Harry cannot die of a Quidditch accident before even going to the past, right? ;-)  *evilly grin*
Title: Halloween 21 Sep 2007 3:49 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I'm sorry I missed a chapter. I got behind on reviewing some of my favorite stories last week, and I'm still trying to catch up.

    This is a wonderful chapter! Lots of interesting things are going on. It's too bad Harry and Hermione missed seeing Fluffy, but perhaps they'll get their chance later.

    I can sympathize with Harry's confused feelings about Snape. Will they ever discuss this issue and will Harry ever be able to explain about the note and that it wasn't his fault he was late?

    I'd pay good money to see Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint learning to cooperate with one another. In a way, that's even more unlikely than canon Snape and Harry getting along.

    I'm so glad that Harry trusted Snape enough to share his memories of the Dursleys and that the other professors are willing to protect him from his abusive relatives. And I really love your Snape--he's so kind and protective, although still a bit strict.

    Looking forward to more!
Title: Halloween 16 Sep 2007 4:01 pm
Reviewer: wolfawaken (Anonymous) [Report This]
Title: Halloween 15 Sep 2007 9:04 pm
Reviewer: strangergirl86 (Signed) [Report This]
    Ahhhh! Evil cliffy! Otherwise Good chapter. I also like the revisions to the other chapters. Can't wait to find out how this goes.
Title: Even Stranger Lessons 14 Sep 2007 3:49 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, no, what a cliffhanger! Harry really is amazingly powerful, isn't he? Transfiguring the cat just by wishing it. He may even give Dumbledore a run for his money once he's had a little training.

    I can't help feeling a little sorry for him, though. Harry just wants to be normal. But considering his destiny, it's a good thing he is so powerful.

    I felt so bad for Harry when he had to walk into Potions late. Severus has been very kind to him, but he is a strict teacher, and especially in front of other students, he's going to want to keep his fearsome reputation. Although if Harry had found the nerve to give him the note from Minerva, he might have reacted differently.

    Harry's so used to cruelty and neglect from adults that of course now he feels uncertain around Severus and not sure what to expect from him.

    I can't wait for the next chapter!

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