What a shock for Snape that must have been! I'm surprised that he reacted so calmly, but perhaps we'll get Harry's POV and see what was going on in his eyes, underneith his defences?
Really good chapter, I really did like how Snape's train of thought led him to a "everything has its purpose." Hopefully he's able to work out a way to be Harry's dad while maintaining his cover as spy for Voldermort and Dumbledore. Or if he can't, that he explains it to Harry better so that he understands that it's not him (Harry) but rather Snape's own limits that are preventing them from being a family.
Maybe something will happen over the Winter Hols? Perhaps a little family reunion between Father and Son?
Can't wait for the next chapter!! Update soon!
This was a powerful chapter. You depicted the pain that Snape is in exceedingly well, as well as the earlier chapters showed Harry's pain. I hope there is some resolution for both of them soon and that Snape doesn't have to stay on the path he's been on for so long. Dumbledore is great for telling Snape to do something, such as reach out to Harry, without giving any means for achieving it in light of his other demands on the man. It was also great to see Harry take the plunge...I just really hope it works for him and there is some positive result from this for both of them.
Poor Harry keeps getting denied by Snape. I wonder if he ran off to the Astronomy Tower again. Hope you can update again soon!
Title: Walls and Bridges
| 23 Sep 2007 3:16 pm
Reviewer: Elfwyn (Anonymous)
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Wow, awesome story. I love the very different occulmency lessons and Snape's struggle to come to term with Harry. But why hasn't Harry angst over being a child of rape, even if it saved his mothers life? Also shouldn't Harry have warned his friends not to speak about this as if would jeopardize Snape's spying? After all Harry should realize Ron isn't the most discrete of persons.
Good chapter although it seems like Harry is learning to shield his mind a bit fast. Perhaps he should still need lessons in maintaining his defences. Hope you add another chapter soon!
Title: Walls and Bridges
| 22 Sep 2007 8:38 pm
Reviewer: jljaina (Anonymous)
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This is looking really good so far. I really hope Snape comes around to face Harry in a better fashion. at least he got a bit of a wake up call to Harry's life.
I can't believe that Severus still won't face the facts about what happened to Harry, and is ignoring him when it's so obvious that they both want the same thing. Great chapter, keep up the good work, and please update again soon. LES
I've always loved how the Weasleys just took Harry in and all but adopted him. It's good to see him get to have a birthday party and a little fun. Sounds like he's got a bombshell coming soon, though.
A very intriguing start! I'm curious to see what's next.
Harry handled himself very well in this chapter. Nothing would make Snape sit up and take notice more than keeping his cool in potions and actually doing well. Glad they have a truce.