A hilarious, bittersweet, and lovely story
Title: Happy Birthday, Alastor
| 21 Mar 2019 7:16 am
Reviewer: Luna (Signed)
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Sweet stories. Wishing for more....
This was the sweetest, funniest, cutest, most adorable fic. I LOVED IT! It made me smile, it made me laugh out loud - loudly - and, yes, it made me cry. Very well done.
Author's Response: I loved writing it very much.
This made me laugh and laugh. Loved it. Sorry it ended so quickly.
Author's Response: ;) I'm glad you enjoyed it so much.
awwwwww. Sev wrote Alaster a story. How sweet.
I adore Tonks... Never, ever say a bad word in front of a child, because it will be the ONE word they hear out of a whole paragraph and proceed to never forget it and to repeat it in front of everyone... -sigh-
I thoroughly enjoyed this.
Author's Response: I'm glad you did. :)
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