Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For The Gambler's Son
Title: Chapter 2: Before we lose our way 25 Oct 2007 3:37 pm
Reviewer: Caramello (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, I really like this story. A lot. It's very good indeed. My one concern about the plotline so far is that Lily is drinking while she's pregnant, which is a well known cause to many birth defects. I don't know if that was intentional or not, I just thought I'd bring it up. But really, this story is my fortay and I'm thrilled I picked it up. I hope to see more updates soon too ;)

    Author's Response: Thank you so much for your review! I initially wrote the thing about Lily drinking wine in the first chapter before I'd planned for her to have a baby (I know I should plan things before I start- but I'm more of a spontaneous writer, which has its faults!!!) so then I decided to make it just the one glass, and she won't be doing it again! 

    They'll be more updates vvv soon. I'm at work tomorrow, but hopefully I'll be able to get another chapter out. So please carry on reading and letting me know your thoughts! :-)
Title: Chapter 2: Before we lose our way 25 Oct 2007 3:35 pm
Reviewer: ER (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter. I like that Snape gave Harry a choice. I would have chosen the spanking too. At least with that it was all over with and forgotten. I also like that Lily has trouble disciplining Harry because she sees so much of James in him. I think that's very realistic. Thanks for the update. I can't wait to read more!

    Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing! I'm so glad that you like it, I was worried that people might hate what I write, but so far most people are being lovely and the criticism I do get is very constructive. I'll update very soon, so keep a look out for chapter 3! :-)
Title: Chapter 1: Let the games begin. 25 Oct 2007 2:31 pm
Reviewer: pdantzler (Signed) [Report This]
    How cute was this? I liked the chapter though it was short. I like that Harry is rambucious and boyish, and Snape is the irritated, annoyed stepfather who yells a lot and ruins Lily's peace. And I love that Lily won't get involved and choses to hide when trouble arises.

    I'm off to read the next chapter

    Author's Response: I love your stories so much! LOL I just wanted to say that first off. The ironic thing is that I'd just used the word 'rambucious' to describe Harry in chapter three!!! Hope you enjoyed chapter two, and I'll just say about how much I admire your writing! :-)
Title: Chapter 2: Before we lose our way 25 Oct 2007 1:59 pm
Reviewer: wynnleaf (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm impressed with how realistically you write this family, not just the two different parent's attitudes toward the child and parenting, but also their attitudes toward one another, and Harry's attitude toward both his parents.

    I could easily picture Snape in this sort of position and trying to be both disciplinarian as well as caring for Harry at the same time.

    And the way you wrote the first chapter, and how Lily lived while James died for Harry was so believable! Many times this sort of storyline comes across as far too contrived, but I thought your version worked quite well.

    Author's Response: I know what you mean about contrived. Sometimes you read a story where everything is just a little bit too picture perfect, and that wasn't how I always imagined things to be, though it's just a personal opinion. Thank you so much for sharing your comments with me, I hope that you like my next chapter as much! 
Title: Chapter 2: Before we lose our way 25 Oct 2007 1:19 pm
Reviewer: MorwenIsilwen (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow...I didn't think I'd like this, but it's very good!

    We rarely see a good Harry who wasn't abused, and I'm glad that you've done such a good job so far keeping him in character.

    I can't wait to read more!

    Author's Response: Hehe, I'm glad I surprised you! I hope I don't disapoint with the next chapter! Thanks for your review! 
Title: Chapter 2: Before we lose our way 25 Oct 2007 11:50 am
Reviewer: alba (Anonymous) [Report This]
    As coming from a family who work in different aspects of social services I can say your view of the family is realistic. Some families are like this. Harry is a spoiled brat, Lily needs a good shaking and Severus well I feel very sorry for him. I enjoy reading this story and look forward to your next chapter.

    Author's Response: thank you for saying that it is realistic- emotionally- that is the angle I am going for with this fic. I'm glad you enjoy reading it, and i'm already half way through writing the next chapter :-)
Title: Chapter 2: Before we lose our way 25 Oct 2007 1:09 am
Reviewer: curlybean (Signed) [Report This]
    Thanks so much for the quick update. I don't think your Snape seemed overly harsh, just very Snapish. I do think, though, that he would probably have learned to love Harry after being a daily part of his life for the last 6 years. You did show this love in this chapter. Even though Snape has a hard time showing that he loves Harry, it definitely comes through in his internal monologue and thoughts.

    The idea of Snape doing breathing exercises to calm himself down is hilarious. The fact that he finds it hard to even get past the number three is even more hilarious. He can be infinitely patient, usually when dealing with his potions, but I'm sure when he is dealing with troublesome children that patience goes right out the window.

    Severus' threat to give Harry something to cry about was great. And I love Harry calling him "Daddy". I wonder what Snape feels when he hears that? I'm sure it has to tug at his heart at least a little bit.

    My favorite part of the chapter has to be Snape quickly trying to change the subject with Lily to keep her from finding out how he handled that Seamus/Harry situation. And Harry's defense of Snape was too cute. "Only family can say mean things, right Daddy?" Too cute.

    So, I'm pretty sure that the thought of spending two weeks in his room and going to bed by 7pm was too much for Harry. Did he choose to let Snape immediately deal with his transgressions? I'm not sure if I would have been that brave?

    Sorry for the long review, but I truly loved the chapter. Thanks for sharing. Take care....

    Author's Response: I love your review! It's so nice to know which bits work well, as sometimes I write something and then after posting think "Oh no! maybe that wasn't right at all!". 
    The idea of Snape doing breathing exercises made me laugh outloud when it came into my head- I was at my university's cafe and a group of students looked at me like I was going mad!
    Hopefully you'll like the next chapter, and once again thank you for such a nice review, it made my day! :-) 
Title: Chapter 2: Before we lose our way 24 Oct 2007 11:25 pm
Reviewer: ScarlettPendragon (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG!! Little Harry tucked up in bed is soo cute!! I'm glad Severus isn't too too harsh with Harry, but he's right, the child definitely needs discipline so he's not a complete terror.
    I'm sorry though, I'm beginning to quite dislike your Lily, she sounds as though she's completely self-obsessed and living in the past!! To paraphrase one of my favourite sayings: "Get down off the cross, we need the wood!!"
    Severus and Harry had some really nice interaction in this chapter, and I hope we get to see them in situations when they're not at loggerheads with one another!! Looking forward to more!!

    Author's Response: I love that saying! I'd not heard it, but i'm going to keep it for future use. I love cute Harry, i'm writing some more of him at the moment! Harry and Severus will have a bit more bonding soon (though I bet Snape would hate the word 'bonding' LOL). Thanks for your lovely review! I'll have another chapter out very soon :-)
Title: Chapter 1: Let the games begin. 24 Oct 2007 2:32 pm
Reviewer: JEN77 (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Author's Response: Ooh you're shouting at me. LOL. I've not used any corporal punishment yet, so you'll just have to wait and see ;-P 
Title: Chapter 1: Let the games begin. 24 Oct 2007 7:31 am
Reviewer: Phoenix1 (Signed) [Report This]
    I looked at some of the reviews before posting my own because I didn't want to be to hard on this, but I have to say that I just can't think of Lily as the type of mother to sit in the tub when her son was about to get into trouble. In fact I can only imagine she'd be just the opposite. So I agree with everyone else and hope that Snape lightens up a little with Harry.

    Author's Response: I take your point, but I know from experience that some people change after losing their loved ones. I think perhaps that may become more apparent in the next few chapters. Thank you for your review though, it's nice to get feedback. 

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