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Reviews For The Gambler's Son
Title: Chapter 5: No good deed goes unpunished! 05 Nov 2007 11:40 pm
Reviewer: ScarlettPendragon (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG!! Did Harry just save himself and his Daddy?! Go Harry!! And Severus!! Willing to die so that Harry would live - I love your Severus, have I mentioned that?! LOL!!

    Whew!! What a roller coaster ride of a chapter!! This was absolutely fantastic - I was so worried/saddened about poor little Tortured!Harry when the chapter began and now I'm almost giddy with relief!!

    I hope we get some quality cuddles (and confessions!) in the next chapter, and I hope you're finally on the mend!!

    Author's Response: Hehe thank you for your feedback. We hopefully will get some nice, happy scenes coming up in the next chapter! Glad that you're enjoying the story :-)
Title: Chapter 5: No good deed goes unpunished! 05 Nov 2007 7:54 pm
Reviewer: Tobasco (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Your writing has improved greatly from the first chapter. Good job!


    Author's Response: Really? If anything I thought that this was the poorest chapter due to my ill health! :-P
Title: Chapter 5: No good deed goes unpunished! 05 Nov 2007 5:42 pm
Reviewer: lunaz (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I love how you showed the love Severus and Harry have for each other. And of course Harry has to do things his own way and not listen to Snape. Excellent chapter

    Author's Response: Hehe, of course Harry does. He's too stubborn for his own good lol. Thanks for your review! 
Title: Chapter 5: No good deed goes unpunished! 05 Nov 2007 5:38 pm
Reviewer: Eniledam (Signed) [Report This]
    Hahaha... is it "No Good Deed" from the musical, Wicked! :) Excellent chapter! I can hardly wait for the next one! Your writing is excellent!

    Author's Response: It certainly is! And now I have the song in my head.... thanks for your review, it means a lot to me that people like my story!
Title: Chapter 5: No good deed goes unpunished! 05 Nov 2007 4:38 pm
Reviewer: Caramello (Signed) [Report This]
    I totally knew something was up with that lemon drop, way back before Severus ever said anything. Smart thinking, that Dumbledore. And go Harry for doing whatever he did to Bellatrix, lol.

    Can't wait for more :D

    Author's Response: Hehe, i'm glad you got the lemon drop bit. It was quite hard for me to think of a way for Dumbledore to drop Severus a hint about it. I'm not sure yet what Harry did do to Bellatrix either, I'm going to have to think of something soon! thanks for reviewing!!! :-)
Title: Chapter 5: No good deed goes unpunished! 05 Nov 2007 4:20 pm
Reviewer: Heather (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I'm amazed that you can write this well even while being sick. I can't wait to find out what happens next. Hope you feel better soon!

    I'm guessing the musical is Honk, because of the 'playing with your food' references.

    Author's Response: Aww, thank you I'm glad that you like it! You'll find out very soon, as I'll be posting another chapter in a couple of days... I should be writing my thesis but oh well- it's more fun to do this! ;-)
Title: Chapter 5: No good deed goes unpunished! 05 Nov 2007 7:23 am
Reviewer: ER (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Amazing chapter. I hope Harry and Severus will be all right. Please keep writing.

    Author's Response: Thanks! I'll defo keep writing, got the next chapter all planned out, so keep a look out- it's on its way!!! :-)
Title: Chapter 5: No good deed goes unpunished! 05 Nov 2007 2:34 am
Reviewer: curlybean (Signed) [Report This]
    Excellent chapter! Even though you've been so sick, which I'm really sorry to hear, by the way, your writing is amazing. You are able to get into Harry's head (and Severus') in a way that is so unique.

    Isn't it amazing how such an event as this can be so life changing? Severus finally realizes how much Harry really means to him. I can't even imagine how he feels knowing that his past choices have put Harry into so much trouble. But, I do think that something so big needed to happen to cause such a paradigm shift between Harry and Snape.

    I love how Harry "accidentally" forgot to do what his daddy told him. Thank God for Snape's sake that he did. But, I'm wondering if Snape will see it quite so clearly once everything sinks in. I'm sure he will be so happy to see that Harry is safe, but once he realizes how much danger Harry put himself into by disobeying, he's not going to be too happy. Poor Harry.

    Thanks, by the way, for making me cry. The scene with Harry and Severus in the cell was brilliant. I could feel Harry's despair and practically came undone when he bent down to kiss Severus' forehead. My kids actually laughed at me for crying. Can you believe that?

    Anyway, thanks so much for the chapter. It's probably my favorite so far, and that is saying a lot, since I love this story. Hope you feel better soon. Remember, lots of water and rest. Take care.....

    Author's Response: I'm glad you're enjoying it, I was so tired and ill over the few days I was writing that I was worried I'd mess it up. I'm sorry I made you cry! I have a feeling the next chapter is going to be a little bit sad too, at the beginning, but then have some humor (a little hint- Snape and camping lol). I'm feeling a bit better now, only I'm so behind on my studies.... it's so much more fun to write instead.... Thanks for your lovely review! 
Title: Chapter 5: No good deed goes unpunished! 05 Nov 2007 2:07 am
Reviewer: Meg (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Could your quote come from Wicked! My current favorite Musical.

    I'm loving your story so far, it's very interesting and I'm anxious to know what happens next. Keep up the great work and I hope you feel better soon.

    Author's Response: It is indeed! I wanted to use the quote "no one mourns the wicked" but I forgot to. I am in love with Wicked! I saw it last year but am desperate to go again... thanks for your review! :-)
Title: Chapter 5: No good deed goes unpunished! 05 Nov 2007 1:34 am
Reviewer: JMGodfreyIII (Anonymous) [Report This]
    wow! killer cliffie!

    Author's Response: I know, I feel a bit mean Lol.

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