I really enjoyed this one. Thank you.
OMG!! What a fantastic story!! I just love this idea - that Harry could have been, should have been happy, and that changing one thing sets in motion changes that no one expects!! Your treatment of the subject is particularly exceptional, and I am in awe of your work!!
Your characters are 'in character' with just slight adjustments from where you veer from canon, and it is very easy to see how each might have turned out this way given their changed circumstances! (Oh dear, I hope that came out right **squints** I think that says what I meant to say, which is basically BRAVO!)
Yes Please!! Put me down for more snippets, hell, put me down for a series of fics in this AU that covers each year at Hogwarts, as well as more time with Wee!Harry and Papa!Severus!!
Hmm... Maybe a glimpse of a happier Christmas for the poor little mite? Maybe meeting Moony for the first time, with Severus pacing nervously in the background with his hand clenched around his hidden wand? Maybe Severus going toe to toe with Dumbledore over one of his manipulation attempts? Maybe a Young!Harry and Young!Draco sitting around wondering why their Mom and Dad never remarried each other so they could be 'real' brothers? Maybe Narcissa and Sirius and Severus trying to explain Bellatrix to Young!Harry - say what does happen to Mad!Bella anyway? Maybe a glimpse of a non-obese, non-bullying Dudley (since his parents didn't have to spoil him rotten to overcompensate for having a 'freak' in their house)? Maybe Neville and Draco being friends at Hogwarts? Maybe Luna and Harry becoming friends much earlier than 5th year? Maybe Severus smiting the ever-living crap out of a possessed Quirrell, or laying the smackdown on publicity hound Lockhart, or smelling polyjuice on 'Moody's' breath? I gather Severus doesn't become a teacher and the 'greasy git' of the dungeons, but are the Slytherins treated any better since the Chosen One is among their ranks, or are they still ostracized and booed at each Sorting as little Death Eaters in training - enquiring minds want to know!! LOL!!
So I think you could certainly expand greatly on this universe, whenever you have time obviously (no pressure!), and I will add you as a favorite author so I'll know when/if you do post something else!! Thank you again for sharing this wonderful story with us!! Scarlett
Title: Outtake: When It Alteration Finds
| 31 Oct 2007 5:16 pm
Reviewer: Lunaz (Anonymous)
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I truly enjoyed reading this story. Funny how one little thing can change everything. Great story.
That was a lovely outtake. I can easily see Ginny being the only one around brave enough to see Harry as he really is and not be scared. And yes, I would be interested to see how the new situation affects aspects of Harry's school years in other outtakes.
Title: Chapter 4: What Could Have Been - Part Three
| 31 Oct 2007 4:50 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed)
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Oh, that was lovely. Draco is still Draco, the twins are still the twins, Hermione is still Hermione, and Ron is so sweet. Brilliant idea making Harry a Canons fan, which allowed Draco to tease Ron without it hurting since Harry has the same obsession.
Title: Chapter 3: What Could Have Been: Part Two
| 31 Oct 2007 4:30 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed)
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"If he had been trained properly, he would be able to tap into that power that the prophecy was talking about."
I think this is one of the things that most bothers me most about DH is that Rowling completely ignored this part of the prophesy. Apparently the power was love, but it is never really clearly proclaimed and he does need to actually duel Voldie--and that whole process succeeds not because of Harry's power but because of the power of the wand. I'm enjoying your superpower!Harry. Can't wait until he finds out he's in Slytherin.
Title: Chapter 2: What Could Have Been - Part One
| 31 Oct 2007 4:18 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed)
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I wasn't sure at first if you could make this new scenario believable, but I have been able to suspend disbelief. ;-) I assume this was written after HBP, since there was no break between Severus and Lily after 5th year. Given the background, I think Harry's life is accurately imagined.
Title: Outtake: When It Alteration Finds
| 31 Oct 2007 3:57 pm
Reviewer: FoxxNyara (Signed)
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I enjoyed this, but I have to admit that I was waiting for the catch. I expected some crack of doom and the world to end. It's nice to think that everything could have turned around and ended so well.