Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 10 - Hate 16 Jun 2008 9:19 am
Reviewer: Wolff (Anonymous) [Report This]
    i'm french so sorry if i speak bad.
    your fiction is the best that i have read ! i love it, Snape, Harry , i love.
    Please update !
Title: Chapter 10 - Hate 16 Jun 2008 12:32 am
Reviewer: ttlyWitching (Signed) [Report This]
    gah. this is probably one of my favorite stories ever. mostly i write about snape as a double character that is nice, but sometimes it's nice to see him be the jerk he was intended to be. i hope you can update soon
Title: Chapter 10 - Hate 15 Jun 2008 4:38 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]
    Another powerful chapter. Harry needed Vampyr during this time to stay sane, and it seems that Severus is admitting to himself what he wants from Harry--but he sure hasn't done anything to warrant Harry's love and respect. I can't wait to see how you work this out.
Title: Chapter 10 - Hate 15 Jun 2008 11:19 am
Reviewer: Cecilia Farrell (Anonymous) [Report This]
    That was wonderful, i always smile a little when i see that this story's been updated its one of my favourites on this site! Poor Snape he seems at the end of his tether and he's definitely not coping with the intensity of emotion Harry's levelling at him- of course i don't think Harry's coping that well either, he seems to be just as confused and tired. The whole chapter seethes with exhausted anger, whilst nothing seems to happen on the physical level- they start in the kitchen and end in it- the whole tone and relationship has definitely shifted and they are facing each other again in the kitchen from a very different level. I like how you use banter at the beginning to convey familiarity and a comfort of sorts between the two, (Harry's retorts are very witty, lol, i always enjoy and look forward to their little conversations :D) but its all downhill from their when Dumbledore gets thrown into the mix. It seems as though Harry realises on another level that Snape really isn't going to let him go and he's frightened of what will become of his and the threat of his whole world-his friends, his school life, everything stable and comforting to him- shattering. Snape almost pleads with him, he seems desperate for Harry not to hate him, which is definitely a new Snape, although if you think about it Snape#s actions up to now do exactly that to a degree- the schoolboy, the apprentice, etc- i felt really sorry for him at that moment in the bedroom, but he keeps his cool and refuses to argue or lose his temper, he won't hurt him or do anything more than restrain him. But has he revealed too much to him though? What will become of their relationship now that Snape's confession has given an insight into his motivation. Does Snape yearn for a son that badly??? Perhaps he's already adopted him??? Oh well enough with the questions and rambling, i guess i'll have to be patient and wait for future chapters, lol.
    God i hate cliffhangers!!!
    Pleaseeeee update soon or i think i'll go mad.
Title: Chapter 10 - Hate 15 Jun 2008 10:20 am
Reviewer: Scorpia (Signed) [Report This]
    "How could I miserable while I'm here with you, Father?"
    ROFL, Harry, you RASCAL! Lol, good boy.Vampyr was so sweet to Harry, I don't see alot on animals in HP fanfiction, except Sirius and that does not count, lol. Great chapter, I am really looking forward to more.
Title: Chapter 10 - Hate 15 Jun 2008 8:47 am
Reviewer: tabbycat (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow. I'm really curious as to what is going on. Why is Snape being so weird? Is he actually mad, or is Harry really his son? Thanks so much for putting more of Vampyr in - he's really a big softie! I think the toys are good. I'll be waiting for the next update. Oh, and does Dumbledore have ANY idea what is going on?
Title: Chapter 10 - Hate 15 Jun 2008 8:08 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    This is the strangest story I have ever read. But I love it. Here are two sad, semi broken people who really need each other. I have no idea where this is going, but I will follow.
Title: Chapter 10 - Hate 15 Jun 2008 8:00 am
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Signed) [Report This]
    Ooooh. Cliffy. This was a really interesting chapter - Harry and Vampyr seemed to bond a bit too. I can't wait to see what Snape says next XD
Title: Chapter 10 - Hate 15 Jun 2008 5:42 am
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    cliffhanger? thats really mean! i hope the next chapter is coming soon cause i really wanna know snapes plan!
Title: Chapter 10 - Hate 15 Jun 2008 1:59 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, fantastic chapter. So full of tension. I love it.

    "Any more studying, and I won't need to go to Hogwarts this year at all."

    Heheh!! XD Too cute! Great line.

    I love this story, and you had to end it at such a cliff hanger! Just what does Snape plan to do with Harry?

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