Poor Harry, Snape is such an ass!
I don't know why, but for some reason that chapter made me cry. Sorry that I haven't been reviewing for the other chapters, but I'm a full time college student, with a part time job, honors classes, and I'm pledging a service sorority right now. Thanks for the update. Your writing is amazing. I hope you'll update your other time and place to grow story soon, but take your time. Awesome job as usual.
I'm glad to know that things are turning a corner. I could definitely feel that in this chapter, but it was good to know. At this point, I really want to know what has tipped Snape over the edge.
Title: Chapter 6 - Cold
| 12 Apr 2008 1:49 am
Reviewer: chmcm (Signed)
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This story getting more and more interesting. Thanks for the update.
Title: Chapter 6 - Cold
| 12 Apr 2008 12:20 am
Reviewer: EL (Anonymous)
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When is this abuse going to stop? That's what all of these mind games are.
I LOVE IT! You are simply amazing, Perry :D I loved the details of him falling through the floor, the chain shortening, that Vampyr let him pet him, etc... And the ending has me thrilled to pieces. I really hope you are able to update again soon :D
I'm with Harry—I can't figure out what Snape's deal is, either. He does seem a little nuts.
I was thinking the sore throat was going to be a magical thing. Like, Snape needed to make Harry cry to break some sort of curse, and Harry's sore throat was from him holding back tears. But it sounds like he has the cold I'm finally getting over. Watch out for the lingering cough that lasts decades, Harry!
Anyway, it's all very enjoyable. I haven't been reading much as I’m focusing on writing, but I couldn't resist this. Thank you for sharing your story with us!
Awww, this was fantastic! I love how Harry is fixed on this idea of pretending - it does a lovely job making it clear that he is a little boy. I think that maybe, Harry is having at least a small effect on the Potions Master. He seemed to be getting a little, slightly nicer. Dare I hope? And now Harry's sick. I thought that this would happen once you mentioned that he had a sore throat, but now Snape has gone and made it a million times worse.
Snape seemed much more enraged about Harry reading the letter than breaking the dragon. I was a little surprised, but that's showing that Harry is a little boy - of course he wanted to play with the dragon. I think Snape is seeing that now, maybe? I like the games that they play with each other, even though Harry doesn't get them, and Snape is being mean with them. He seems really awkward.
So now we get the sick Harry scene, that every fic must have because they are always so great! Yay! Thank you so much for the update! I know that you have been really busy. I really hope that you get more free time soon, so that we can read more! A sick Harry scene! YAAY!!
I loved this. And I had to laugh at Harry's childish "You're too stupid..." phrases. And of course, I nearly shriveled with warm fuzzies at the end...I knew a moment like that was coming. And I've been waiting. Patiently. Well, sort of... But your last two lines were perfect, and the image of Harry clinging to Snape's robes...and Snape having the decency not to shove him away, just...it was the best.
Thanks for updating this one, Perry. It's my fave. The new chapter's brilliant :)
Title: Chapter 6 - Cold
| 11 Apr 2008 3:38 pm
Reviewer: Deco (Anonymous)
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You'd have to admit Harry asked for that one. Good chapter.