Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 3 - Chores 02 Dec 2007 5:55 pm
Reviewer: Caramello (Signed) [Report This]
    I love it! Forget anyone who still flames this story, it's good and you know it, as well as so many others of us who can appreciate it for what it is. I have the feeling that was some sort of laid-off letter from Dumbledore, but I sure hope not. We don't need a Cinderella-Harry for the rest of his life, lol.

    Can't wait for more!
Title: Chapter 3 - Chores 02 Dec 2007 11:58 am
Reviewer: mamaduck (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This story is so interesting, Perry. Thanks for posting so quickly (I've been reading your other story updates too; you have been busy!)
    I'm really enjoying Snape and Harry. Part of me wonders if the abduction and Snape being mean is all part of a greater plan...who knows what Dumbledore has going on in his head. Perhaps Dubmledore was apologizing for having Snape take Harry?? See , my overactive imagination is having a field day! Post more soon, please, and put me out of my misery! Quinn
Title: Chapter 3 - Chores 02 Dec 2007 11:13 am
Reviewer: Twinheart (Signed) [Report This]
    Again - I have to say this is fascinating - very original! It sounds like Snape took Harry and is being mean to him in revenge against Albus..(who perhaps fired him?) But Snape's cruelty seems to have limits - he doesn't beat him up - he feeds him - and he went and freed Hedwig? And Snape's tirade at Harry's bedside when Harry was too sleepy to even listen was revealing - Snape certainly resents Harry in a big way. Some of Snape's comments make me wonder if he sometimes is reliving his own childhood and thinks Harry is James. I definately think Snape is losing his grip on reality.

    This is a wonderful story, with alot of depth and intrigue. Some readers looking for the same old Snape-nurtures-Harry story may be put off but don't let that bother you. Looking at all your reviews, I'd say you done what every writer strives to do - you've drawn in readers and made them sit up and think! Well done! Can't wait for more!
Title: Chapter 3 - Chores 02 Dec 2007 10:41 am
Reviewer: curlybean (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter, Perry. I only noticed one or two mistakes and those were just typos. Nothing major.

    I am liking this story so far, not as much as your "A Time and Place" series, but I'm definitely liking it. Snape is just so mysterious. One minute he seems so horribly cruel, but the next he just seems like a bitter man trying to come across as horribly cruel. Does that make sense?

    I love how he keeps making threats that he never seems to keep. No lunch if you don't finish your chores, but then eat your lunch so you have strength enough to finish the impossible list of chores I've left you. His bark really is much worse than his bite. Although I really can picture him taking a slipper to Harry as punishment.

    I'm really curious as to what the letter from Hogwarts says. Definitely a reason for some of Snape's bitterness. That and the fact that he is obviously jealous/envious of Harry.

    Anyway, thanks so much for the update. Can't wait to see what happens next. BTW, did you ever see Daniel Radcliffe in 'David Copperfield'? He really did a wonderful job. Very cute movie.
Title: Chapter 3 - Chores 02 Dec 2007 10:03 am
Reviewer: mnfm (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter! Please continue.
Title: Chapter 3 - Chores 02 Dec 2007 9:14 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Hmmm, this is very interesting. I am enjoying. While I love sweet Snape stories, seeing another side of him is good. Of course, Harry is too blinded by hatred to realize that Snape freed Hedwig
Title: Chapter 3 - Chores 02 Dec 2007 9:11 am
Reviewer: wynnleaf (Signed) [Report This]
    You're bringing in what looks like hints about what is going on with Snape. The letter sounds like something very distressing, as Dumbledore addresses Snape as though he's got something perhaps even tragic to impart. Then Snape's comments about Harry being Dumbledore's "favorite" seem to reflect some bitterness and jealousy regarding what Snape perceives as Dumbledore's favor.

    It seems that Snape may have gotten Hedwig for Harry, but won't acknowledge it. And then there are Snape's over-the-top threats which are very canon-like, and which, as in canon, he doesn't actually follow through on.

    I'm still very interested to see where you're going with this.
Title: Chapter 3 - Chores 02 Dec 2007 8:52 am
Reviewer: Aisha (Anonymous) [Report This]
    OOps my review got submit with the name " anonymous" by mistake. Its the one right below.I am thinking of registering here btw.
Title: Chapter 3 - Chores 02 Dec 2007 8:47 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    The story is going nicely. It is interesting. Well.. neither Snape nor Harry are very much in character to be truthful especially Snape, but it doesn't stop it from being an interesting story, after all I've been reading cloying versions of Snape for quite some time, there is no harm in reading a cruel and demented Snape like this too.

    BTW I've read the article you gave link of and actually I am a little surprised at the fact that you are surprised by the article. I mean it was very apparent right from the start of HBP that Snape belongs from a poor family. I don't think an article is needed trying to prove this fact to us and this fact kind of increases his respect (for the lack of better word) for me because he beacme Malfoy's friend or excelled in school or as a death eater or as a useful player in the war solely on his abilities.I mean look at the Weasely's they are also poor, Dumbledore wasn't exactly from wealthy family too (though I am not sure). Why is he being por is so shocking? And as far as the” hygiene” in the mentioned article go, I think JRK never indented to make it look like this. I think hair thing was meant to be purely genetic.

    Anyway back to the story. Nice chapter it was as usual.I’m thinking that Snape released Hedwig from the cage?? It looks like it. Overall you’re doing a fine job with this fic pdantzler. Its different. Keep it going.
Title: Chapter 3 - Chores 02 Dec 2007 8:31 am
Reviewer: Ellie K (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm not sure what to think of this story...

    Mostly it throws me off, but other times I'm intrigued.

    It's not so much the fact that Snape is mean (for instance, I loved the story In Blood Only, in which Snape is emphatically not a secret cuddly bunny...). It's the fact that in your story, he seems a bit deranged too, and I can't account for that now.

    On the other hand, I like other elements in the story, such as the atmosphere of the house, the weird scary dog, and just generally the situation of Harry having to live with this ridiculously deranged professor and figure out what's going on; I'm curious about where you're going with this. And it's funny you mention Dickens, because Snape is behaving like a Dickensian villain. He's over-the-top and fond of corporal punishment and turns Harry into a work boy.

    I do like the little hints you're dropping that there might be more going on than meets the eye. Hedwig is free, which strongly leads me to believe that Snape freed her, and I wonder if he had to encounter the Dursleys while doing so. And there's the beginnings of a letter from Dumbledore and I'm thinking, what is the headmaster so sorry to inform him about? Has something tragic happened that set Snape over the edge? And then there are all of Snape's threats - no lunch if you don't finish your chores - that he doesn't actually carry out, for all that he is an abusive man.

    So I'm going to keep checking in to see where you go with this; I'm not sure I'll like the story, but I'm holding out for more chapters until I decide.

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