Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 3 - Chores 02 Dec 2007 7:55 am
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    You have no idea how happy it makes me that you wrote another chapter of this story so soon. I love it. I read it first on ff.net and then just had to come to this site and read it again. lol.

    I loved everything about this chapter. The descriptive language you use is fantastic. I had several favorite moments in this chapter. Hmm...here's one:

    "Don't you turn away when I'm talking to you," Snape ordered. "Look at me when I'm speaking to you."

    Harry reluctantly turned around, feeling childish.

    **I love the fact that you had Harry turning around slowly and how he felt like a child when doing so was just perfect... I can't explain it, I just really liked this part. It was so...Snape-like.

    Maybe it's just me, but I don't see a terribly cruel AU Snape here. He is very much in canon. I think we just get used to reading the stuff where Snape melts our hearts, that it's hard to shift back to what J.K. originally intended. Sure, Harry is tired and has to do a crap-load of chores, but Snape could me much crueler. People who can't at least sense the direction of this fic...well...I won't say it. lol.

    Okay: the end. Made me laugh. I was just cracking up at the image of Snape smacking Harry's behind and waiting for a reaction...and Harry just lying there, not really sure if the smack even hurt or not. That was great. See, and here's another thing: Snape spoke of a slipper when he very well could have said something like, "I'll cane you until you pass out" or something equally cruel. But to me, a spanking with a slipper would be stern but not cruel. I'd like to see Harry get punished for actually doing something dangerous and see if Snape reacts differently...but that probably wouldn't happen until later chapters.

    Anyway, I'm rambling, and I'm sorry. But I adore this story. And if you decide you do want someone to look over your chapters for grammar mistakes before you post them, I'd be more than willing. I return edited stories back pretty quickly.

    Thanks for another awesome chapter!
Title: Chapter 3 - Chores 02 Dec 2007 3:07 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Fantastic chapter! Snape is so in character!! I loved this line:
    "Snape turned and left Harry to stand in the garden of a thousand chores." Wow.

    And Snape went and saved Hedwig, didn't he? He's not completely bad then. Thank you for the update! Fantastic chapter.
Title: Chapter 3 - Chores 02 Dec 2007 12:16 am
Reviewer: SiriuslyMental (Signed) [Report This]
    Awww, poor little Harry. Dan Radcliffe was so adorable when he was that young, too. I remember that film on the telly - he made such a good Davie! I had that imagery all through my head this chapter. Wonderful job.

    If you need a fast beta, I'd be pleased to help.
Title: Chapter 2 - Morning Talks 18 Nov 2007 4:04 pm
Reviewer: celestialuna (Signed) [Report This]
    good chapter.
Title: Chapter 2 - Morning Talks 18 Nov 2007 6:37 am
Reviewer: bellatrix (Signed) [Report This]
    I didn't write a review the first time I read this story, however, reading what some other people have said has encouraged me to give my own opinion.
    I simply cannot comprehend how anyone may think your characterisation of Snape to be too harsh! I mean, seriously, have they not read J K Rowling's books? Snape hates Harry, he only aids him out of his love for Lily. He says that clearly when he shows Dumbledore his patronus in 'The Prince's Tale.'

    I think this story is positively refreshing. It's a realistic (though I love your other Snape as well) and it's making me wait on tenterhooks which must be a sign of its awesomeness.

    Well that's my two pence thrown in...
Title: Chapter 2 - Morning Talks 16 Nov 2007 8:19 pm
Reviewer: midnight rain (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awesome chap. I can't believe ur making Severus soooo cruel!!! *sob*
Title: Chapter 1 - Vampyr and a Bat 16 Nov 2007 1:18 am
Reviewer: Rain (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Snape is brilliant here. JKR herself said that Snape wasn't a good guy, he just loved Lily and that was his only redeeming quality, basically.

    Harry, on the other hand, I find very out of character. He sounds more like he's 8, not almost 12. After everything he went through, all the pain from keeping the PS from Voldemort, I don't see a horrific spanking, or even many, having him begging Snape for mercy.

    8/10--For Harry being out of character.
Title: Chapter 2 - Morning Talks 15 Nov 2007 2:03 pm
Reviewer: jenjen (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well, you're a great writer, so in that sense it is well written, I guess I'm just not feeling Snape as being ridiculously cruel.
    But, too bad for me I guess, since some people seem to be into this. I just hope you don't give up on your other story, because I really really love your Snape in that one!!
Title: Chapter 2 - Morning Talks 15 Nov 2007 1:17 pm
Reviewer: mamaduck (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm so glad you're continuing this story. I think it would be refreshing to write something entirely different and unexpected.

    The mystery continues! This Snape does seem to enjoy being nasty. Poor Harry. I can't help thinking there's much more to this than meets the eye.

    The dog is interesting. I'm having some trouble picturing him in my mind - I see a mastiff or wolfhound type.

    This is an entertaining story and I like it. The description of the house is very good. Write more please, and post soon. Mamaduck
Title: Chapter 2 - Morning Talks 15 Nov 2007 3:20 am
Reviewer: Delaine (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hey There,
    I reviewed you fic over at ffdotnet, and after seeing the mixed bag of reviews I thought I'd give you a shout out here too. While I miss the kinder, gentler Snape in your ATAPTL, this Snape is intriquing as hell. And I'll say again, he is much more true to the character of Severus in the books. Fan fic alone has made him a warm, fuzzy Harry-lover. Even with a perfect oportunity to do so in the last book, JK didn't go for it. Keep up the great writing. Your getting lots of reviews, even if some folks are worried. I'm looking forward to your update of Place to Learn as well. You're probably sick of hearing that. But that Harry has a spanking coming also, yes? And the kid lied too. You could really satisfy your current need for Snape to go harsh in that one. Anyhoo, thanks for all the great writing. Your fics are all very good.


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