Title: Epilogue
| 23 Mar 2010 2:20 am
Reviewer: dorp (Anonymous)
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That. Was so. CUTE. Oh god it made me all warm and fuzzy inside. I like how the beginning is so horrid as well, and it really does a good job of increasing the fuzziness by small increments, so you don't really notice they're being civil to each other until after the fact. Oh, and Harry running about pretending he's a gladiator and everything? I pretended the same sorts of weird crap when I was that age, I absolutely love how it's portrayed here. Add in Snape being utterly baffled by eleven year-old antics and this just becomes the perfect story.
Thanks for the great read!!
That was... incredibly odd. I have to say, definitely the most original - and crazy - Snape adopts Hurry fic ever. Really. What were you on? :P Still, consider it a mark of approval that I stuck with it to the end - even if just to see where the plot was going!
So, I just finished my third read of this fabulous story. I guess it is about time I wrote a review, huh?! How you kept Snape in character and yet made his adoption of Harry absolutely reasonable is beyond me - it was beautifully done!! No matter how many times I read it, when Harry curls around Snape, crying, saying that Snape needs him just as much as he needs Snape I am crying right along with him. What a wise, mischievious child your Harry is!!!
I hope that sometime you will feel inclined to give us some stories of the years that follow while Harry is in Hogwarts. I would love to see your Snape and Harry again!!!
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story with us!
Title: Epilogue
| 18 May 2009 12:11 pm
Reviewer: ramist (Anonymous)
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wow, this story is sooo beautiful. it made me cry a few times:)
Lovely (?) story. I loved how these two bickered to the end--and that Harry was willing to love a man who had so few ways of being able to show someone he loves them. I also liked that you kept the identity of Harry's fiance a secret. Fun touch.
As usual, this story takes the Snape-adopts-Harry cliche's and turns them on their heads in the strangest ways. I snickered all through Harry trying to nastily blackmail Severus into keeping him, only to turn so sweet when he finds out Severus already plans to adopt him. It's obvious that this Harry and this Severus deserve each other. ;-)
Awww ^_^ What an adorably twisted family, hehe.
I really enjoyed reading this story! It was very original, the way you wrote everything had a creative result. Crazy!Snape just cracked me up sometimes, especially when he felt awkward, though I did sympathize with Harry a lot. Snape can be quite harsh when he chooses…
I loved the change Harry made to being happily rebellious and impish. At first things were grim and sad for him, but in the end he felt free to act like any other kid with a ‘parent’. Their relationship is truly an odd one, but the bond is there.
I do wonder whom Harry planned to marry though... the 'twit' comment made me think of Luna :D
Title: Epilogue
| 16 Apr 2009 2:50 pm
Reviewer: tabbycat (Anonymous)
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Brilliant story! Good ending - Snape didn't go OOC for it - well done!
Oh, what an end. Thank you! Mila
Title: Epilogue
| 16 Apr 2009 9:41 am
Reviewer: Kazza (Anonymous)
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Wow! What a story. A wonderful, witty ending to a great story. Thank you, it's so refreshing to see Snape closer to how I imagine him. I still don't know where the 'Snape is posh' rubbish came from - his tone, manner and language are so not posh. It's obviously one of the reasons the snobbish James and Sirius hated him - he was just a lower class bit of scum they could target. (I was surprised to see a bathroom. In most uncoverted 2 up 2 down houses the bathroom is the kitchen tap and a bucket or tin bath.)