Title: Chapter 1 - Vampyr and a Bat
| 10 Nov 2007 3:09 am
Reviewer: Aisha (Anonymous)
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Oh my goodness... Snape has completely lost his mind!.. What is with him? Poor little kid Harry..
Looking forward to update though, lets see what Snape can further do.
Title: Chapter 1 - Vampyr and a Bat
| 09 Nov 2007 7:25 pm
Reviewer: jen (Anonymous)
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OK- I am normally a HUGE fan of yours, and I must say that while your writing is supurb as usual, I was surprised by this story. As much as I love seeing an authoritative Snape with a firm hand, I don't enjoy seeing Snape as a hateful abusive man. It is disturbing for me and I would much rather read your other fics with Snape as a discipline-loving mentor, not a monster!
Title: Chapter 1 - Vampyr and a Bat
| 09 Nov 2007 6:39 pm
Reviewer: SnapesYukuai (Anonymous)
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Well, as you stated, it´s not fluffy, but I think it´s a brilliant story. Please, continue quickly as I really strive for more chaps. ^^ ~look at you with puppy eyes~ (perhaps it helps)
Mental abuse! yes, very different from your other stories!!!!
Title: Chapter 1 - Vampyr and a Bat
| 08 Nov 2007 5:13 pm
Reviewer: Ayana (Anonymous)
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Great story! i think I actually liek this story better then ur other one, but I've always liked stories in which snape is cruel more than the others soo...hehe but yea I love both your stories! ^^
*is waiting impatiently fro an update* xD
Title: Chapter 1 - Vampyr and a Bat
| 08 Nov 2007 5:05 pm
Reviewer: ER (Anonymous)
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Interesting. Different. I do find it amusing that a lot of writers think that the first thing Snape would do if he stumbled across Harry is to spank him. I didn't really see the point in this spanking other than showing Snape to be a cruel man, which I suppose he would be. I guess in this fic Snape won't be adopting Harry.
I like your descriptions of the bathroom and how old the house is. Is it Spinner's End or some place else?
Please keep writing.
Okay. That is definitely the most original Harry and Snape story I've read in a long time. And I love it. Snape is quite the beast in this one! But I could sense some impossibly tiny moments of mercy in his actions. I mean, he didn't HAVE to heal his wrist...
You described the setting brilliantly. Now that you've gotten us going on this new story, you must update soon!
Well this is an extremely orginal twist on a story. I'm not sure I like the attitude of your Severus, but as always I'm willing to hold out for the guy that's really underneath that crusty exterior. Keep up the awesome work, please update this, and your other stories again soon. LES
Title: Chapter 1 - Vampyr and a Bat
| 08 Nov 2007 12:53 pm
Reviewer: Eva (Signed)
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Ooooh! Why is Snape doing that? And, really, now I am a little too impatient than is necessary. I want update!!!
I loved your writing in your other stories and I loved your writing in this story as well although why Snape is acting that way, I would like to know. *shrugs*
Title: Chapter 1 - Vampyr and a Bat
| 08 Nov 2007 12:18 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed)
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I forgot to mention in my other review that I'm a little worried about Harry's foot where the dog bit him. Is it okay? I can only assume that Snape thinks it's not a big problem, but I keep thinking about when people get bit by dogs they go and get a tetanus shot or something.
Wow, poor Harry, probably frightened for his life with that dog there. Will he even be able to sleep?!