Title: Chapter 6 - Food
| 12 May 2010 2:24 pm
Reviewer: Ketterly (Anonymous)
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Love it!
Your Snapes are always perfect.
Title: Chapter 6 - Food
| 24 Jul 2009 11:38 am
Reviewer: Elin (Anonymous)
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I just found this story and I really like it so far, do you plan to finish it?
"I have some bad news and some more bad news and some worse news." - that was so brilliant!
Luna is so fantastic! I suppose a little difficult to live with, though. Great chapter!
I read this story a while ago, but I think I haven't reviewed it yet. So I'll do now, while I am re-reading... I really liked this chapter. It was depressing, but it is hardly to expect that everything would be sunshine and laughter after such a dark time. The judges are everything but unbiased, and hardly qualified. Hard to find someone who is a)qualified, b) still alive and c) hasn't been in league with Voldemort...
this is such a cool story please write more
Title: Chapter 6 - Food
| 26 Nov 2008 7:27 am
Reviewer: La Mariane (Anonymous)
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I've just discovered your story and I like it. I'm glad that Harry is taking a stance against abuse; Dumbledore was his mentor and he believed in second chances and expecting the best of people: I can see Harry jusitfying his present behaviour like this. and I hope that Draco will be treated better: how can you expect someone to change his whole way of life if you don't give them hope that things will improve? I think they (meaning Harry) should make Draco study, to give him an intellectual interest: doing housework all day will not help him reform and he will have a lot of time to stew in his thoughts. update soon please, but could you go easy on the angst for the next chapter? I know the themes of the story are serious but they all could do with a laugh!
Title: Chapter 5 - Searching Alleys
| 25 Jun 2008 6:01 pm
Reviewer: azoog (Anonymous)
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dear lord...i didn't know the hp series would be able to continue on so well w/o the actual author. Great job. I'm totally hooked! my perverted mind is taken the whole chained up draco thing to a whole new level. oOOO good heavens! plz continue. I want to know where this story is going AND SOON!!!
Harry is thinking like a muggle. He's forgetting about wizardspace! If a tent can have multiple rooms inside, then surely he can have a few rooms magically added to the old Black house. Maybe Kreacher could help Harry here.
I really like that you're showing Harry attempting to man up and take a stand for something. This is a much more realistic look at the new wizarding world than the candy-coated one that a lot of people use. Well done!