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Reviews For Redefining Family
Title: Chapter 4 - Shock 01 Dec 2007 12:54 am
Reviewer: Polaris (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh wow! I can't say I've been this excited about a WIP for awhile. This is just great, I feel like you're going to bring closure to a lot of the issues in the DH Epilogue that really bugged me.

    I know it looks bad now, with Draco chained up and everything, but I just love that Harry felt like he had to take him in and what I can imagine will come of it. And that last bit with Severus asking for help! It's just too exciting, I'm looking forward to see what's happening, though I hope he's alright.

    It seems like a lot of the adults have just gone a bit off the rails following the war. Which is understandable I guess. Is Mr Weasley as hardened as Arthur?

    I also have to say that I love that Luna and Neville will feature in this story a little, they're not in enough fics these days.

    So, I wonder if Harry will be anouncing that they have another room mate when he goes to help Severus? Hmm....

    Good luck with the next chapter!
Title: Chapter 3 - The Malfoy Trial 30 Nov 2007 11:46 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    WOW! So Harry got his way? Incredible and i'm glad. I want to smack Harry to being in such a position where he invited yet another person into his home, however, without asking his friends first. LOL. Haha great story so far!!!
Title: Chapter 1 - Dealing with It 30 Nov 2007 11:25 pm
Reviewer: cathyrf (Signed) [Report This]
    Very intriguing beginning...and original too. I like Harry living with Ron and Hermione - they have always been his "family."

    Adore Kreacher. And when is Snape going to join this? Hmmm...

    Here I go onto the next chapter.
Title: Chapter 2 - Another Work Day 30 Nov 2007 11:09 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    OH! The Malfoys! I must admit that I was not expecting that! I was expecting Snape at some point, but not the Malfoy family. They did work for Voldemort during the war, but Harry knows that hey weren't that active in it. Wow, I can't wait to read and see how Harry will try and defend them. He will, won't he? I hope so.

    I really like how Harry is offering to take in all his friends. :) I liked Luna. Neville was great. I think i need more descriptions of him physically though. He changed in book 7, and I can't really remember how, or what he would look like now.

    Fantastic story! There are a couple of typos you might want to go back and fix, or get someone to list for you. :)
Title: Chapter 4 - Shock 30 Nov 2007 10:46 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow! You write really well, but the amount of cruelty that Harry's friends are showing in this story really disturbs me. I can understand Neville being angry, but not vicious. Hermione might have cooked and Ron might have supplied a tent, but that shouldn't mean they have control over HARRY'S house. I know Harry is clinically depressed, but, his friends are vicious and they seem to have more say in decisions that he does. I'm not flaming...as I said, you write well, but I don't think this story is for me.
Title: Chapter 1 - Dealing with It 30 Nov 2007 10:06 pm
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    I love how Harry considers his friends his family! Arthur Weasley is terrifying!!! He's a ministry official for sure now! I don't think i like the state of the ministry and the war trials. It's very unsettling. I'm so glad that Harry has a wonderful, warm place to go home to! I like that Kreacher is so nice now. Good start!
Title: Chapter 1 - Dealing with It 30 Nov 2007 8:29 pm
Reviewer: Lynx (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I loved the title.
    It seems promising.
    It`s good to read something different every now and then.
    I`m look` forward to Snape appearance.
    Keep going

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