Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Redefining Family
Title: Chapter 1 - Dealing with It 13 May 2017 3:59 am
Reviewer: ARim (Signed) [Report This]
    Uhh; this is grim, Revenge, not checked by mercy; well written.
    Please keep this story going, it is so intriguing- there are many parallels in modern day politics- alas. Power, not checked by temperate knowledge or empathy. A refusal to see the consequences of unwise behaviour.--
    Real life can be worse than fiction.
    To fellow-readers: This story has been carried on over on fanfiction.net. A new chapter is written.
    Bravo, pdantzler. Please keep on. Severus still isn't healed or Harry and Draco. And Minerva is asking far too much of a weary Harry.
    What will happen?
    My earlier review was a bit too passionate and unchivalrous, well, not polite, for which I am sorry. Many apologies for it.
    It spoke for my frustration that this thought-provoking, heartfelt story is unfinished.
    I look forward with anticipation...
Title: Chapter 5 - Searching Alleys 11 May 2017 7:28 pm
Reviewer: ARim (Signed) [Report This]
    wow, so Good. Bravo, Harry.
    This review is also for chap. 6- forgot to log in in my quick joy.
    Like Sev, pained, in his comfy bed- I cannot let this story go , sit waiting by the laptop.
    it is such a tale,
    but, eight years?
    Need more.
    Will Harry crack under that full house?
    Will Nev and Luna blush, kiss, over the pickled mandrakes?
    Will Ginny snarl and keep on being a rather spoilt hoyden,unchecked? She grew up with a female scold for mother, -all sons live in other countries? hmm..(those rants.) Will Severus overhear it, give her an royal trimming-down to teach her empathy, and not her being universally admired by all men (Scarlett?)
    - to let Ginny want to win a liiittle of his respect back, and Harry's, because when Harry's head is cleared of desire, he will start looking at her not-lovable character traits. Do I want to live with this?
    Ginny seems to not to really truly respect her father, the man in the shed, tinkering, not mending stuff, now Judge Grim.
    Ginny seemed to understand Snape and to acknowledge his inner strength and mastery of many subjects, and Severus is even better with rapier-words than her mother. Shakespeare let the shrew be tassel-gentled and tamed by Petrucchio, because he won the battles in wit against her, and never gave up.
    earning her respect, loyalty and love.
    Likewise Ginny. Harry lets her wander over him. not good.
    Will Harry be more Pater familias, and take charge of the house, or will, Ta, Da! Severus sigh, roll his eyes, and
    get well enough to be the firm anchor
    this young, green, battle-scarred crew
    need to guide them into balanced maturity??
    He is wise, under that grouching and has a decent streak and understanding
    a furlong wide, of life's grimness, wounds and loneliness, and a rare instinct.seeing, sensing the unspoken. Much like his wonderful portrayer, A.
    Rickman, brilliant, so missed. 'semper, per saecula saeculorum...'
    Can Harry and Severus defend Draco against Arthur W.;and Neville against Mrs. Victorian Longbottom when she cuts Nev out of the will for taking up with Luna, penniless girl with no dowry and a father of no great standing?
    Will Kreacher learn kinder manners- on pain of being given socks? and teach Ron to cook 'n' Hermione about elvish lore and world views, dialects and magic? Will Draco learn humilty and life-skills?
    Will Severus slowly begin to l-tolerate Harry for his generosity and heart, and save him from depression, stress, too much heroism and too little common sense? If ever a boy/ teen needed a firm, kind Father...
    Now, authoress.
    Woman, listen to reason.
    we await, 'cause you write much, much too well.
    Hopeful: 'Accio, new chapters.'
    I really like it, and feel gratitude. Like SS, my compliments are buried under hissing.
    Thank You so much for writing.
Title: Chapter 6 - Food 11 May 2017 6:29 pm
Reviewer: ARim (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful, wonderful.
    more, soon?
Title: Chapter 6 - Food 22 Jul 2014 12:38 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Please update! This has a good plot and i need some more good reading material :) is this story set apart from " the house" series? And will Draco's role in this story lead to drarry perhaps? :o :)
    So yep, please update!
Title: Chapter 6 - Food 15 May 2014 12:50 pm
Reviewer: Kejsi (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Love this story when will the net chapter come out
Title: Chapter 6 - Food 05 Jun 2011 12:24 pm
Reviewer: 1sunfun (Signed) [Report This]
Title: Chapter 6 - Food 02 Apr 2011 10:53 pm
Reviewer: Helene (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This was really good. An excellent set up and I find myself wondering were this ends. I'm sorry you didn't continue it. I hope I come across the completed story at a future date.
Title: Chapter 6 - Food 12 Aug 2010 11:14 pm
Reviewer: Carol (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Okay...I really have to read more...so please...PLEASE do not end it here!
Title: Chapter 6 - Food 31 Jul 2010 9:23 pm
Reviewer: Badgerlady (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm engrossed by this--eager to read what comes next. I am a little confused by the Kiss/execution options; as I understand it, the Dementor's Kiss takes the victim's soul, which seems to me a harsher fate than mere death of the body, but you seem to be treating it as the lesser punishment-? In any case, I really like the exploration of Harry's feelings, and the possibilities of all these people forming an unconventional family. It's vividly and smoothly written, too--like all your fics. More soon, please!
Title: Chapter 6 - Food 16 May 2010 4:11 am
Reviewer: kickthemoon (Signed) [Report This]
    This is really interesting. I really feel for Harry, his despair at the workings of the Ministry and his helplessness on the jury. I want him to make his stand!!
    And Snape!! Took a while to meet him but he's certainly worth waiting for. Can't wait for the story to continue.

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