Wow, that as a bit angsty. Snape is pissed and worried and Harry is confused and miserable. I'm a bit sad of the chapter's shortness, but as long as you update soon I'll be fine ^_^ I think I'll check out your story at regaurdless, but also look for updates being posted here and keep track since you said you're re-doing them. PLEASE post again soon! This story is excellant, very realistic and well done.
Title: Chapter 7
| 12 Jan 2008 10:38 am
Reviewer: Anna (Anonymous)
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Thanks for the update. When you said the completed story is posted on I couldn't reasist to read it. It was great. Though I would have liked it to be longer. I would enjoy to read more detailed about Harry's stay at Snape's house in particular and also about why he forgave Ron so easily.
Nice! It was short, but the exchange between Snape and Harry was good. I wonder if the food Snape makes is any good, or if Snape will be mad at Harry at taking him away from Hogwarts, and the House Elf meals. :) I look forward to more!
Title: Chapter 6
| 10 Jan 2008 5:08 pm
Reviewer: Bernice (Anonymous)
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Brilliant story. I hope you'll find the time to continue this soon.
Title: Chapter 6
| 02 Jan 2008 6:16 pm
Reviewer: Anne Squires (Anonymous)
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Oh, please do continue with this. I've enjoyed it very much so far.
Loved it now heres what you need to do! Harry has been told by Snape whats happened and says the ministry has thought he had run away. Snape has him write a letter to his friends which you have to have Hermione read out loud, the last line of the letter is for Ron which Ron reads to himself then to everyone else, it has to say. " Ron, sorry I haven't been such a good friend this year. I'm sorry about the whole thing with your dad and hope he's better, I've been worried. I think it's for the best that i'm gone now and i've had fun being part of your family. Happy Christmas, Harry. -Potions
Title: Chapter 6
| 02 Jan 2008 10:55 am
Reviewer: Anna (Anonymous)
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This fic is amazing. I hope you'll update soon.
I would be VERY happy if you posted the next chapter soon! I really like this story, everyone in IC, it's interesting, realistic, funny and I just love it. Great work, keep it up and please post again soon.
I like the little detail of Harry speaking parseltongue in his sleep. That will give Snape some incentive to help the poor boy.
great chapter. thanx for the update.