Title: Chapter 5
| 20 Dec 2007 7:48 pm
Reviewer: ER (Anonymous)
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I thought Fudge cleared Harry of any possible charges during the trial in the summer? So why is he bringing this up now? Snape had better contact Dumbledore quick!
Interesting beginning... Looking forward to see where this is going.
I'm so happy you updated! Definatly improved my day, I'll tell you. I'm really into this story so please keep updateing. It's a very good story so far.
I can't believe they are trying to charge him with a crime commited two years ago! Great chapter by the way and I hope there will be more soon!
I had just taken a sip of coffee when I got to the sentence with Snape singing Christmas carols in Hell and just about spewed it across my computer monitor. What a riot - that image will be stuck in my head for the rest of day!
I love it when Severus pulls out all the devious spy tactics...especially against someone like Umbridge (who I wish someone would give some poisoned fruitcake to...this is a Christmas story and a person can wish, can't they?). And poor Harry having not a clue as to what's going on.
Ron's going to get it big time! How did you manage to write him so I understand his feelings AND am irritated with him at the same time? Great character writing...and not only with him but with everyone so far.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Love it! This was better than the last now lets think of what could happen next. Ron's so going to get it when he goes to get on Hermione's good side. Only Sirius and the other order members {Not Dumbledore we still don't know where he is} over hear him trying to apologize for something when Hermione screams something like: " You told your best friend he basically wasn't wanted here, with us, for christmas and all you have to say is sorry!" Then about Snape tells Umbitch whats going to happen there? Snape should find out about Harry's horrible life with the Dursleys. We need to have Hedwig there so they can have Harry/Hedwig talks you know like harry confides in her kind of thing while Snape overhears it all even about Ron not wanting him. Ok let me stop writing your story and hold the suggestions help it's something I'd love to see. Love it and waiting for more! -Potions
Snape is such a git! A good git, but a git nonetheless. It's just like him to order Harry around, for his own good, and not tell him anything. Arrgh! You'd think he'd grow a nice cell in his body someday but nooooo... Well, maybe later. Right now he's being a nice git and it's fun to watch.
Ooohh!! I really, really despise Umbridge. How horrible can a person really be?
I'm glad Hermione figured out why Harry chose to stay at Hogwarts. I just hope she can talk some sense into dunderhead Ron. He can really be a complete idiot at times.
Thanks so much for the update. Take care and have a joyous Christmas.
Title: Chapter 5
| 20 Dec 2007 3:05 am
Reviewer: kyleigh (couldn't be bothered to sign in) (Anonymous)
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Sneaky, snarky, slippery, snakey Snape! That's why I love him! Maybe Snape deserves the honour of blowing Toad Woman up... or poisoning her with something that has creative and horrendous affects.... please????
Lovely chapter. Enjoying very much.