Title: Prologue: Misunderstandings; and Chapter One: Misconceptions
| 10 Dec 2007 6:24 pm
Reviewer: tigress93 (Anonymous)
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*Loves* This is good! I can't wait for your next chapter. Update soon!
Do you have the other half of this somewhere else? Fanfiction, maybe? I'd like to read it.
Author's Response: Right now, the only place the first half of the fic is is in my head. I plan to start posting the beginning on the Petulant Poetess at the end of Jan, but you have to be 18 with an account to read M-rated fics there - so you may have to wait till I start posing it on FFnet (which won't be for a while because I have too many WIPs on there as it is). Or, I could be really nice and email you the chapters as I write them. We'll see.
Thanks for reviewing!