Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Come What May
Title: Chapter 27: The Will to Live 29 Jan 2009 11:25 am
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]
    Argh! I didn't see that coming, but since you promised a sequel...I guess you're forgiven. ;-)

    Author's Response:

    Have mercy! Thanks, for reading and reviewing.

Title: Chapter 22: Patience 27 Jan 2009 1:47 am
Reviewer: studiohq (Signed) [Report This]
    So now the jig is up and Sev has come clean. Draco has lost all of his stuff and they will be at the mercy and the good will of others...hmmmmm.

    Author's Response:

    When you put it that way, 'good will of others'...Draco is so dead, lol. Thank you for reading!

Title: Chapter 20: Depending on Draco 27 Jan 2009 1:27 am
Reviewer: studiohq (Signed) [Report This]
    I refuse to stay up to 3am in the morning reading this story...

    so I'm gonna havta fave it!

    Author's Response: Thanks, I'm flattered you were willing to loose sleeping hours over reading this. :)
Title: Chapter 4: The Reward of Giving 26 Jan 2009 9:31 pm
Reviewer: studiohq (Signed) [Report This]
    wOWWW I had to review this chapter...WOWOWOWOW!!!!!

    That was


    Author's Response: *Big grin blinds random people* Wow, thanks for stopping by to review!
Title: Chapter 27: The Will to Live 23 Jan 2009 9:20 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Nooo, it's over! *sob* Great cliffie btw, but now I’m irked, lol.

    This was a really good read, I enjoyed every moment of it. I’m glad you shared this idea of yours with us, otherwise I would have missed out on a great story :) I like your style of writing, you really captured the characters well and the humor and drama were awesome. Great work!

    Though I'm sad this is the end, I'm excited you're writing a sequel! Soon as you post it, let me know and I'll happily get to reading and reviewing it :D

    Hope to read more stories by you in the future, and I’ll check out 'Better off forgotten' ASAP!

    Author's Response: Don't be irked my dear, (hands Beth a kitten) XD I have ideas for the sequel, and as soon as I get some things on my To-Do-List marked off I'll get busy with it!
Title: Chapter 27: The Will to Live 23 Jan 2009 2:33 pm
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    What a cliffie for and ending! But that's good, since you're planning to have a sequel. Does burning the book mean he won't see the older harry anymore? And what will happen between Harry, draco, and Severus? And if the DL summons his followers through the mark, will Harry have to go too?

    Guess I'll have to wait till the sequel to get answers, huh?

    Author's Response: I can tell you Harry will not have to go to the DL, that would be just awful if he did though. Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Title: Chapter 27: The Will to Live 23 Jan 2009 10:29 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw sad to see such a great story finish. I am, however, looking forward to the sequel. :) I will definitely give your other story a read!

    Can't wait for the sequel.

    Author's Response: Thank you! And yes, please do check out BoF!
Title: Chapter 27: The Will to Live 23 Jan 2009 12:09 am
Reviewer: Attackfish (Signed) [Report This]

    But it doesn't live?

    Good job, I need to reread this now, and long for the sequel.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you Attack. Yes, kind of ironic, it comes back to life just to come to a stuttering death, sigh. I'll have to stsrt taking notes for that sequel!

Title: Chapter 26: Learning of the Prophesy 13 Jan 2009 5:13 pm
Reviewer: Jeido95 (Signed) [Report This]
    I am still reading! You should consider this an achievment. I very rarely stick with any story. You have a great skill for writing. Thanks again for writing this. I look forward to the next chapter.

    Author's Response: Thank you for sticking with me! I do consider that an achievment, so thanks for not giving up on me. :)
Title: Chapter 17: Pain and Suffering 13 Jan 2009 3:50 am
Reviewer: Jeido95 (Signed) [Report This]
    You are evil! in a good way, of course. Poor Harry! Loving the story so far, keep up the good work.

    Author's Response:  Nope, I'm just evil. Thank you for reviewing!

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