Reviews For Come What May
Author's Response: Will do, thanks for reviewing!
And yes, I've been enjoying the story since you first started posting it here. Author's Response: I'm glad you read it intently enough to easily spot the mistake, no one else on this site has mentioned it as far as I know. I'll go back and fix it, :) Thank you for reviewing!
Author's Response: I'll take killing you as a compliment, lol. Thank you, I really appreciate the feedback!
On thing is: you've stray... a LOT from the whole "harry back in time' thing. Not that it's bad, the new... direction/plot the story is now, but is completely different. You haven't mentioned the 'book' or anything, for chapters. Just letting you know I noticed... Author's Response: Hey! Glad you're enjoying the story. I know, there hasn't been a mention of the book because with Harry being so far away from the book there's not really a need to mention it. When and if he get's back not Hogarts, I'll be straightening things up. I'm afraid you won't see any more of future Harry, he was just to get the story going. Thank you for reviewing!
Can somebody please kill Bellatrix? I really really hate her. Congratulations on your other story. I bet it's wonderful. I've just updated too, and left my readers with a rather nasty cliffhanger. Author's Response: Ohh! You evil author! I'll have to catch up on my HP fandom reading, I'm so very behind, :( Glad you enjoyed, you can kill Bellatrix, she scares me.
Well, I'm glad Lucius seems to have some humanity in him. I wonder what sort of plan they can come up with and if Lucius knows more then he's letting on (does he know Snape is a spy?). I'm sure they'll think of something, and hopefully it will help Harry too. Please post gain when you can! :) Author's Response: Thank you Beth! Since Voldemort is a bot scared to try and kill Harry and to torture him to much, I had to keep the torture around Crucio and the Cutting Curse. Good thing for Harry, I had a million things I could have done to him but never got the chance to use them, :P
Author's Response: (Sings) I'll never telllll, if you can not figure him out then I'm happy, he always seemed a bit mysterious in the books. I just hope I can keep him in character!
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad to, just really frightened as to how to keep him in character! Ahh! Thank you for reviewing.
Voldie is going to lose two supporters this time. Author's Response: Lol, I know! He doesn't make a good really evil dude and the sweet Lucius makes me sick. Hopefully I can keep him in character now that he's turning the tables on Voldemort. Thank you for reviewing!
Author's Response: I really liked the idea of the Malfoy's being a close family. You don't have no personal information about them, so I was extremely glad to read that in DH. Thank you for reading and reviewing! |
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