Great chappie!
Author's Response: thanks
Rreally like it!
Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing!
There is an extra long space that could be fixed. The breakers change after this chapter. You might want to fix thast as well. Good chappie!
Author's Response: I'll do that, thanks.
lol, long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs! Haha, that's cool. Great chapter for a GREAt story.
Author's Response: Thank you, I thought it was funny as well.
The italics in this chapter went funky. You need to fix that. It get's amnoying to look at, :)
Author's Response: Oh dear, I'll do that.
Fighting and fun in the same chapter, cool.
Author's Response: Thanks
Uh oh is right, lol. I am going back and reading dso I already know what happens. But it was a good cliffhanger!
Author's Response: Thank you
Sorry people are being mean or unpatient. I won't abandone the story.
Author's Response: Thank you for your loyalty, :)
Lol, great prank! It was brilliant!
Author's Response: Thanks, lol.
Cool chspter title, I like this story. Please update the chapters soon.
Author's Response: Thank you