Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Come What May
Title: Chapter 5: Occlumency and Nightmares 24 Jun 2008 9:40 pm
Reviewer: Morgan (Anonymous) [Report This]
    The bark thing was great!

    Author's Response: Thank you Morgan! Lol, :)
Title: Chapter 4: The Reward of Giving 24 Jun 2008 9:08 pm
Reviewer: Morgan (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awesome chapter. I love memory scenes!! The fainting was lame though.

    Author's Response: Thanks.
Title: Chapter 11: An Occlumency Lesson and Pranking 21 Jun 2008 2:36 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Well, it looks like Harry might be making a little progress with the Slytherins. We'll see about that, I suppose.

    I enjoyed seeing the classes, and I really like Harry's animagus form...I'm curious as to what Draco's might have been.

    It's good that Harry's making a little more progress with Occlumency and hopefully Draco will be able to help with that.

    I loved how the Gryffindors were so happy to see Harry. I wonder if Draco might be feeling a little jealous, or sad, or something, cause it's obvious that Harry has true friends who love him, while I don't think Draco does.

    I can't wait to see what the Gryffindors will do!

    Author's Response: I had no idea what Draco would be so I left it out. Who's to say it won't showe up later though, his form could be a ferrit. It would explain why he was so touchy about it, lol. Thank you Kristeh for a brilliant review!
Title: Chapter 10: With The Snakes 21 Jun 2008 2:26 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter, Scorpia! The Slytherins weren't as horrible as I was afraid they'd be, and I thought Harry handled them all very well. At least he proved he has a sense of humour. I am curious about when Draco stays with the Gryffindors...I think I'd be very worried about Fred and George if I were him...

    I'm glad to hear that Harry's secrets are safe. I'd hate to think that Malfoy could use information against him, especially in a dangerous way. I don't know if Draco would...I'm hoping Harry will be a good influence on him, but I don't know...

    Author's Response:

    Yes, Harry is maturing. My baby's growin up, (sob) Anyway, thank you so much!

Title: Chapter 9: The Rules 19 Jun 2008 5:48 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    I really enjoyed this chapter too! The Slytherins were kind of jerks, but maybe they'll improve, or at least get what's coming to them.

    Loved where Harry dragged Draco through the Hall...that was a very funny image, and Draco deserved it. I'm glad the Ravenclaws were decent to Harry.

    Author's Response: (Beams) Thank you.
Title: Chapter 8: Punishment 19 Jun 2008 5:41 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter again, Scorpia! I'm sorry that some people are so unhappy with the punishment, to the point that it's upsetting you. (Hopefully, it's not anymore, since I am behind on reading this part, lol!)

    I don't think it's too bad...I do think Draco should have been punished more severely than Harry (but that may be partly because I love Harry so much that I feel very protective of him, and Draco gets on my last nerve. And that's not at all a criticism of your writing, because you're portraying him perfectly.) I just see Draco as a major spoiled brat, but that's how he was in canon for me, too...yeah, it's understandable considering his background, but still a brat. In canon, there were times when I felt some sympathy for him, but I also felt that he never grew or changed or felt any real remorse for his actions. But in fanfics, he does have the potential to become a better person, and maybe he will here, too. But of course, it is your story and you have every right to write it the way you want to.

    Your 'punishment' certainly is far from the worst thing Harry has been through, and I've definitely read fics where he's treated much, much worse, so this isn't too bad, and really it could even end up being a positive thing if it helps Draco to change and perhaps leads to a friendship. I could even see that being Dumbledore's motivation here.

    All that being said, I absolutely agree with Foolish Wishmaker...an author has to be true to herself (or himself). If you aren't happy with what you write, it will show and it probably won't take long for you to get tired of writing. After all, this is supposed to be a fun and relaxing hobby for us (We're too old to play with the little action figure dolls now, aren't we? So we have to do something instead!) And if anyone gives you grief, just tell them (politely of course, *grin*) that they can always write their own story and have things happen the way they like!

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to how Harry and Draco cope this bond, and I think it's an excellent story!

    Author's Response:

    Man, It's only now that I realize how long it's taken me to respond. I'm sorry about that by the way. I assure you that being attached to Harry is bad for Draco. It really does something to his Malfoy pride. I do regret not taking points or something. I can not give him detention because Harry would have to tag along. Is it to late to change some things...I wonder. I sure hate going back and re-doing the story but some things do get mentioned a lot, and not in a good way so I may change them when the story is over.

     I'm glad you like my Draco. I just thought of him as a mean, self centered git and tada! Lol, he will get better but this won't be a fioc whee he changes over night. It will take time and trouble before anything major changes. I think the short scene at the end of book 7 showed us that Malfoy had grown up. He may not of liked Harry but he nodded at him, in a show of...respect? Something, but it was better then nothing. Thank you for reviewing, hope by response did not bore you, lol.


Title: Chapter 12: Gryffindor Strikes Back 17 Jun 2008 12:49 am
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    That was great! I loved it! malfoy's reaction is typical though of popular kids who have never been on the recieving end of humiliation. Loved the mud fight too! LOL! Keep up the great work. Can't wait to see the next Occlumency lesson.

    Author's Response: Thank you. Yes, i wanted Draco to seem realistic even though I REALLY wanted him to be nice about the prank. He's not to that level yet, sadly.
Title: Chapter 12: Gryffindor Strikes Back 16 Jun 2008 7:11 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    You had me really worried with that prank! If Harry is supposed to make friends with the epitome of Slytherin, pranking is not the way to do it. I also thought the other Slytherin's treated Harry reasonably and that Harry's prank was just over the top. Too bad he had to figure out that Malfoy only saved him because of the bond. Can history be changed???

    Author's Response: History is already being changed. For better or for worse though? That is the question. Thanks for reviewing.
Title: Chapter 12: Gryffindor Strikes Back 16 Jun 2008 2:23 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    that was a great prank they played on draco and they sure did have fun with there mud fighting, nah don't dump malfoy into the lake, just put him to sleep and tie him to a tree with only a leaf covering him up

    Author's Response: ROFL, that sounds great. Draco would not agree though, lol.
Title: Chapter 12: Gryffindor Strikes Back 15 Jun 2008 11:42 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Signed) [Report This]
    I love the pranks that both sides are playing, and I know it is important (in the grand scheme of things) for Harry and Draco to become great friends and that all this helps in that bonding, I assume in the end they would learn not only to tolerate each other but would become a team that would fight Voldemort and the DE together – but I think too much emphasis is places on pranks – especially after chapter 3, I thought that Draco may have seen harry in a different light, is Harry forgetting what he came back from the past to tell himself, is he forgetting the information in the book (is Draco going to read it?) – Harry is forgetting to exercise (come on make Draco run), to get rid of Umbridge (Harry gave up easily after the first day I thought good she would be out in no time, but by next lesson Harry just backs down), the importance of learning Occlumency – to save Sirius. Harry needs Draco and Snape on his team it is time to get serious and stop fooling around

    Author's Response:

    Thank you for your detailed review. I'd love to make Draco run, maybe I will. Yes, the response from the school was not what people expected. I think they wanted Draco to run to the Daily Prophet. I think that it would just give Harry more attention and why would Draco want MORE attention on Harry? He thinks Harry likes it. Plus, the news he gave to the Prophet last year was more hurtful to Harry's 'reputation'. Lies about him being with Hermione and such. Telling the Prophet that Harry was abused, mistreated or neglected would send showers of pity on Harry’s head.

    And while Harry would hate that, Draco does not know him well enough to know that. Draco loves being treated like royalty and he loves attention. He’ll wait to find something about Harry that will ruin the boy-who-lived, then he will tell the Wizarding world.

    While I would love to write a chapter where the world finds out about Harry’s home life, Draco will probably not be the one to tell anyone IF it happens. About Draco’s behavior, he is still making judgments about Harry. I tend to take things slow because Draco is not going to wake up and like Harry one day. Just because that has not happened yet, does not mean it won’t happen. So please stick around and I’ll try to get things going.

    Thanks, Scorpia

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