Reviews For Come What May
I wonder Sirius' letter is. Did it fall out while they were fighting? Author's Response: I'm not telling, :P Lol. You can guess though, It's fun to see what the readers are thinking. Draco is SUPPOSED to make you mad, he's just speical that way, lol. Thank you!
I knew Umbridge was up to no good...I just can't wait to see her get her comeuppance! And Fudge too..he's such an idiot. And just what Harry needed...Snape in a bad mood to top it all off. Poor kid! Author's Response: Yes, I feel bad for Harry as well. I'm a drama queen, sorry Harry. Thank you for reviewing Kriteh!
Author's Response: Thanks Azalea!
I'm curious if the Snape/Harry interaction will increase. Good chapter. Author's Response: Lol, I'm not going to try to change the way you think about Malfoy. I'll continue with the story and MAYBE you will grow to like him...or maybe ypou will get sdo kmad you want to kill the little ferret, :). Yes,Snape is comimg soon. Thanks.
Author's Response: ROFL, Yes. That would be great, just chunk him back in there. He deserves it, :) Thank you for your review!
I too am proud of Ron for controlling his temper :) he did very well, though Malfoy WOULD have deserved at least a smack to the back of the head for that horrible insult :( Man, I HATE racism. Poor Harry will have to check his cloak for stains, what with Malfoy's atrocious eating that morning. I remember a couple times where my family was in a snit and you could tell just by watching how aggressively they ate their lunch, lol! The mud fight was fun! I'm afraid I would have to turn down Harry's offer to try it again, hehe. Malfoy sure can be a priss... wait a minute, I think I'D have complained too *looks sheepish* For the mud at least, but I would have enjoyed going outside after the rain, so I'm not AS bad, lol. Though it would be GREAT to read more pranks, Harry does have a point about the temporary truce being a good idea. I dread what the Slytherins plan for Harry once he gets back in the dungeons again *mock shudders* so please don't leave me in suspense for too long ^^. Please post again soon! P.S. As you can see, I live on! lol. I read your comment in the Shout box today and had to laugh :) Glad to see someone would miss me if I suddenly croaked for any odd reason, lol. Hmmm, shame you didn't dump Malfoy back into the lake like you offered... *cackles* Author's Response: I'm glad you live. Got all your toes and fingers? Good. I would of liked to dump Malfoy bacxk in there but it would of interfered with what I had already written, lol. Maybe later. I'll do again, and again, and...you get the picture. Sorry it took me so longf to respond. I'm thinking about re-doing the fic. Checking it over for mistakes and changing minor thing, should I wait until the story is over? Thank you for reviewing Beth!
Author's Response: You know teenage boys, they don't think. I admit that Hermione should of checked first, poor girl, she's always the responsible one. Thank you.
One small constructive criticism - you keep saying "could of", "would of" as in "I could of drowned". It sounds right, but actually it is spelled wrong! The right way to spell it is "could've", "would've" - the "ve" is short for "have", as in "could have" or " would have". Author's Response: Thank you, I'm sorry about the mistakes. Thanks.
Cecilia Author's Response: Lol, yes it does. Wasn't meant to sound that way, I wonder if watching War of the Worlds had anything to do with it? Lol. Draco is an Aristocrat, prissy, stuck up and a total pain in the you know what, lol. And yet, I can't help but like his character. Stupid me. I'm glad you smell potential, hopefully it will stay that way. Thank you for your review! Sorry for not responding earlier.
Author's Response: Why? Because he's less irrate and he knows Dumbledore meands buisiness. Dumbledore has a reason for keeping them together. Thank you. |
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