Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Come What May
Title: Chapter 9: The Rules 13 May 2008 12:42 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    this is coming along well, poor harry and draco having to go to classess together and now sleeping in each others dorms, can life get any worse for the pair of them

    Author's Response: Can life get any worse for them?.....Wait and see my friend, wait and see! Thanks for reviewing!
Title: Chapter 9: The Rules 13 May 2008 8:42 am
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    That last part with Harry dragging Draco on the floor on his butt was hilarious! Go Harry! I liked the Ravenclaw part too! Can't wait to see what else happens! Update soon, please!

    Author's Response: Thanks Snapegirl! Glad you enjoyed it!
Title: Chapter 9: The Rules 13 May 2008 12:14 am
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm glad Harry got back at Draco by "dragging" him out of the hall like that. I'll bet Harry is in for a loooong night in the Slytherin dorms. Good chapter and I hope you can update again soon!

    Author's Response: Thank you Alexis, Harry is great character to play with, lol. I had fun making him do that to Draco, lol.
Title: Chapter 9: The Rules 12 May 2008 11:45 pm
Reviewer: Deco (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hooray...only one 'black-haired teen'; I suppose nothing can be done about 'the blond.'

    Interesting set-up; do it your way, it's your story.

    Author's Response: Thanks, sorry about all the black-haired teen things. Just try to ignore them, it's one of the few ways I can let people know I'm talking about Harry. Thanks for reviewing!
Title: Chapter 8: Punishment 12 May 2008 11:26 pm
Reviewer: Deco (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This is an interesting story, and the twist is frankly rather funny, but if you refer to Harry as the 'black-haired teen' just once more, I'll scream. Loudly. I'd also complain about you calling Draco 'the blond', but then nearly ever fanfic author does it, God knows why. I must say, slash never occurred to me, though.

    Author's Response:

    Lol, please don't scream! I'll try to keep black-haired teen at a miniumum. Thank you for reviewing!

Title: Chapter 8: Punishment 12 May 2008 9:47 pm
Reviewer: Foolish Wishmaker (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm sorry that you're feeling attacked by people who don't like where you're going with your story. That can be really disheartening. I think that people who are not writers don't understand why writers feel the need to write certain things into their stories. You can't make everyone happy. Sometimes you can't make *anyone* happy. Except yourself. That's why you write, isn't it? No one should write to please others above themselves, because that's the surest way to lose interest in a story and give up. Write what pleases you, and if it pleases someone else, well, consider that awesome. If not, at least YOU will still have a great story.

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with your story or plot so far. You are NOT torturing Harry. This is a very tame fic of its type (Harry dealing with his destiny, etc.), in terms of angst and emotional torture. There is frustration, yes, but he is not being tormented by the tasks set to him. In fact, so far he is practically blithely sailing along. He isn't spending sleepless nights being tormented by horror shows of what will happen if he fails. And he hasn't given up; he still thinks it's possible to change the future... in fact he is determined to change it. I don't see how that's Harry-torture at all. Okay, so he's been set some hard tasks. Yes. Well, what about canon? Seemed pretty heavy stuff to me. Harry's always facing impossible odds, so that is nothing to whine about. Besides, how fun would a story be if his future self's only advice was "Eat more carrots. Harry, it'll help your eyesight. By the time you're my age you'll hardly need glasses at all."? His future self would hardly have come to warn him if the situation was not dire.

    Anyhow, you have a fine plot and don't let people dictate what you write. The only criticism you should take to heart is spelling/grammar, because that is something you have control over. Whether readers like or agree with your chosen plot is not in your control. How often you update is also not in your control, since real life should be a higher priority. Don't worry about losing readers -- they have a right to dislike your story and leave. Just as many will like it and stay.

    Take care.

    Author's Response:

    This review was very inspiring and uplifting Fw, thank you for taking the time to write it! I get really fed up with some people. I almost want to scream, "It's my story and I'll torture him all I want and there's nothing you can do about it!!" But that probably would not be receved really well, lol. It is supposed to be an angst fic, his future life is SO bad that he risks it all to come back and change it. That's not somthing small. I'm very happy that you seem to know where I'm coming from and that you don't think I'm a 'Harry torturer', lol. Thank you Fw, :)


Title: Chapter 9: The Rules 12 May 2008 8:12 pm
Reviewer: lunaz (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I am really enjoying this story and I can't wait to see where this story goes. I really like the idea of a bond between the two boys in a non-slash manner and am interested to see what happens with it.

    Author's Response: I want to read more stories with bonds that did not involve slash but I could not find any! Lol, so I made one. :) Thanks for reviewing!
Title: Chapter 9: The Rules 12 May 2008 7:15 pm
Reviewer: Theowyn (Signed) [Report This]
    PLEASE update your story description to indicate that Draco is a main character here. Currently, he isn't even included in your character list!

    Your story is quite good, but it is not at all the story your summary promises and this misrepresentation might be one of the underlying reasons why you've garnered some negative reviews. People who find the Harry/Draco schoolboy rivalry tedious won't be happy about having it appear out of nowhere in what was supposed to have been a story about Harry and Snape.

    On the other hand, there are undoubtedly Draco fans out there who have bypassed this story, not realizing that their favorite character is a major player. So do everyone a favor and make that description accurate!

    Author's Response: Yes I will. I tryed to the other day but then I looked and it did not do it for some reason, I may have to speak with Jan. Thanks for reviewing!
Title: Chapter 9: The Rules 12 May 2008 6:42 pm
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    That was very funny where Draco was dragged through the Great Hall. After all, why should he be able to sit with the Slytherins for dinner all the time, etc., and Harry have to make do?

    I'm wondering if part of your plot is for Harry to end up making more friends with students from other houses.

    Good story.

    Author's Response:

    No, making friends from other houses is not really apart of the plot but it's extra, :) Thanks for reviewing!

Title: Chapter 9: The Rules 12 May 2008 6:09 pm
Reviewer: Elise_Malfoy (Signed) [Report This]
    hehe. Ferret-face, lol. Did that happen to be a reference to M*A*S*H?
    I loved this chapter Scorpia. I was laughing so hard when Harry dragged Malfoy thru the great hall.
    Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see what will happen next! :)

    Author's Response: Lol, I did not even think about MASH when I wrote it Elise. But maybe watching it for as long as I have been doing rubbed of on my writing, lol. Thanks for reviewing!

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