Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Come What May
Title: Chapter 8: Punishment 08 May 2008 9:29 am
Reviewer: jen77 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I don't know why people would complain. This is no different than "The Parent Trap." Love the story and review soon!

    Author's Response: Lol, I love the parent trap. Although the first one was the best, "Let's get together, yeah, yeah, yeah!" Lol, thank you for reviewing!
Title: Chapter 8: Punishment 02 May 2008 6:25 pm
Reviewer: SnapesYukuai (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hi there, I think it was a brilliant punishment and I'm very curious how it will effect Harry's plans and the interview with the Quibber. ^^ Please, continue your wonderful story qucikly because I long for a new chap even now. ^^

    Author's Response:

    Thanks so much and i'm working on a chapter as I type (multitasker, lol) so hopefully you will not have to wait very long!


Title: Chapter 8: Punishment 01 May 2008 10:16 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Very interesting chapter. That punishment is horrible! Ah well, it should be quite funny considering it will be the first time I've read this scenario without there being a relationship slowly developing. Thank you for not making it slash!! That is just REALLY not my cup of tea, so I'm quite relieved ^^.

    I really had to laugh at Ron; 'Ron’s eyes were wide, “What about when you have to go to the loo?” he asked in horror.' That thought actually crossed my mind too Xp lol.

    I truly can’t wait to read the next chapter! I’m very curious about how classes will go. Poor Harry, I bet he’ll get a real ruff time when taking classes with all Slytherins. Maybe some of them will lay off though? After all, not ALL Slytherins are evil, darn it!

    Please post again as soon as you can! I always enjoy your chapters, this is a really great story.

    Author's Response: Thanks Beth! Anna my beta, gave me the idea for the loo quote, lol. She's brilliant, :D  I'll update ASAP but I'm working on so much right now, (sigh) Want to do my homework for me? Lol, thanks again!
Title: Chapter 8: Punishment 01 May 2008 9:47 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    If an author's purpose is to create a feeling in the minds of her readers, then you have succeeded. Just because it's not one of praise or happiness isn't necessarily bad if you have a reason for the 'lows' to be so low: That the only place to go from there is up!!! Your spiral downward has been intense. If you want happier reviews, keep writing so that Harry has something to be happy about!!!! Notice I keep checking this site, and even your story. . . . .

    Author's Response:

    I'm not loking for praise, just anything except total sadness, lol. Sorry if my response was a little dramatic or something, I hurt very easily and you kind of hurt me with your first review for this story. I'm over it now though and I do understand where your coming from, :).  I'm working on the next chapter so hopefully that one won't be as depressing, lol. Thanks for your review!

Title: Chapter 8: Punishment 01 May 2008 5:23 pm
Reviewer: Keats (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I think it is a good punishment... they could both learn from one another and Harry might be able to get Draco on the side of good. It could be funny at times ... I don't see Draco willingly jogging around the lake early in the morning or Harry sitting while Draco files his nails LOL... but if Draco joins the DA they could learn to fight together as a team

    Author's Response:

    Thank you for your review!! It made me happy to see someone trying to look on the good side of things, they could learn a lot from each other. Your completly right!

Title: Chapter 8: Punishment 01 May 2008 2:36 pm
Reviewer: Sesel (Anonymous) [Report This]
    So far this is one of the best Snape-fics I ever read!!! It feels like being back at Hogwarts! Snape and Harry (and the others as well) seem very much in character.
    Can't wait to read more, so keep on writing!!!

    Author's Response:

    You've just made my day a lot better! Thanks so much Sesel! I try to keep the everyone in character so I'm glad you think I'm doing it right!


Title: Chapter 8: Punishment 30 Apr 2008 9:34 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I have to apologize for my last review. Looking back, it appears to be more like a flame than I wish it was. Bad day. Sorry to have dumped like that, but to have chained Harry to Draco like that, then to make it seem that Draco has more control over the tether, and that Harry now has more classes with the Slytherins??? Unless you know something we don't, that was just way too much of a punishment for what happened. Did ANYONE view the pensive memories??? I think that was just too unfair for words. As you can see, I'm still feeling bad over that chapter.

    Author's Response:

    Your first review for this chapter made me very sad, to many people have jumped on me lately about this story. It's poorly written, you need a beta, you need to update more often exc. exc. I'ts getting old and I'm getting tired of it, I understand why you would be mad for Harry's sake and I would LOVE to write a chapter where evertything is going okay for him. The punishment effects the plot line, if I don't have the bond between Harry & Draco then I really DON"T have a plot! It will get better for Harry, Draco's not going to get to play quitditch, and the blond git is going to have to sleep in the Gryffindor dorm as well. (something that the Gryffindors will take anvantage of) I hope you see this response, I wanted to reply in a message but your eithier not sighed in or you don't have a profile so I could not do that.

    I'm sorry that you don't want to read any more of the story. Hopefully my other stories won't be such let downs if I ever post them.



Title: Chapter 8: Punishment 30 Apr 2008 1:21 am
Reviewer: Twinheart (Signed) [Report This]
    Something tells me this punishment is going to backfire.

    Author's Response: To keep you from getting mad at me like others I'm going to twll you that this punishment is going to come in handy in later chapters, please keep reading.
Title: Chapter 8: Punishment 29 Apr 2008 7:17 pm
Reviewer: Harriverse (Anonymous) [Report This]
    You're making this story into a "let's torture Harry as much as we can" story. He knows that things are going to go badly if he doesn't get his act together. His older self practically hates him now because of all the missed opportunities that he didn't take advantage of. How is he supposed to train, get rid of Umbridge, become an occulumens, or any of the other things you set out for him now??? I guess I'm just having a bad day but I'm not sticking around for another let's torture Harry story.
Title: Chapter 8: Punishment 29 Apr 2008 2:57 pm
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh that's just wrong! Could you torture him any further?! Very creative though but I'm feeling really bad for Harry right about now. Great chapter and I hope you can update again soon!!

    Author's Response: I know that I was mean to Harry but it had to be done for the sake of the plot line. I'm glad that your not very mad at me for being horrible to him. I'm only 900 words into the next chapter but I'm working on it.

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