Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Come What May
Title: Chapter 4: The Reward of Giving 23 Feb 2008 11:17 am
Reviewer: Emilie D (Signed) [Report This]
    Fascinating chapter! I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next.


    Author's Response: Thanks!
Title: Chapter 4: The Reward of Giving 23 Feb 2008 11:07 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Ohhh, reading all of those memories was almost painful. I am so glad that Prof Snape is going to give him another chance.

    Author's Response:

    Lol, yep Snape has a good side! Amazing right? Lol, Thanks so much for your review!


Title: Chapter 4: The Reward of Giving 23 Feb 2008 11:05 am
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    This is an interesting story.

    I'm guessing it will be good that the wizarding world will soon all know for sure that Voldemort is back since Harry's classmates will spread the word. I'm curious if revealing Sirius' transformation will be for good or bad. Will Harry be deeply embarassed now that the Slytherins know about his childhood? So many questions . .. ..

    Good job.

    Author's Response: The news will spread like the flu! Your question will be anwsered in the next chapter & I'm glad you liked it enough to review!
Title: Chapter 3: Lesson in Privacy 20 Feb 2008 3:46 am
Reviewer: Grimmjaw (Anonymous) [Report This]
    That's it. This fic is the most brilliant one I've ever read. The scene with Umbridge and a younger Dudley had me smiling. I love it when authors show Harry a little more quick-witted. Too often he's portrayed as average, but the book has hinted the few times where he coerces and carefully insults others that he would survive well.
    I was laughing and fearing for Harry when the first memory appeared. I actually cringed at the offering of an apology--Harry hanging his cousin upside down unprovoked, laughing, taunting and threatening him. It's rather unfortunate that Harry did so well in making his potion acceptable.
    I'm obsessing over the next chapter already. Please update soon. I'd like to see the class' reaction to Harry's sorting, or his trip to getting his wand, the revealing of the brother wand, and Harry's potential for greatness. But I've read the books enough, I'm much more interested in seeing new memories. Oh! Harry with Sirius at Grimmauld...update!

    Author's Response:

    Your so sweet! Thank you so much, when I read the first sentence, (Thats it) I was momentairly worried! :) I'm so glad you liked it!

    A lot of the thing you want to see are in the next chapter! So I hope you enjoy!

Title: Chapter 2: The Apology 20 Feb 2008 2:49 am
Reviewer: Grimmjaw (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm so glad I read this story. Future Harry's enterance's decription is wonderful! I can't imagine Harry ever willing to apologize to Snape, except being told he was responsible for Sirius's death. He must be terrified. And I really enjoy Snape's paranoia at the apology and the fact that Harry 'threw Dudley to the dogs'
    I really love this story so much I had to review in the middle of reading--of course, I'd love it even more if it was LunaXHarry, but i suppose beggars can't be choosers.
    I hope Snape has something dreadfuly evil planned for Harry, because anything below outright malice for Snape is unheard of. :)

    Author's Response:

    I'm so glad you read it too! Your review has me on a high! Lol, FUTURE Harry is married to Ginny, theres still hope for present Harry! (wink wink)

    Harry is terrified! As you will see in chapter four, Harry loves Sirius and being told that he could be responsible for his death was a horribly mean thing for future Harry to do. As long as it works, :)

    Snape does has something evil planned, he wouldn't be famous if he didn't.

    Thanks so much for your wonderful reviews!


Title: Chapter 3: Lesson in Privacy 11 Feb 2008 10:09 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Yeah! Another chapter, I'm so happy to have discovered it. It was quite entertaining and interesting, can't wait for the next chapter! Your potion was cool, an awsome idea, how'd you come up with it?

    Hmmm, memories. how about these:

    First year: When the Dursley house is raining Hogwarts letters. When Harry meets Hagrid. When Harry meets Ron and Hermione. The zoo scene where the snake gets free.

    Second year: When Snape 'dueld' Lockheart and sent the doof flying. When Ron and Harry are in the Whomping Willow leading up to them going to Snape's office. The Chamber of Secrets. Ron and Harry's trip/drive to Hogwarts. The confrontation in Florish and Blots so everyone can see Lucius setting Ginny up with Riddle's diary.

    Third year: Aunt Marge geing 'blown up'. The dementor attack. Lupin turning into a werewolf. Harry chucking snowballs at Draco. Care of Magical creatures lesson where Buckbeak gives Draco what's comming. Hermione punching Draco.

    Fourth year: Harry and Ron sulking at the Yule Ball. Harry retrieving both Ron and Gabriel from the Black Lake. The Grave Yard scene. Barty Crouch Jr. being interogated after changing back.

    Fifth year: Umbridge's detention, so her cruelty is revield to Snape and she can get kicked out of Hogwarts.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for so many memory ideas Beth!

    I will certainly be using some of them. :D

    I’m glad you liked my potion. I really like the fics where Harry's memories are revealed to people. It’s very interesting to see there responses.

    I've only read like three fics where this happens and only two or three people see the memories. I decided to be really mean to Harry and reveal them to a whole class of his friends and enemies. I can’t wait to write there responses even though I’m not sure what will happen, Lol. J

    Thanks again for reviewing!


Title: Chapter 3: Lesson in Privacy 10 Feb 2008 11:09 am
Reviewer: jules (Anonymous) [Report This]
    really good story, like it a lot. please update soon:D

    Author's Response:

    Thank you Jules for your review! I'm glad you like it & I'll update as soon as I can. :D


Title: Chapter 3: Lesson in Privacy 09 Feb 2008 6:46 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great Job!!!!!! Please write the next chapter soon!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks ever so much! I'm already writing the next chapter. :D

    Cheers! Scorpia

Title: Chapter 3: Lesson in Privacy 09 Feb 2008 3:41 am
Reviewer: Kasey (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh my! THis is really good! I haven't seen many with memories bought up in classes. Very unique. For the memories, something about the dursleys would change Snape's perspective wouldnt it? Just a thought. Please update soon. I will be waiting paitiently (or not so) but i will be waiting as this is really well written. It left me on the edge of my seat.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks so much Kasey! You made my day with your review!

    And don't worry, there will be more memories with the Dursleys & maybe Snapewill have a change of heart. :)

    I have started writing chapter 4 but i don't know when it will be complete.

    I LOVE impatient readers! Lol, they always review! :D

    Thanks again! Scorpia

Title: Chapter 3: Lesson in Privacy 08 Feb 2008 10:34 am
Reviewer: laura (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I look forward to seeing more memories!

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review!

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