Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Come What May
Title: Chapter 2: The Apology 08 Feb 2008 10:29 am
Reviewer: VampireOfTheLibrary (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chappie, I look forward to reading about Snapes evil plan!

    Author's Response: Good! i'm glad your looking forward to it!
Title: Chapter 3: Lesson in Privacy 08 Feb 2008 10:27 am
Reviewer: VampireOfTheLibrary (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay! loved this chapter! Update soon please!

    Author's Response: Hey! Glad you liked it!
Title: Chapter 3: Lesson in Privacy 08 Feb 2008 12:47 am
Reviewer: Noodles (Anonymous) [Report This]
    *whimpers pathetically* Oh how could you leave it like that? I want to read the next chapter and it's going to drive me crazy until i do. Please, please update.
    I really like it when Harry shows some cruelty (like the scene with Dudley); it reminds me how like Tom Riddle Harry could have been. *wrinkles nose in disgust* Please don't tell this is going to be a Harry/Ginny fic. I like stories more when there's no romance pairing between the main character. It's distracting from the build up of Harry's new relationship with Snape. Plus, Ginny's character always seemed poorly written in canon.
    Update soon!!!

    Author's Response:

    How couldI leave it there, you ask? That's easy, I'm evil. :D

    I was happily surprised thst everybody liked the scene with Dudley, It really made my day because I was nervous about it. I don't think this is going to be a HP\GW because it's just to, um, normal. Lol, Harry needs somebody new & different. I'm thinkin a S-l-y-t-h-e-r-i-n.  What would Snape say to that! Lol

    Thanks for the wonderful review!

Title: Chapter 3: Lesson in Privacy 06 Feb 2008 3:02 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]
    What an interesting way for Harry to get rid of Umbridge. I don't think it's going to be quite this easy, but you never know.

    I get the impression that Snape doesn't expect Harry to accept the test. The first memory is interesting to me because so often mentor!Snape stories have a helpless Harry, and while canon Harry is certainly poorly treated, he never really loses his spunk. I can believe canon Harry would do something to pay Dudley back.

    I can't wait to see what comes next.

    Author's Response:

    It's not that easy to get rid of Umbridge. I never said she was gone for good. (Evil Laugh) I have to much fun being mean to Harry, Lol.

    I'm glad the first memory was beleivable. Thank's for the review! I'll get started writing chapter four.


Title: Chapter 3: Lesson in Privacy 06 Feb 2008 12:41 pm
Reviewer: Anna (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Thanks for the new chapter. I really enjoyed it.

    Author's Response:

    I'm glad you did. I'll have the next one up as soon as I can. :D

    Thanks for the review!

Title: Chapter 3: Lesson in Privacy 06 Feb 2008 9:20 am
Reviewer: PyroChilde (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow, awesome chapter. That memory with Dudley is probably a little too close for comfort with Snape though. It does seem a bit familiar doesn't it? Oh! They should see the Chamber of Secrets fight! I'd love to see everyone's reactions to that little scene (Snape's especially). Maybe the adventures of going after the sorcerers stone too? There are plenty of rumors, I'm sure, and that would let everyone know for sure :) Hmmmm You should show some really embarassing memories from the Dursleys. Maybe that would change Snape's opinion of the spolied little golden boy he thinks he knows.

    Author's Response:

    Wow! That's a nice long review, I love those! Thank you for the suggestions I am planning on doing some Dursley memories but I just dont know how to write them. (Pulls out hair)

    Oh well, Thanks again!

Title: Chapter 3: Lesson in Privacy 06 Feb 2008 1:42 am
Reviewer: Alexis8907 (Signed) [Report This]
    It's hard to say what memories they should see especially since the entire school will probably hear about it all. I am curious though to see how everyone would react if they saw the graveyard scene. Anyways great chapter and I hope you'll be able to update again soon!!

    Author's Response:

    The gravyard scene! The wouldn't be able to ignore Voldie then and seeing Voldemort might cause a change in the Death Eater children.

    I hope to update soon, thank you for the review.


Title: Chapter 3: Lesson in Privacy 05 Feb 2008 11:53 pm
Reviewer: Bunyip Budgie (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Quietly enjoying this story. My suggestion is a two parter 1st Dumbledore telling him he HAS to stay with his rellies 'cause its the safest place for him then of him being starved and abused by the Dursleys.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you for the review and the suggestion!  :D

Title: Chapter 2: The Apology 01 Feb 2008 12:50 pm
Reviewer: rosiegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Nice story so far.

    Author's Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for the review.
Title: Chapter 2: The Apology 28 Jan 2008 8:02 pm
Reviewer: Sally (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Really good! I hope to see more soon!

    Author's Response: You will see more! Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. :)

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