Reviews For No Difference
Author's Response: Harry met living Dumbledore in the past when he was going back to Hogwarts to return to his own time (No Difference: chapter three). he isn't turning nice, he's just well aware that he can't appear too prejudiced without people figuring out that he's really Snape. I'm really glad you like my story so far. I haven't found any Harry is Snape's father either.
Author's Response: Thee fat is in the fire, the excrement has hit the fan, and Harry is now in trouble ;) You know, we know from canon that Gryffindor and Slytherin were friends. Why would someone without a destructive prejudice be good friends with someone who had one? And why would three people be willing to build a school, a place for the transfer of ideas, with a man who had that sort of prejudice? I'm glad you agree!
(did you mean to phrase it like that?) Author's Response: I titled another chapter "Balls and Broomsticks" I'm not afraid of a little inuendo.
What truly struck me in this chapter was Severus and the woman who approached him. Let me explain by telling something personal: I was born with exceptionally bad eyesight and needed really thick glasses (and I mean really, really thick glasses) to be able to see. As a consequence, I've been thought of during my entire puberty and young adulthood as an exceptionally ugly person. Some people, when confronted with a person with inch-thick glasses, will automatically assume that that person is retarded as well as nearly blind, just as there will undoubtedly be people who will use 'baby talk' to Stephen Hawking, just because he sits in a wheelchair. It never really bothered me (or so I thought). I just accepted the fact that I was ugly and got on with life. Never had a boyfriend though (the young man I fell in love with went *green* when I approached him, I kid you not. Green!) Then, when I was 24, they finally found a way to make contactlenses for my particular eyeproblem. They were very expensive and had to be made especially in Germany, but I had contactlenses! By that time the aestetic value didn't even register. I wanted the lenses because living with inch-thick glasses was a true pain (literary: the glasses were so thick they cut my cheeks) I had to adjust to my 'new face'. It's hard for people to realise when I tell them this, but it's truly worldshattering to get a new face, be it when you go from 'idiot-glasses' to 'no-glasses' or when you get corrective surgery. Anyway, to make a long story short; what I didn't realise is that I never learned how to react to people flirting with me. Nobody ever flirted with me! I was the ugly one. Not that I was ever treated badly, or was bullied (except for my older sister, but that's another story altogether) but nobody had *ever* said something approaching 'you look nice today', let alone *flirt*! My point is, the first time a man whistled at me, I wasn't flattered, I was *furious*!! NOW they whistle?! Did I get a personality change? Did I become a different person? No, I simply wasn't 'ugly' anymore. It really surprised me how angry I was. I thought I had been 'sensible' about my looks, so the rage that exploded from me was quite a shock. Apparantly there was a lot of hidden hurt inside me, and it must be said that if you are born and raised with the constant confirmation from your surroundings that you are ugly (or 'unfortunately looking', or 'homely' or whatever), it will never leave you. I'm past forty now, and even though I've been without thick glasses for nearly as long as I've been with them, I still have problems accepting compliments. I still am extremely cynical about people. I know how shallow they are. So when I read in your last chapter how confused and annoyed Severus was when a young woman approached him for drinks, I felt for him and I was furious at the woman. It's not as if he had a personality transplant! The only reason woman didn't like him (and lets be honest, his only 'friend', heck, his *best* 'friend' was a girl that only tolerated his presence when she could nag him or press him for information, and who thought it hi-la-rious when he was bullied, hung upside down in the air and de-pantsed by the schoolbully who she had a crush on) Severus Snape had been laughed at by girls and women his entire life, not because he was 'mean and nasty', not because he was Slytherin (although that might've played a part with Lily) but because he was *ugly*. Because he was a *joke*. And the realisation of being considered a joke made him awkward and cynical. James Potter was considered a 'good boy/man' and a 'hero' his entire life, not because he was nice (he wasn't), not because he kind (he *certainly* wasn't) but because he was rich and handsome, and having been born priviledged like this he had a confident attitude. So now Sev has 'Potter looks'. That must be hard to begin with, but it's the realisation that women might approach you because you are 'Potter-handsome' whilst before they would shun you or laugh at you because you looked like Tobias Snape, that would be harder still. If I were him, I'd explode with rage. And just so you know, I am in all other things the most laid-back, humourous and kind person and I've got loads of friends (just so you don't think I'm a poor curmudgeon living in a dungeon like a few fictional angry and cynical people we could mention) Sorry, I've been babbling away.. but please don't spoil this wonderful story of yours by presenting Sev's obvious cluelessness and his anger about being asked for a drink by a strange woman as 'childish' or 'churlish'. It's totally *normal* for someone who has been rejected for being ugly his entire life to be angry when confronted with the shallowness of society once his features have changed. Author's Response: Ginny is only nice to the firstie at first because she doesn’t know he’s a Slytherin (it’s too dark to see the badge or tie) and then after she finds out, she’s already comforting him, so she feels a bit stuck and uncomfortable. Actually it’s very Weasley. They speak and act before they think and then they have to deal with the consequences. From the books we know she’s popular, so she must be very good at dealing with the consequences smoothly. As for Severus, I understand exactly where you’re coming from. I was an ugly duckling through my middle school years and first year of high school, and then all of a sudden grew out of it into a pretty person. To make matters worse, I had spent my childhood very sick, having frequent seizures of the run around and not fall down twitching sort that had caused most of my fellows to think I was strange and a worthy target for abuse. When I suddenly had effective treatment, they became all the crueler because suddenly I wasn’t terrifying and unpredictable anymore. Even the nice people who decided to pity me thought I was obviously subnormal because I had so recently run around screaming and hiding in the bathrooms. As I grew into good looks, suddenly the boys who had spent the last several years shoving me into trash cans started asking me out. I had never been more insulted. Did they think I was so pathetic that I would fall at their feet? I see Lily in a softer light, and James too, for that matter. I’m not necessarily fond of James, we haven’t seen much more of him than the stripping Snape incident, but I went though a period when I discovered I wasn’t a social outcast when I realized my dream of being popular and I was quite cruel, because for the first time I wasn’t on the receiving end. It’s a natural juvenile pecking order behavior. Besides, knowing Snape, he gave as good as he got, feeding into the feud. Lily did not think the prank was funny. She only turned on Snape when he insulted her for helping him. She was indignant. I might have done the same had my best friend called me a kike. James isn’t just handsome and rich, he is socially able, and furthermore, he is charismatic. I have never been and never will be charismatic, but it does mean that he was more than just a good looking fellow. He sparkled, and this was what Snape envied (not that Snape didn’t despise him because of their mutual cruelty). Snape isn’t just ugly and poor, he is socially inept and often outright nasty. He was the butt of jokes in many parts, because of this. Unfortunately for the ladies around Snape, they don’t know that his new face hides the same Snape personality. Looks can make someone approach another person, but they cannot make them stay around if the personality behind them is not for them. And Snape is churlish. He’s just understandably so.
Only to be reminded of how malicious she can be to people she doesn't like. Teasing Professor Prince in class and spying on him... And her strange justification of her actions just shows how immature and petty she is being. Of course, always being left out fo the loop does make one feel resentment, but sometimes I wish that this Ginny was more forgiving. The parts in Harry's point of view have a peculiar, but very fitting mood to them. There is a bit of awkwardness, and distance whenever Harry interacts with Ginny, and a feeling that he is always holding something back from her. You can feel it from more than just the dialogue. I always feel uncomfortable when I'm reading the parts where Harry interacts with Ginny because of the mood you create. Good job there. Just a few mistakes this time: “No idea why she likes it though, Seamus called out from inside the dormitory.” --misplaced quotation mark the glamour he might be attractive, possibly even hansom. --"handsome" Ginny is about the find out the secret, isn't she... The next chapter won't be pretty. Author's Response: Thanks, I was a little worried that the first part of the chapter was wasted words, that I was trying too hard to make Ginny more appealing. It isn’t that she’s supposed to be appealing, just not hated. She’s a child, really, and she has potential to be a decent human being, she just doesn’t show it much. She has a lot of growing up to do over the course of the fic. Ginny’s maliciousness towards Snape/Prince is even more pronounced because she’s doing it because of Harry and Hermione. She just doesn’t notice collateral damage much. She’s very myopic that way. I plan to force her out of it. Harry is holding back and feels very uncomfortable with his dishonesty. Well, he’ll be even more uncomfortable when it all comes out. Actually, Ginny learns all in the next chapter, but the ramifications of her discovery don’t begun until chapter 21. 20 is Harry Snape and a little Harry Malfoy.
Fixed the errors, I’m glad you liked it over all.
Ginny is way too curious for her own good. What a nosy little thing. I wonder if she will finally figure it out. Can't wait for the next chapter! Author's Response: *snicker* Snape really is very set in his ways, isn’t he? Thanks, I’m glad you like it. Ginny doesn’t so much figure as actually overhear…
Oh, and I completely loved the "bulb changing" joke *grin* there are not many jokes in fanfics generally, I realised. Even the writers who write in a funny/amusing style don't include jokes much. I wonder why. Hm, too long I guess. Best wishes, Lil Sun Author's Response: Thanks, I’m glad you like it so far, and I’m sorry about your poor eyes. I can’t stand Sappy!Snape, and when I set out to write this, that was near the top of things I would not let myself do. The whole point of writing him, as far as I’m concerned is to write him, snark and nastiness included, and the whole point of writing Harry interacting with him is to watch them bicker. I think that jokes I writing have become déclassé to the point where even most fanfiction writers don’t use them. It was meant to be a one off to show something about Harry and Ginny, and I can’t lay claim to it. Wow, there isn’t much humor in the fic, is there?
Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I loved writing Snape not admitting to being even slightly jealous. Everyone is redoing their seventh year, Slytherins favored by the Death Eaters included. The previous year counts for no one, because no one could learn under those conditions... or so the official govenment line goes, at least. So Ginny is still a sixth year also. Also, it means there are two sets of first years, those repeating the year, and the new ones.
I was struck by an interesting piece of irony while reading this chapter. I thought of all the times Harry had some information he wanted to bring to the Headmaster's attention but didn't. (Just like Snape/Prince) And of course, in most of those instances he tried to solve it himself and ended up being saved by Snape. I can't help but wonder if there's a way for Harry to help Snape this time. So, Severus is glad he can fly, even if he 'didn't really want to learn' in the first place. LOL (gotta love those sour grapes) I'm thinking that'll come into play later, huh? Author's Response: Thanks, I’m glad you like that line, It’s Harry showing where Snape’s snark came from. I wasn’t planning on Harry bailing Snape out of any of Snape’s mistakes, at least not new ones, but he does prove helpful to Snape. I don't think they come into play plot wise, except that I have a running fox symbolism for Snape, and the icon I made for this is of the fox reaching for the grapes. It also shows up in the epilogue, which I have already written. I’m really pleasantly surprised that you caught it for what it was, and used exactly that phrase for it.
Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you liked that line. That was Harry's allotment for sheer snark for quite a while that... Snape here has much more of an identity crisis to go through in this fic than Harry does, and it's kinda fun to play with the reverse of the norm. On the other hand, Harry will have a lot more trouble thrown his way sortly. |
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