Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For No Difference
Title: A Chance Discovery 12 Feb 2008 7:27 pm
Reviewer: Neinka (Anonymous) [Report This]
    wow its great idea! I really like it!Please, go on!

    Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you like it and I plan to!
Title: A Chance Discovery 10 Feb 2008 6:34 pm
Reviewer: Ebonie (Anonymous) [Report This]
    It's because I don't like Canon Harry I think, more than anything.

    I know Sev's a snarky git, but that's what makes him, him, y'know?

    Harry's lack of empathy where it comes to his son really doesn't help the situation, and the way he just LEAVES Eeleen.

    Author's Response:

    As I said, he had to leave Eileen, because he had to go back to kill Voldemort, and because it would have caused a paradox, and the universe might have ripped itself to shreds.  He felt awful about it, and guilty, but he did it, because it was his duty, and Harry’s very good at doing his duty.


    I know Snape’s a snarky git.  It’s the point of him.  However, Harry isn’t going to roll over and let someone be mean to him.  Harry doesn’t lack empathy where it comes to Snape, he just doesn’t like him much.

Title: A Chance Discovery 10 Feb 2008 5:26 pm
Reviewer: Ebonie (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm really starting to hate your Harry. Much like the Canon version, he is completely lacking in empathy.

    Poor Sev, though, as Harry is his father, he has a lot of ground to cross. I wonder what'll happen when Ginny and Hermione find out?

    Much less Kingsly.

    Author's Response:

    I’m not quite sure really what is so objectionable about Harry.  Yes, he dislikes and is not very nice to Snape, but Snape is absolutely awful to Harry in return.  He doesn’t lack empathy, but he does have trouble articulating his own feelings.  He really didn’t mean to hurt Snape, and he feels genuinely bad that his question did.  He also feels horrible about having to leave Eileen to Tobias Snape, but he couldn’t do anything about it.  And Snape isn’t a blameless victim.  He is quite nasty to Harry, and likes to twist the knife in Harry much more than Harry likes to twist it in Snape.

Title: Accidents 08 Feb 2008 12:39 pm
Reviewer: Rizeddta (Anonymous) [Report This]
    It would be very funny for a conversation between mcgonagall and harry to be overheard by snape involving the part of cos where snape tells lockhart that "his moment has come" and how harry wishes he could take even a little credit for the sense of humor that had to have come from eileen

    Author's Response:

    It would, but it wouldn't really fit the mood of the story.  Besides, McGonagall and Harry don't talk much.  They have a much more "teacher student" relationship than "mentor protégé" the way Harry had with Dumbledore.  Also, the war is over.  Harry no longer desperately needs to be groomed to fight.  I doubt I would work the conversation in.

Title: A Chance Discovery 07 Feb 2008 5:29 pm
Reviewer: Emilie D (Signed) [Report This]
    I really, really liked this one.

    Author's Response: you're welcome, I'm glad you liked it.
Title: A Chance Discovery 07 Feb 2008 11:10 am
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]
    Finally! I cried through the whole second half of the chapter. I want to say poor Harry, but I think it should be poor Severus who can only imagine that someone would ask about his mother out of spite. And I'm interested to see how you plan to have Harry's experiences affect his relationship with Ginny. I can see it going either way.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, I'm glad you like it.   I feel bad over all for Snape, because his life and his emotional view of the world are so screwed up, but this chapter had a lot of poor Harry in it, didn't it...
    Well, since this is at least meant to fit in with canon (except I think Harry's secondborn needs a new middle name) he and Ginny have to stay together, but that's all I'm saying...

Title: A Chance Discovery 07 Feb 2008 7:27 am
Reviewer: CeeCeeMee (Signed) [Report This]
    These two have such a long history of only thinking the worse of the other.

    You did a fine job of trying to break them through their normal assumptions and into new ground. Well done.

    Author's Response: Thanks, it isn't done yet you know, they still hate each other, and I plan to get that down to mild dislike.
Title: A Chance Discovery 07 Feb 2008 1:27 am
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This chapter was really intense..especially the bit at the end. I enjoyed the raw emotions.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, it's kind of odd writing two reasonably decent people hating each other.

Title: A Chance Discovery 07 Feb 2008 1:04 am
Reviewer: celadonserpent (Signed) [Report This]
    Two errors for this chapter:

    "he had no excuse to be wondering the halls"--"wondering" should be "wandering"

    "He had no doubt his collogue"--"collogue" should be "colleague"

    Ooh, that Belby! Someone needs to teach him a lesson. How dare he steals another's work and pawn it off as him own?

    There isn't much psychological insight in this chapter. It's mostly Harry and Snape reacting to things that have occurred in the last chapter. This chapter has allowed only two things to occur: 1. we get proof of Belby's culpability, and 2. Harry apologizes for being insensitive about Snape's feelings on his mother's death. No new angle on the characters is revealed, and while Harry may have apologized and Snape accepted that apology, their relationship does not move forward or backward in any significant way.

    Though the chapter does virtually nothing for the father-son relationship, it does, however, firmly cement the awkwardness Snape must feel at being the son of someone he sees as immature and thoughtless. He is twice his "father's" age, and his instructor, to boot. And he is old enough to be his father's father. The chapter does well in displaying Snape's feelings on this matter.

    I must say that I'm a little disappointed in this chapter. It does not seem to contain the charge and energy of your previous chapters. For example, in Chapter 13: Oligarchy, you not only balanced the awkwardness of Harry and Snape's situation well, but you also revealed the Wizarding World's political structure, Snape's possible motives for joining Voldemort, Harry's inability to forgive the Malfoys, as well as Hermione's observation of Harry and Snape's strange behavior. Compared to that chapter, this chapter has very little going on at all.

    I mean, obviously things happen in this chapter. You can't have written 3,000 words and have nothing happen. It's just these 3,000 words lack the substance that the 3,000 words in chapter 13 held.

    I know this sounds harsh, but I'm not writing this to be mean. I really feel that you can do better than this. Your previous chapters show you can. I'm writing this to point out that something may be going awry in your writing. If you feel that this chapter is offering something that I've completely missed, then please tell me. It may be that I'm reading this chapter completely wrong.

    Author's Response:

    I fixed both spelling errors, thank you for pointing them out.

    Belby was something of a response to Lockheart, to tell the truth; I wondered how on earth Lockheart could get away with such extensive fraud if he was as incompetent as he was.

    Harry apologizes for the first time in this chapter, both in the story and in canon to Snape.  Also, for the first time, Snape is at a point in which he isn’t going to automatically react badly to any apology given.  For both of them, that’s a fairly big moment.  Also, Harry shows an emotion to Snape other than anger and resentment, in this case, grief and guilt, even if he doesn’t show it on Snape’s behalf.  We may not have learned much new, but Snape did.  Also, this chapter was in part a defense of Harry.  I had quite a few reviews saying that he was selfish, spiteful, and couldn’t he be nicer to Snape please?  I know that isn’t really a good reason to write a chapter, but I did think I had done enough with their fight and how it ended to balance that.

    There is a chapter coming soon that deals with Wizarding history and Snape and Harry’s opposing views, as well as the Malfoys and how Harry and Draco react (and feud) over them getting off, but I would burn out if I tried to do something big like politics and Wizarding history in every chapter.  Also, I had mixed reviews about how effectively I balanced the political with the emotional, so the last two chapters were also meant to give some extra time to purely internal character concerns.

    I’m sorry you feel that the last two chapters lack substance, especially since I saw them as minor turning points.

Title: Accidents 02 Feb 2008 1:28 pm
Reviewer: MistyMossflower (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great story, I don't think that I have ever read a story where Harry was Severus' actual father and not just his adoptive father. Keep up the good work and I can't wait for the next update. ^_^

    Author's Response: Thanks!  I don't think I've ever seen one either...

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