Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For No Difference
Title: Accidents 01 Feb 2008 9:24 am
Reviewer: cardigrl (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh my. Your Harry is astonishly cruel, even for such a self-absorbed prat who only bothers to think about Eileen because of Ginny. To go see Snape and hurl just 12 words at him: "How did you know I was coming?" and "How..How did Eileen die?" And then for him to respond to the implications of showing up in the Foe Glass by thinking he'll just give his son a crap birthday present, intending it to be unkind? For all his vaunted ability to love, he certainly likes to twist the knife, doesn't he?

    Author's Response:

    Harry is human.  He has brief spiteful thoughts, just as all humans do.  However, he has no intention of acting on them.  He had no real intention of taking Snape’s gift back, he just responded to Snape’s inability to graciously accept a gift with a few passive aggressive thoughts that he then squashed.

    As to why it takes Ginny to push Harry into thinking about Eileen, Harry lost a lot of people he loves in a very short time, Eileen, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Colin (who he might not care deeply about but probably feels guilty over) Dobby, Moody, and Hedwig.  To think about one of them would open the doors to thinking about all of them, and that’s too painful to deal with.  He’s subconsciously trying very hard to not think about any of them.

Title: Accidents 29 Jan 2008 10:52 pm
Reviewer: celadonserpent (Signed) [Report This]
    Not much interaction between Snape and Harry in this chapter, though I see that it is quite necessary in order to have Ginny's actions bring Eileen's memory to the forefront.

    That said, there are a few errors you might want to correct:

    "Harry’s mind had floated up to her as he waved good bye to the train as it sped out of the Hogsmeade station, and he hiked back up to the school as soon as the train was out of site."
    This sentence is rather awkward. For a moment, I actually thought that Harry's physical head floated up to Ginny. And I think the "site" that you mean should be "sight."

    "A thin blanket of snow covered the fields a vicious wind blew though him."
    Perhaps "snow covered the fields AND a vicious wind"? Or just "A thin blanket of snow covered the fields. A vicious wind blew him"?

    "He pealed the tape away delicately and unfolded the glittering paper."
    I think the "peal" you want should be "peel." "Peal" is actually to sound/resound, or beat.

    This chapter seems to lack the substance of the last chapter, and feels like a transition chapter. If that's your goal, then you got it, but if it isn't, then you probably need to rewrite it a bit.

    However, you did depict Harry's desire and anxiety very well. In fact, I feel a little scared of this Ginny.

    Author's Response:

    I fixed the grammatical problems.


    You’re right; I did need Ginny to bring Eileen to the forefront of Harry’s mind, and to make him feel guilty about deceiving Ginny and abandoning Eileen.  However, I also needed to have them interact more and deeper than I had before to make Ginny’s reaction to finding out about Eileen, and Harry’s reaction to Ginny’s reaction more believable later in the story.

    I had someone else comment that s/he would likely hit Ginny if s/he met her in real life.  Ginny is quite aggressive in love, but at the same time, she isn’t cruel about it, so I can forgive her.  She is a little frightening though, isn’t she?

    I did have Snape and Harry interact long enough for them to snip at each other though.

Title: Accidents 29 Jan 2008 5:11 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]
    Sigh. Poor Harry. What a horrible situation for magic to put him in just so he could save the world. He never gets a break, does he? I imagine that knowing that Harry cared about Eileen will help soften things eventually with Severus.

    Author's Response:

    It helps, eventually, but Snape's problem has never really been with Harry.  it has always been with James, and the fact that he thinks Harry is just like his father.

    Poor Harry indeed.   He does get a lot thrown at him, doesn't he?

Title: Accidents 29 Jan 2008 2:15 pm
Reviewer: CeeCeeMee (Signed) [Report This]
    Once again, a very well-written chapter. I find myself feeling sorry for Harry, Severus and Ginny.

    It's such an ackward position for them all - and Ginny doesn't even realise just how much so. Yet.

    So, what did Harry get his "son" for his first Christmas present anyways?

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.  this wasn't a happy chapter for anyone concerned, was it? 

    "Yet" is the operative word, Poor Ginny...

    Harry got him a Foe-Glass.   I haven't decided on a birthday present (January 9th is coming up in the story too...).

Title: Accidents 29 Jan 2008 1:32 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I really like this story. I just enjoy the reversal and mean Snape. He's refreshing. I especially liked him in this chapter...so much anger.

    Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you've been enjoying it.  My snape is not a nice man, which in my oppinion is exactly how he should be
Title: Oligarchy 27 Jan 2008 9:43 am
Reviewer: Ebonie (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Please update soon. This is brilliant!

    Author's Response: Thank you!  I'm glad you like it.
Title: Oligarchy 27 Jan 2008 7:49 am
Reviewer: Em (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm back again, loving this story. As always, Snape is the brilliant speaker of umpleasant truths. Harry is the boy who I hope will actually remember to look up "plutocratic" for himself.

    I hope Harry will outgrow his teenage fat-headedness, but it looks like this could be a very long story before that could happen.

    Please keep writing!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, I’m glad you like the story.  Snape actually likes rubbing peoples’ faces (especially Harry’s face) in unpleasant truths, doesn’t he?  Harry will look up “plutocratic” (even if I don’t mention it in the text) just because he doesn’t like Snape having the better of him.

    Harry will outgrow it, with a little (or a lot) of prodding) and he’s going to come to a turning point soon.

Title: Oligarchy 25 Jan 2008 7:16 pm
Reviewer: sunsethill (Signed) [Report This]
    Ah, we get some interesting political discussion in this, and I had to snort at how Severus used this to twit and torment Harry, especially his last snide comment about fathers and sons. And Hermione is now a curious girls, isn't she? ;-)

    Author's Response:

    Thank you, I’m glad you like it.  It was fun writing Snape and Harry feud while ostensibly talking about something else.

    Of course Hermione is a curious girl.  She thinks things need to be solved.

Title: Oligarchy 25 Jan 2008 5:30 pm
Reviewer: celadonserpent (Signed) [Report This]
    Another very interesting chapter. Your take on Wizarding government is very intriguing, as well as your explanation of Snape's reasons for joining Voldemort in the first place. Very well thought out.
    The dynamics between Harry and Snape are also quite unique. It seems from Harry's point of view that he would be very happy to forget his relationship with Snape, but that Snape has a very hard time of it. It's actually quite realistic, in that Harry may biologically be a father, but mentally, he is inexperienced and unprepared. The idea of a child is simply a concept and nothing more to Harry, whereas the physically changed Snape is forced to deal with something more than a concept.
    I look forward to seeing how this relationship will develop.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you, I’m glad you’re enjoying it so far.  While reading the books, I came to the conclusion that there is something very fishy with the way Wizarding government is structured, so I used it as an excuse to broaden Harry’s mind to Snape’s perspective.

    The dynamics between the two of them are where this story really differs from Severitus fics.  Because, as you said, Snape’s the one who changes physically, he’s the one who has to come to grips with the situation immediately.  Also, Snape is mature (or perhaps set in his ways, I’ve heard good arguments against actual maturity) and older than Harry, so with Harry as father, their customary hierarchy is somewhat reversed.  Besides, they can’t stand each other.  It’s fun to write them.

Title: Oligarchy 25 Jan 2008 7:25 am
Reviewer: CeeCeeMee (Signed) [Report This]
    Hmmmm, interesting insight on the Wizengamot and the Ministry. Your version would explain a lot of the problems we all saw in the books.

    And "Yea!" for Snape acknowledging their relationship. Good job.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, you can tell I'm a Political Science major, no?  Really, though there is something fishy about Wizarding government.  I'd like to visit Wizarding Britian, but I'm not to sure about living there.

    *Grin* I tried to have my political disgussion emotionally relevent to the story and to the characters, and I hpe I succedded.

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