Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For No Difference
Title: Theoretical Study 24 Jan 2008 7:04 am
Reviewer: Just_A_Reader (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Brilliant! XD

    Author's Response: Thanks!
Title: Trials, Tribulations, and Quidditch 20 Jan 2008 2:26 pm
Reviewer: CeeCeeMee (Signed) [Report This]
    What a great twist you've given us. I'm really enjoying your tale. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Author's Response: Thank you, i'm glad you enjoy it!
Title: Beginning at the End 20 Jan 2008 10:03 am
Reviewer: Just_A_Reader (Anonymous) [Report This]
    The idea is very likeable. Lol, poor Harry, stuck with Snape's mom - though she really doesn't seem too bad.

    He suddenly hoped that there hadn’t been some other Potter who had gone to Hogwarts with her and made her life miserable too. XD Brilliant.

    Quite ironic really, for Harry to have to go back in time to father Snape, just so the Severus can save his hide countless times and then be dead by the time Harry gets back.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, but the idea isn’t mine.  I took it from the thematic_hp round 8 challenges.  I don’t think Eileen is too awful, in fact I rather like my version of her.  I had a fun time with her, and I’m having a fun time with Ginny later on in the fic, making her different from Eileen.


    I’m glad you like that line.


    Part of the challenge requirement is that Snape be in it, so I had to use a plot device that was, at least a bit, contrived to keep him alive.

Title: Theoretical Study 19 Jan 2008 8:34 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I skipped reviewing this chapter and went straight to review after Ch. 12, but neglected to say I thought Snape's opening speech for DADA was absolutely brilliant. Others can wallow in the fantasy of "Happily Ever After" for the wizarding world, but not Snape. I loved the reaction from the dunderheads- I mean the students, too.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!  I’m actually quite proud of that speech.  I refer to it as the “Snape awes with mathematics” moment.

Title: Trials, Tribulations, and Quidditch 19 Jan 2008 4:40 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This fic was recced in LJ and I almost couldn't bring myself to read such a bizarre premise. I'm really glad I did, however, and I'm looking forward to reading more.

    I like the fact that he's not St. Harry in this, he's a self-centered teenage idiot who has to face the consequences of what he did. I also like the way you portrayed the relationship. However reluctant Snape and Harry are, they've been virtually obsessed with watching each other as long as Harry's been at Hogwarts. Those two characters would have a hard time ingoring each other under normal circumstances and this plot is a truly devilish way to torment them both. I feel sorry for Snape, but I hope you'll give Harry a really rotten time as he deals with this mess. I like the way you've portrayed Ginny too. Also McGonagall.

    Great job!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!  I’m really glad you overcame your reluctance and that you enjoyed it.  I guess what the premise lacks in automatic plausibility, it makes up for in characterization possibilities.

    Harry is at heart selfish in the way of most teenagers, and more so because he had such poor socialization when he was younger.  He and Snape both have enough character flaws to make it interesting for me to write them.  Really, it wouldn’t be any fun to write “St. Harry”.

    I plan to give Harry, if not a rotten time, at least a hard time.  He and Snape have a strange sort of hatred in which they feel the need to watch each other, and follow each other around, and fight with each other.  It makes it fun for a writer to let the two of them twist together.

    I wrote Ginny at least in part as a response to a friend of mine’s complaint that the Ginny of the books was undeveloped, so I’ve been reading into her few appearances and real interactions together into a reasonable character.  Also because of her position in the story, I had to write McGonagall’s softer, less institutional treachery more human side.  I’m glad you think I did a good job.

Title: Trials, Tribulations, and Quidditch 18 Jan 2008 8:24 am
Reviewer: Marion (Anonymous) [Report This]
    If a fic is very, very good, I often don't review it because I would have too much praise and too few words to do it with. This fic is so good I nearly didn't review it again, but I will try to mend my ways and review anyway.

    I. Love. This. Fic.

    I love how you've written Harry, paradoxically. Paradoxically because I don't like canon Harry and I don't like your Harry for exactly the same reasons (so you've written him, imo, very In Character). Harry is such a self-centered little git. As per usual he will do something rash and then will ignore the results and shrug off the consequences. I could strangle him when he condemned poor Eileen to throw away her life and marry the drunk Tobias Snape, then bugger off and a few days later reconcile himself with Ginny and not spare a thought to Eileen's fate. I wanted to kick him when he blithely condemned his own child and Eileen's to such a bleak and gruesome existance and then, when coming face to face with his grownup child, having only petty cruelty for him. In the Potterverse too much is being kept secret and secrecy certainly never served anybody (one can only wonder how much support Voldemort would've garnered if, back in the seventies, a certain headmaster would've made it public that Voldemort was Tom Riddle, a son of a witch and a muggle) It would be a good thing, I think, if Harry's love-'m-and-leave-'m past was publicly revealed. Molly Weasley might have something to say about that. Or not, since that woman has a cashregister instead of a heart, as do her youngest four children...

    I loathe the Potterbooks, and alsways have (although I love the fandom: the characters deserve better than their creator gave them), and I hate them for many reasons, but the chiefest would be that Harry, the protagonist, does such stupid things and behaves in such self-centered and disrespectful ways and yet is never held responsible. Heck, he never, in the books, for a single moment thinks something like 'hey, I judged him wrong', or 'I shouldn't have done that' and certainly never 'I am responsible for my own actions'. I hope, hope, hope, that you will *not* end this in a fluffy-bunny 'oh my son/father, I sooo lurve you' way (too much water under that bridge, I'm afraid) but I *do* hope that you will teach Harry a small lesson in personal responsibility, humility and respect for others in the process.

    Well, that wasn't too hard now, was it, Marion? You should review more stories (grin)

    Author's Response:

    Yes, Harry is at heart a selfish human being in a thoughtless teenaged way.  He really couldn’t be much different given his upbringing.  However, pushed enough, he can muster intellectual if not usually emotional sympathy.  As it happens, he and Ginny aren’t really back together.  They’re in that odd teenaged realm of socially together, emotionally apart.  I can’t see Harry having the nerve to say to Ginny that he wouldn’t get back together with her, seeing as Voldemort is gone and any excuse he had is shot to pieces.  It would take the kind of emotional courage that almost no one has to confess to her.  Actually, Ginny is selfish in her own enthusiastically careless way, so they’re a good match.  I like the Harry/Ginny ship… it show’s Harry’s Oedipus complex.

    I like my Eileen, and I would have quite happily punched Harry after that scene, even if I did write it.  It might have been for the greater good, and it might have prevented a paradox, but it was still a callous thing to do.  The strange thing is that Harry doesn’t seem to think about Harry is that he doesn’t think about the consequences to anybody, not even to himself, not just in this instance, but in all instances.

    Snape’s identity and his parentage will not become public knowledge, at least not during the time period that the story covers, but it will come out to the important people.  Hermione, Ron, and Ginny will all find out, and I’m playing with Neville and Luna possibly as well.  Furthermore, they will find out without Harry telling them, and he will have to face the consequences of both his actions and his secrecy.

    I should mention that all of my favorite Potterverse characters are of the Marauder era except one (my favorite characters are Snape, Sirius, Remus, and Luna, and I find it extremely entertaining from a fanfic writer’s standpoint that the first three have such… strained relationships), though none of them are, except perhaps Luna, particular paragons of empathy and human decency either.

    Actually, Harry will show a bit more empathy for Eileen (but not for Snape) in the next few chapters, but it’s a halfhearted sort of empathy.

    Oh, don’t worry, I won’t end the story with love and fluffyness.  That’s what really really really annoyed me about most Severitus fics.  Really really annoyed me.  They will come to a reconciliation of sorts, but it will be much more a sort of ceasefire.

    I have to say that getting such a long and detailed review made my day.  Thank you, and I’m glad you like the fic.  I should review more often myself...

Title: Trials, Tribulations, and Quidditch 16 Jan 2008 7:17 pm
Reviewer: celadonserpent (Signed) [Report This]
    Very well done. Incredibly unique and, surprisingly, believable. Snape and Harry are written very well, and their interaction (or lack of) is executed convincingly. There are a few minor spelling/grammar errors that dot the story, but nothing big. Overall, a thoroughly enjoyable and interesting piece. I hope you keep up the same quality for your other chapters, and I look forward to an update.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you, I'm glad you like it.  Since it's mainly a character piece, if the characters were OOC or unbelievable, I'd be in real trouble, so I've been trying to keep every one as close to canon as possible.  Actually, it’s been difficult finding them places to interact, because if it were up to them, Snape and Harry would never speak.


    I’ve been slowly finding the errors on my own, but it’s difficult to proof one’s own work, and I’d appreciate it if anyone reading No Difference would point out errors when they find them.

Title: Trials, Tribulations, and Quidditch 16 Jan 2008 3:08 pm
Reviewer: Rhea (Signed) [Report This]
    I absolutly like it!!!!

    Author's Response: spasiba!  Ya radostniya Tvi nosesh moi proizvyedyennye!
Title: Trials, Tribulations, and Quidditch 16 Jan 2008 1:28 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    wow, very interesting... hope you will write more about interaction between harry and severus

    Author's Response: That's the plan.  the story is primarily a character piece
Title: Trials, Tribulations, and Quidditch 16 Jan 2008 3:41 am
Reviewer: bkerrmom1 (Signed) [Report This]
    This is definately a twist I have never read before. Thoroughly done.

    Author's Response: Thank you, it's always good to know I've been thorough.

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