Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For No Difference
Title: Making it Worse 30 Jun 2010 4:13 am
Reviewer: trust severus spy (Signed) [Report This]
    Yeah, well, "sorry" doesn't keep the howlers from coming to Harry, does it, Ginny?

    Author's Response: And "sorry doesn't fix the fact that the man teaching Ginny Defense against the Dark Arts for the last several months oversaw her and her classmate's torture, even if he was working for the other side.  She may have absolutely been in the wrong spying on him (And yes she was, Oh my God, was she ever) but I can understand how she lost her cool finding that out.
Title: Fat, Fire, and Frying Pans 30 Jun 2010 2:33 am
Reviewer: trust severus spy (Signed) [Report This]
    I know it's easy for many authors to use her and her temper this way, but OOOOHH, I HATE GINNY WEASLEY!! In fact, I'm not feeling too positive about Ron right now, either!

    Author's Response: Me too.  I mostly try to remember she's a child who just spent a year in hell, and she sees Snape to blame for a lot of it.  And ron feels guilty as only a big brother can.
Title: Family Trees 30 Jun 2010 12:47 am
Reviewer: trust severus spy (Signed) [Report This]
    I liked the following bit of atmosphere you provided: "Harry liked Hogwarts at night. There remained some visceral thrill to sneaking around left from first year. So many of his most terrifying assignations had come out of midnight wandering through the Hogwarts halls, but the terror and occasional bloodshed had always come far removed from the late night adventures, safe in his invisibility cloak. It took some of the excitement out of the journey to be taking it on a professor’s direction. Given who had sent him on it, he had no fear of running into Snape or another professor, and very little of running into Filch. Even without his invisibility cloak, he felt no need to slink through the halls, hiding in the shadows from the caretaker and Mrs. Norris prowling around the corridors. Instead, his trek to Flitwick’s office felt more like a daytime walk, except that the halls were dark and empty." Nice bit of feeling like Harry, there.

    Author's Response: And of course, all of this is a very fancy way of saying "Well it's no fun when I'm allowed to do it!"  You're wonderfully flattering to my ego, you know that?
Title: Foxes, Nightingales, and Larks 29 Jun 2010 11:45 pm
Reviewer: trust severus spy (Signed) [Report This]
    I've read this story already, but I can't help saying again how much I like Eileen. I love her quirkiness, her intelligence, her eccentricity. Considering how oddly Harry came into and out of her life--and what he did to her!--she handles it all rather well. Good chapter, and I'm sorry we have to leave her. Another "10" for you, anyway!

    Author's Response: Thank you!  Eileen's probably my favorite thing to have come out of writing this.  I miss her.
Title: Epilogue: Six Years Later 06 Jan 2010 1:34 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]

    Well, this is probably the most inventive fic I've read in a LONG while. It actually makes me want to write one similar, but it'd be TOO similar and nowhere near as good as yours, so I should be content with this. (Plus my mind just thinks way too much and I would probably lose some interest in it after a while if I even tried)

    I do feel kind of sad for Severus though. Harry got his real family in the end, what did Severus really get? Sure, technically it's his family too, but he still doesn't seem to like Harry very much, and how would he react to seeing his father with a new baby, cooing and kissing on him, and knowing the fact that even though Harry had to do it, his real father left him with a terrible childhood, never loving him much if any? (Not that he WANTED the love- but still) I guess I'm thinking too much on this because something similar (without someone younger from the future coming to the past thing) happened to a friend of mine and she kinda really resents her dad because of it... but then I'm over thinking this, aren't I?

    Well, I really enjoyed this story, with all of Harry and Snape's hiccups and burps along the way. Very well done!! Thanks for the story Attackfish! :D

    Author's Response: I do that too.  I read a story and go "this is a great idea, ooh, how would I do this," and then it never gets written, which is probably a good thing.  I'm really glad you liked it that much though.  I answered a challenge to write this off the wall idea completely straight, so that part wasn't my idea.  The 100,000 words that went around it, though...  Speaking off Snape as Harry's kid, I get a horrible joy out of the idea of Snape reincarnated as James Sirius Potter.

    Harry's really trying, both to form a relationship with Snape now, and to see that he forms a relationship with his siblings.  As I said, I have three much older siblings, and in "Literary Minds", I wanted to show some of how good those sibling bonds can be.  Harry's trying, clumsily, to set that up.  If he tried to lavish Snape with affection, at this point, he'd end up as a bloody spot on the wall.

    Thank you for reading this.  It was the first fanfiction I ever wrote, and I was feeling less than proud of it for a while.  You reminded me there were good bits to it too and got me to reread it.
Title: Detentions and Deliberations 06 Jan 2010 1:19 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    “It matters that I’m James Potter’s son, but it doesn’t matter that you’re mine.”-BURN!! But It's a nice wake up call for him I think. Poor Snape, still doesn't want to be Harry's son...not that I would if I were him, but still...

    The realization so shocked him that he almost called the boy back to rail at him.- HAHA! Snape's never really going to change, is he? He's just too snarky. THAT'S from Eileen's side, and I'm sure Harry knows it. That should also prompt him to want to let Severus keep it since it's from his mother.

    I'm still a little less than pleased with Ginny though. She makes such a mess out of everything. But maybe I'm just being too protective over Snape. He IS my favorite character after all. (poor him ;D ) But I'm sad he has to think of Lily when he sees both Harry and Ginny together in the end...and then realize that she had been his grandmother. D: SO NOT COOL! I'd probably feel worse than crap had I found out my boyfriend was my grandpa or something. >_< GROSS!! Poor guy...

    But now I'm sad. One more chapter to go, and I still want MORE!! Well, off I go to the last!

    Author's Response:

    Ouch, yeah, Harry got him there, and for once, it shut him up and made him think about his assumptions.  Poor Snape.

    Mind, Harry's snarkier than most people think, so Snape got some of it from him.  Not that either would admit to this.

    Snape's all of a sudden very glad Lily never responded to his romantic intentions.  What if he had kissed her?  Or worse?  He's pretty squicked.

    I wanted to show Ginny's good side a little more in this chapter.  She's a problem for Harry and Snape, but she's not horrible.

Title: Gobstones 06 Jan 2010 12:53 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Okay, so I reviewed this before, but my computer kicked me off again. Let's see if I can't remember what I said last time?

    “I bet she was significantly better than you,” Snape muttered- hahaha!! I can TOTALLY see Snape acting like a little kid! I can imagine like a six year old Snape thinking he's hot stuff with this come back for some reason! XD He's so cute! (he'll come to my house one day and murder me because I keep insisting that he's "cute")

    And I'm glad Harry played gobstones with Snape. At first it was a bit weird that he would randomly get this idea, a bit awkward, but I thrive in awkwardness. (I usually don't feel so awkward about things) And I was very SLYTHERIN of Harry to trick Snape into playing.

    But even though Snape was being more than a jerk to Harry last time, I'm glad that Harry was able to decipher Snape's meaning, without Snape really meaning anything too deep behind his cruel words. I'm glad Harry understands that Severus feels guilty and ashamed of himself. In an odd way, it's helping bridge the gap oddly enough.

    “I’d kiss it better, but I think you’d hex me.”-LMAO!! HAHAHA!! That's BRILLIANT!! Oh, I could just see Snape's face, he's so mad that his face is a blank!! And then Harry waves goodbye! ROTF!! Brilliant I say!!

    This is one of my favorite chapters in this story. It was wonderful!! Only two more chapters to go though. :(

    Author's Response: Aw man, next time I see you, it'll be as potion ingredients.

    I really wanted to have this chapter be one more cracky concept played straight and made into something I could really see happening.  Given how good Harry is with quidditch, games of coordination probably give him a certain amount of confidence, also put Snape off his equilibrium.  It's a strategic choice.

    Harry's slowly learning to speak Snape.  He's not fluent yet, but he's getting there.  Poor Snape *cuddles him* he won't be a step ahead anymore, soon. Harry realizing Snape's unintended conveyance of information was a real breakthrough for him, and made him feel bad for his kid.

    Some of Snape's snark comes from his dear dad.  Snape getting reminded of their odd family relationship=furious Snape.
Title: More Letters 05 Jan 2010 11:13 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    "No, I will not eat the stewed Apricots, I want applesauce!"- 0_o I'm with baby Snape on that one! stewed apricot? What the heck? Applesauce ALLLLL the way on that one....or maybe the cake ;)

    But anywho, on with the review!!: OMG!! Snape's totally cruel in the last part! It is true, but he could of sofened it. *winces* Now he and Harry are gunna have another row.

    But I was thinking of Snape everytime Harry and his friends talked about spying. Snape is usually the first person that comes to my mind when I hear the word "spy" nowadays. And with the RIGHT motivation Snape COULD be very usful in spying on the government. He IS Slytherin after all. It could work.

    Excellent chapter, I'm off to the next!

    Author's Response:

    Snape just can't make himself be nice, but yeah, that was particularly cruel of him.  Mind, it also shows exactly how guilty he feels that he takes that much of the blame.  Oh, my boys.

    You cannot MAKE Snape have to go through that again, no, you can't, no, no no!

Title: Making it Worse 05 Jan 2010 10:16 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh! Minerva CAN be Slytherin. Had Snape not been going through a lot, I'm sure he'd be GLAD to point that out to her. *snickers* I hope Belby gets it good. *evil smirk*

    But Harry went after Snape? That was nice of him, even if he didn't want to. And he can't really be too mad at Snape. After all, he and Eileen HAD been beaten by Tobias, and Harry HAD told Eileen to marry him. It did look pretty bad. At least here, I think Snape was justified in some of his feelings (for the first time) Poor Harry though. He did love Eileen...

    This was another great chappie, but I'm still sad I'm almost done! Oh despair...but I'm still going on. :)

    Author's Response:

    I loved writing that little conversation of hers.  How sneaky, Minerva, Salazar would be proud!

    Harry was thinking this was the way it had to be, to keep time going the way it should, and he's sorry, but...  And Snape's just going "You bastard."  Snape deserves his feelings, but still, Harry was in an ugly position.

Title: Spring 05 Jan 2010 9:41 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    O_o Ginny's WAITING for him? That sounds a bit scary to me. Is she going to be nice or mean? I'll find out in a moment.

    But yay fluffiness! I loved baby Teddy! XD And Tonk's mom. They're so cute! And poor Harry has no idea about babies really. It did make me wonder though what kinda baby Snape was...I could see him being very good, but I could also see him being very bad. I kinda wish Harry could see little baby Snape...maybe that would sofen things?

    Welp, I can't wait, I'm going on! Want anymore cake? It's been awhile since I offered last? ;)

    Author's Response:

    What Ginny does next was a bit satisfying to write.  That's all I'll say.

    Harry's like me, all, "What do I do with it?" And Andromeda's like "It's cool, watch me be Bellatrix's creepy sister.  I'm betting he was quiet, but very stubborn.  "No, I will not eat the stewed Apricots, I want applesauce!"


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