Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For No Difference
Title: Feeding the Beast 05 Jan 2010 9:07 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay Quibbler! I thought you handled the news articles very well. Yay you! And it did sound like the respecting sides. I just can't help but feel sorry for both the boys though. Poor Snape just can't get a break, and he doesn't know what to do. It's so sad really. And I wish people would just lay off him. But the end where Harry and Snape actually speak ALMOST civil was a nice change of pace. lol I think they could get used to that.

    I'm a little sad I'm almost done here...oh well, I intend to enjoy this! ^_^

    Author's Response:

     Thanks, I'm glad you like them.  They're really easy for me compared to other parts of the story, so it's partly a quick way for me to pad my wordcount.

    Oh, I got to that part and went "Yes, yes YES, I did it, threshold crossed!  Okay, back to story."

Title: Fiction and Non-Fiction 05 Jan 2010 8:10 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh snap!! Stalk got back! HAHAHA!! XD Take that Draco, you little farret you! This last part made me insanely happy. Yes, Draco WOULD pick the book about Hilter...what's next, Stalin, the Man of Steel? *snort* I kinda hope it gives him nightmares.

    And poor Harry and Snape getting all kinds of threats. :( That's never any fun. But I did think it was funny Harry didn't really know what to say to Snape so he told him about tossing the howlers out the window. XD SLAM! Poor Harry...but it was amusing.

    But YAY!! Teddy's going to come back. YAY TEDDY!! I hope it's full of fluff. But then I always like babies in stories...I just not so good with them in real life. :S

    Another excellent chappie!

    Author's Response:

    Stalk really does rock, doesn't he?  Draco won't know what hit him with that book.

    Harry's at the point now where he's trying, but he doesn't know how to go about it.  If only it wasn't Snape.

    I wrote the chapter with Teddy right after visiting my baby nephews, but it's not as fluffy as most kidfic.

Title: Ink Bottles 05 Jan 2010 7:37 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    “There is very little chance anymore that you will become my step mother,” he stated- Ouch! I did like that because Ginny's made me mad at her in this.

    “Next time you open your mouth,” he enunciated, “you should think carefully about who the target of your anger really is.”-Rock on Snape! That's actually really deep. I like the burn Snape layed out.

    But OH NO!! Ginny saw the box full of potion notes and now she'll accuse Snape of stealing all of them when it was really the other guy!! I don't want him to get into anymore trouble! In fact, I feel really bad that everyone seems to be after him in this...even if he was a git.

    And Harry and Ron are still big kids. They made me happy. And Harry's way forgiving...at least with Ginny. I WISH he'd try AND succeed a bit with Snape too...but it can't be easy becasue that wouldn't be fun! ;D

    And yes, poke a Snape and he hisses in return. Don't you just love it? I could just hug him and squeeze him until his eyes popped out! XD ...yeah, Snape would definitely be afraid of THIS fangirl. NOOOO doubt about that. Oops. ;3

    Author's Response: I really really loved writing Snape hand Ginny her head, great to give the girl her comeuppance.

    Harry's less forgiving with Ginny than he is afraid to lose her.  He's never had Snape, and thus not afraid of losing him.  It'll happen, though, a little bit.

    Snape would do more than hiss at you!
Title: Dark Side of the Moon 05 Jan 2010 7:08 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Good old Luna! ^_^ I always did like her. She's so weird that at times she reminds me a bit of myself...when I haven't had much sleep. XD But I still like her. She's a good listening and always seems to calm everyone. I like that about her.

    But my my, if I were Harry or Snape, I'd wanna sink into the floor and never come out. EVERYONE knows now, and I'm sure some interesting letters will flutter into Hogwarts. >_< Poor them. And now none of Harry's friends are completely on his side and Snape's not making things easy...but I wonder what the other professors are saying NOT to his face...

    Wonderful chappie. Loved all the tense emotions again. I made some cake, so have a piece of cake! ^_^

    Author's Response: Yeah, both of them right now have a running inturnal voice saying "don't talk to me right now, I'm trying to disappear."  My poor boys.  Harry really needs a Luna around sometimes, weird, possibly inhabiting another planet entirely, but still sensible.

    I love cake!
Title: Fat, Fire, and Frying Pans 05 Jan 2010 6:37 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Well, I got MY answer! What a blow up! And several other kids heard too! That was insane! Ginny and Harry both had good arguments here. Poor them. But I liked Ron being there for his sister and how Hermione got to talk to Harry. Well, the shat hit the fan now.

    I'll go on, but I need to check dinner! Great chappie!

    Author's Response: Poor Ron.  He might be Harry's best friend, but he's Ginny's brother.  This was my "now stuff goes down!" chapter.
Title: At the Stake 05 Jan 2010 5:32 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    *shakes head* Boys, boys, boys, will they ever learn? They're just MAKING excuses to be unpleasant. But I did like Snape's argument in Salazar's favor. It was more convincing than Harry's "well yeah...shut up!" kinda tactic (I know it was more involved than that, but I could just see that kinda face on Harry at the time)

    But I thought the last couple lines were amusing. Those two *shakes head fondly* Will they ever learn? *Hallmark, corny smile*

    But did Ginny hear all this? The ear was there...I can't wait! I'm going on! Nice chapter!!

    Author's Response:

    Poor Harry, he really should know better than to get into a debate with Snape.  Snape just knows how to debate better than he does.  In canon, Slytherin's position as the house of fantastic racism annoyed me.  After all, the hat put Muggleborns and half-bloods there.

    Poor Harry, mind blown at the possibility of Snape making a joke.

    I'm not  even going to address that last one.*snerk*

Title: Not Yet 05 Jan 2010 4:58 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    He had never been a civil man, or a sociable one, and he had never seen the need to be either.- And this is what makes him adorablely a snarky bastard. ^_^

    "the pitiful offerings of his third years"- HAHAHA!! XD That's a great line!!

    "Severus balled up the parchment and threw it into a trash bin near his table as soon as she wasn’t looking at him."- Yay! Keep walking honey, 'cuz Snape's mine!...or I could just imagine it's me, cuz I'm blonde and I'd be dumb enough to give name my calling card, so to speak. Either which way. ;) But I did find his revelation of being good looking amusing. Being a Potter has its benefits it seems...

    But Ginny really needs to learn when to stop. Snape's gunna really nail her for something soon, and when he does, it's not going to be pretty. And will she find out about Harry and Snape with that ear? I don't know, so I'm going on! :D

    Author's Response: And this is why I like to write Snape.  He’s bitter, and angry, and you poke him and he hisses, fun to write.

    Our dear Severus doesn’t think much of his students, does he.

    *Snerk* dream on, we fannish types would terrify him.  Poor Snape, being attractive might be a benefit, but he has no idea how to deal with this.

    Ginny, as I said, is a big problem.
Title: Balls and Broomsticks 05 Jan 2010 4:25 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Okay, I read this earlier, reviewed, but it didn't take because my internet connection disconnected and I've been fixing it all afternoon. But here it is, my review! Ahem:

    “Just thought I’d give you the opportunity to spend time with your father.”- HAHAHA!! That's just way weird! XD I'm so use to reading Snape being Harry's dad, I messed myself up for a minute here and had to reread it, and then I promptly burst out laughing. XD This whole topic of the whole Harry being Snape's dad is just too much fun!

    But I just knew Snape would be the one to invent Wolf'sBane. I can understand why he doesn't want the credit, but I'm angry on his behalf that the one guy stole his glory! But I still like the detention punishment. (I'm going to be a history/English teacher and after reading all of these fics I wonder if I'll get in trouble because I like so many of these punishments. Oops.)

    And yay Gryffindor won! But I thought Hermione and Snape's conversation was perfect. Yay snark!! But I'm sad the voice is gone. :( I love Alan Rickman's voice. I love his nose. ^_^

    And you're going into political science? Good luck with that. I find it an interesting area, but deep down I love history too much. (yay Roman emperors ;D ) But your "Snape terrifies with mathematics" was perfect, by the way. It was awesome and I found it extremely affective.

    Now that I'm up and running again, I'm going to the next chappie. Awesome story! :D

    Author's Response: Don’t you hate it when that happens?  My internet used to be so unreliable that I read all the chapterfics I could as one file just so there was no chance I’d be left hanging when my connection cut out.

    Oh, I know, I’m such a Severitus fic fan, it was really weird at times to write this.  Neither Harry, nor I could help ourselves over that line.  It had to be said.

    One of the shortfics set in this universe, “Literary Minds” talks very briefly about what happened to Belby hahaha.

    Lol, I wouldn’t want to be your student...

    While I was writing it, I felt kind of bad for both of them.  Hermione was, clumsily, trying to apologize and reasure him, but it’s Snape.  *pets them*

    Law, actually.  I was going to go into Near Eastern Languages (I speak Arabic, and I’m learning Hebrew) and the colleges I spoke to said they wanted Polisci as an undergraduate degree, but for reasons related to my illness, I can’t go to any universities that offer Near Eastern Languages or Near Eastern Studies as a PhD.  I’m a real history buff too, especially ancient and classical history.  There’s a lot of crossover between the fields.
Title: Wicked Stepmother 05 Jan 2010 11:18 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    PS, the title of this chapter is hilarious!! XD

    Author's Response: I'm glad you like it!
Title: Wicked Stepmother 05 Jan 2010 11:17 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Yeah, Ginny's on the hitlist now. I know Snape's a git, but I still feel bad for him. I'm nor than a little fond of that snarky bastard! ;3 But I'm curious as to what Harry's going to do with her. She's really just causing more problems between Harry and his *snickers* son. That's not right really. I know they don't like each other, but still. It's not right.

    I like that Harry and Snape shared a brief moment of WTF when Filch walked by with the lightbulbs. XD That was great! The image is just too perfect. But I wish one of them would man up and just STOP trying to hate the other. Since Snape IS older and too set in his ways to break the ice without being prompted, it's gunna have to be Harry. I mean, they should at least be civil to one another for Eileen's sake.

    Another wonderful one, Attack!

    Author's Response: This is really one of those everyone's behaving badly, but Ginny's behaving the most badly.  I will say that not all the relationships that make it to the end of the story will be all that healthy.

    Really, as the adult, Snape should be trying to bridge the gap, but it's Snape, so that's not going to happen.  You're right.  It's going to have to be Harry.  It both helps and doesn't that they're more alike then they're willing to admit.

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