Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For No Difference
Title: Hermione’s Inductive Reasoning 05 Jan 2010 10:05 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Okay, so I'm not too sure I like Hermione in this. She IS too nosey and I agree completely with Harry. She just wants to know to know. She's not really worried, she just wants to know the secret. I would a bit annoyed if a friend didn't tell me a secret, I'd even beg to know, but I'm not sure I'd start glaring at them and starting a small feud because of it. And Ginny is a bit vengeful, isn't she? She's a forceful character, and it is funny that Harry likes her so much after Eileen. The two ARE totally different. It's weird. But I'm enjoying every moment of it. Great chapter!!

    Author's Response: Hermione has always had a desperate drive to know things, and it's something I share with her.  Consciously, she's convinced herself that her anxiety at being confronted with a mystery is genuine worry.  Harry likes Ginny because of his raving Oedipus complex and because in his mind, she represents the whole of the Weasley family.  Not a very healthy reason for attraction, but there you go.
Title: A Chance Discovery 05 Jan 2010 9:39 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    That's really sad, but at least they talked it out without killing each other...even though it was close. I feel bad that Severus had to suffer reliving his mother's death and I feel bad that Harry had to think about his lovers death like that. It's a sad business I think. Poor guys. But they kinda did get along, if for only a minute.

    I'm going on, wonderful chappie!

    Author's Response: They keep coming together and almost, almost coming to an understanding, and then no.  Made me feel really bad for them at times.
Title: Accidents 05 Jan 2010 9:15 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    I feel so bad for Severus! Not to mention poor Eileen! I would feel bitter to had I been Severus, as he obviously cared a great deal for his mother. It must have been rather frustrationg to knowt that his mother had survived everything only to die of an accident.

    But HA! The beginning with the fire was hilarious! I just had to snort the whole way through. And the part where the owl eats the rabbit in front of Harry and Ginny was great. Those sort of things don't bother me much (I live on a farm) so I love to see other people's faces when something "gross" like that happens. XD I could just see their faces.

    “Thank you for the Foe-Glass,” he smiled nastily.- Teehee! I just love the classic Snape...even though he's really a Potter in this. I literally burst out laughing.

    Another goody! I'm off to the next!

    Author's Response:

    I know, I felt really awful for killing her, and killing her that way, and she was the only relative he had who he had a decent relationship with, and I'm really mean.

    I don't live on a farm, but I live out in the country, and until we got one of our dogs, we had a real rodent problem.  She was wild for a long time before we got her, and she loves to hunt, so she took care of it for us very quickly.  I can't count how many times she's shown us still alive kills, or swallowed something in front of us.  I've also rescued a songbird that she had torn the wing off of.  He had to have it amputated the rest of the way, but he now lives a very happy life as the spoiled pet of a vet tech.  Poor Amy.  She gets so confused when we don't partake in the bounty she brings.

    Oh, Snape can be such a bastard when he wants to be!  Poor Harry, he's way out gunned.

Title: Oligarchy 05 Jan 2010 2:26 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh Hermione you little bugger! She's gunna know soon. I know it. And once more, poor Snape! He was a revoultionary! I like that idea a lot. He wanted to change the world for the better but ended up making it worse before he made it better again. Poor guy. For some reason I keep thinking of V in V for Vendetta right now...

    Sorry this review's short, but I really must go to bed now. It's almost 2:30 and I have to get up early tomorrow. But I'll read on later! WONDERFUL STORY!! (in case you had any doubts) ;D

    Author's Response: This is one of those chapters where you can tell I'm a political science student and I chose my major because it's my passion.  The Wizarding World is ripe for a revolution, the only problem was Voldemort was the wrong one.

    I'm really glad you're enjoying it so much!
Title: Trials, Tribulations, and Quidditch 05 Jan 2010 2:02 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Yes, yes, Snape WOULD be a natural at flying, wouldn't he? I mean, he flew WOTHOUT a broom and Harry IS his father. I kinda think it's unfair that Gryffindor won when Hufflepuff played so well...but then I always thing Quidditch is a bit unfair...but I'm glad Harry didn't get too badly injured.

    The whole relation of Snape and Harry is just so FUN to read! They're so snarky, and I'm still trying to imagine a Snape looking like Harry. I think I've got an image, but it tends to fade away when I always see the name Snape. (plus I just REALLY love Alan Rickman)

    Although it's like 2 in the morning now, I'm going on. You've really got me hooked!

    Author's Response: I had a very good time writing Snape try to justify to himself his mixed feelings about his ability to fly.  Very damaged fellow.  Ah well, Hufflepuff made them work hard for that win...

    We all love Alan!
Title: Theoretical Study 05 Jan 2010 1:32 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    I think Snape was right to warn everyone about evil in the world. I would have too had I lived to see evil spring up twice already in my life. And I do feel badly for him, as he doesn't MEAN to be mean...his experience with his GRANDFATHER helped with that. Poor guy.

    But oh, Hermione, you nosey little thing! She's gunna try and figure it all out, isn't she? I kinda hope she doesn't, but at the same time I hope she does. And I do feel that Ginny deserved a detention. (I know, I'm mean!)

    Another great one!

    Author's Response: I had to gear myself up for this chapter, and especially that speech emotionally.  As soon as I knew I was having Snape teach, I knew I'd have to write him a killer first day speech, on par with the ones in canon.  I don't know how well I did, but I rather like it.  I call it "Snape terrifies with mathematics" but then I'm a political science student.  We're obsessed with statistics.

    Hermione's going to be a problem...  And so is Ginny.  That young lady deserves a lot of detentions, really.
Title: Stalk, Switch, Belby, and Prince 05 Jan 2010 1:05 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    “So, Sebastian, at least you and I aren’t alone as new professors,” Switch exclaimed, “misery loves company after all.” Severus decided he didn’t like him. “Tell me, I haven’t heard of you, what have you been doing have you been abroad?” Severus decided he outright disliked him.- Best ever. I can just feel Snape's hatred for the man with each passing word. WONDERFUL! XD

    “Are you by any chance related to our Harry Potter?” Severus decided he didn’t much like Flitwick either.- Poor man! XD

    I find these new teachers interesting, especially this Blenheim...he could be a bit of trouble...though I don't know why, just a feeling. Parkinson and Malfoy are disgusting together. >_< Draco can be okay, but the two of them together is just gross. But I'm interesting in where this goes...

    Another goody! :D

    Author's Response: Writing Snape trying to socialize is far more fun than it should be.

    I find Malfoy and Parkinson a hilarious, and yes, repugnant, villain couple.  Stalk was one of my favorite almost OCs when writing this.  He made such a excellent Slytherin head of house.  Like throwing the cat amongst the pidgins permanently.
Title: Family Trees 05 Jan 2010 12:37 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    “You might want to wash your hair,” Potter quipped, “if you don’t want people to recognize you."- okay, I know Snape's a snarky bastard, but I kinda hate Harry for being so mean here even if Sev deserved it...I guess I'm too loyal of Snape fan. Poor man...but it WAS a good come back. ;)

    Poor poor Severus. I really can't help but feel bad for him. He's been Snape all his life, and on the verge of forty he suddenly has a REAL midlife crisis to worry about. Poor man. But how is he going to act? He can't be all Snape like or everyone will know! And is his voice different or the same? But at least he has Lily's nose...that's a good thing, right? Poor man.

    Another fantastic chapter! :D

    Author's Response: Part of me wants to say "oh yes, poor Snape, Harry fights back" but the rest of me wants to say he's dealing with too much to worry about fairness, everyone lay off!

    His voice is not the same.  That kind of voice requires a large nose to echo around in (one of the benefits of them, says the girl with a beak).  Poor man, he lost that great voice.
Title: Bombarding McGonagall 05 Jan 2010 12:12 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    "Severus slunk up to Minerva’s office, his own so full of owls he was contemplating holding them for ransom."- Okay, be absurdly happy with this line, because it made me burst out laughing insanely. XD

    And poor Sev and Minerva! Death threats, hexes...sounds like a nasty business. And I did feel bad that Sev felt sad about being let go. I still love Snape, even if he was a DE (could you tell that? lol)

    But he and Harry are just too fun to read about together! XD I was laughing and talking to my computer the whole way through this one. Very very good!! I can't wait to see what happens next, so I won't!!

    WONDERFUL chappie!!

    Author's Response:

    The Wizarding World is not a polite place.

    I love to throw two characters who hate each other into a story together and watch them battle it out.  Can you tell how much fun I have doing it?

    I hope you weren't talking to your computer in public...

Title: Binns, Bodmin, and Balderdash 04 Jan 2010 11:36 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor poor Severus (do I sound like a broken record yet?) He can't catch a break can he? At least he gets to keep the DADA position he's always wanted. And I do feel bad for him, I mean, I have several relative I can't stand, and wonder how I'm even related to them. >_<

    But I'm almost surprised Harry didn't name his owl Eileen since it just looked mad all the time, even when it wasn't. Oh well, like Hermione said, it's his owl. Interesting name though... But I'm glad everyone's coming together.

    Another great chappie!! :D

    Author's Response: Yeah, that does make him just a bit happy.  Slughorn’s replacement, not so much.

    On the other hand, I don’t think he liked Tobias Snape’s family any either.

    If he named it Eileen, Snape would have murdered him in his sleep.

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