Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For No Difference
Title: Self Deception 04 Jan 2010 10:15 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    "Trouble was it was difficult to convince one’s self of something untrue when one knew one was doing it. Logic got in the way."- Damned logic! (don't tell Spock I said that) Favorite line of the chappie. ^_^

    Poor little Teddy. I feel bad that he doesn't have any parents, but at least he has people that love him and are willing to look after him. In that sense he's luckier than Harry.

    But I still feel really bad for Snape! He's just so confused. And I'd be pretty traumatized too if I learned my grandfather hated my guts and picked on me in school. *shivers*

    This is such an interesting story! It's so odd, but in a good way! I'm kinda glad I didn't read it earlier, because now I can just keep going! Off to the next one!

    Author's Response: I'm absurdly proud of that line, which means you're lucky.  Usually when I'm that proud of something, I end up cutting it.

    I see Teddy as a mirror of Harry in his circumstance, only this time, all goes well.  YAY!  He shows up again.

    Having close relatives on my dad's side who I deeply despise,  I feel for him too.Thinking of his old school rival as his grandfather is just surreal in and of itself, too.

    Part of that strangeness comes from me taking a fairly cracky prompt with the instructions to play it completely straight.  The premise is just odd, but so much fun to play with.
Title: Into the Pensieve 04 Jan 2010 9:44 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    You know, I feel really sorry for Snape. The poor man just realized that the one person he hated most in the world was his grandfather, the second person he hated most in the world is his father, and the love of his life was his grandmother. Of course he'd be ill!! I'd be ill too! Poor man. And Harry's all sad about his friends...poor Sev. I hope he and Harry have a talk soon. Great chappie!

    Author's Response: I think the second person he hated most was Sirius.  Harry's a distant (but still passionately loathed) third.  He’s actually handing it rather well.  If it were me, there’s be blood stains on the curtains.
Title: The Snake Foiled 04 Jan 2010 9:12 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    "At least the man had liked his grandmother, even if he didn’t know it." OMG that's just too weird!! >_< lol I even thought about that before, but seeing it written out was just WAY weird!! lol Poor Sev!

    "He raised his lip into a less than human snarl."- How I love this snarky man! I think this was my favorite line in this chapter for some reason. A prickly Snape is just how I like'em. ;3

    But poor Snape! He's gunna FLIP when he see Harry's memories. I feel a little bad that those memories are in Gryffindor colors too...but it should be interesting.

    OMG this is just too fun!! I'm going on! Another great one Attackfish!!

    Author's Response:

    Somewhere in here, I have Snape actively sit down and put that together.  Needless to say, he's a bit... squicked.

    Prickly Snape is the only Snape that has any place  within fourteen and three eighths miles of my fic.

    Yeah, when I wrote this first ten or so chapters, I just blasted right through, and couldn't stop.  Things like the memories viewing just hauled me along.

Title: Foxes, Nightingales, and Larks 04 Jan 2010 8:45 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, poor Eileen! I feel so bad for her! She's in such a mess and Harry had to be a jerk! Poor woman! But how will Snape know if he's already dead? Will Harry go back to before Snape died and save him? Oooo! I can't wait! I'm going on to the next chappie! This was fantastic, by the way. :D

    Author's Response: Thanks, I have fond memories of this fic, especially the first three chapters.
Title: Not Half so Pretty 04 Jan 2010 7:51 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Harry, stuck inside with a moody woman. But it is kinda funny that Snape's mom is so much like him...but that really isn't anything weird. It's to be expected, isn't it? But Tobias isn't going to like Harry very much if he sees him in Eileen's house. Another great chapter!!

    Author's Response:

    Lol, No, Tobias wouldn't (Not that Eileen minds one bit) which is why poor Harry's only allowed out at night.

    I wrote a short story in this universe about Snape and his mom.  Similar souls.

Title: Beginning at the End 04 Jan 2010 7:26 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Well, this proves to be a very interesting story. I can't wait to see how everything turns out! Nice beginning too!

    Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you like it so far and I hope you continue to.
Title: Stalk, Switch, Belby, and Prince 13 Jul 2009 6:49 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Hmm, very interesting ending. I wonder if any of them...read malfoy and the others will follow, will comply.

    I can see Harry eventually breaking up with Ginny. He doesn't like her insulting Snape...doesn't matter that he once did the same thing with a vengeance. I know she went through hell the last year, but so did Neville and he doesn't seem to be bleating too badly about it. Sad really, I usually love Harry and Ginny but this Ginny doesn't seem very nice and Harry is too pro-Eileen. They are not on the same page.

    You said in a review reply that Harry was quite powerful, but he is still fairly clueless in class...well, certainly comapred to Hermione. Of course, who isn't. It must be galling though to have to transfigure butterflies and upside glasses into potted palnts after what they have done over the last year.

    I wonder if Belby is the fraud that Severus thinks. I would say yes.

    Can't wait to read about the first DADA lesson with father and son in the same class.


    Author's Response:

    Seeing as you have the whole fic in front of you to read, you might want to stop speculating about things that are answered therein, especially as my answers are public.  I will say that I try to keep everything pretty close to canon.

    Power =/= finesse.  Harry has power, and he tends to (as canon tells us) get good marks, and also eventually get the spells he's supposed to learn.  Hermione gets them a lot faster, and tends to have a lot of finesse.  Neville methinks has a lot of power and even less finesse.  Since I'm postulating that there are a lot more spells on the course curriculum than the ones we see, which is the logical conclusion to reach given Harry's growing spell knowledge throughout the books and also the sheer number of useful spells the average Hogwarts graduate knows, if Harry follows the canon pattern, he would be competent at those spells as well, especially as he's better at Charms than Transfiguration.  Harry, also, I can't see caring much.  After the war, he feels a little bit dissociated, and doesn't realize it.

    Oh yes, Belby is quite the fraud.

Title: Family Trees 12 Jul 2009 8:33 pm
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    I find Severus having an elfin point to his nose rather distressing. I find it rather distressing in Lily too. I get a picture of Michael Jackson! Not good!

    The new Severus doesn' really sound like he's got anything going for him in the looks department, much like the old Severus. Harry did end up being in Hermione's word, 'fanciable', after all and you described Eileen as being pretty when she smiled.

    So, Sebastian Prince huh. Where did he get Sebastian from. I do like Sebastian though.

    I feel Severus will have to modify his behaiour a tad if he doesn't want those few intelligent students wo work out that he is indeed, severus Snape.

    Author's Response:

    Oh my God, don't do that to me, don't think him, think... Liv Tyler.  The new Severus isn't bad looking, in fact, he's moderately handsome.  A few chapters down the road, he figures out what this means, poor bas- er, dear.

    The nick name for Sebastian is "Seb."

    Yeah, another thing that comes into play a few chapters later.

Title: Bombarding McGonagall 12 Jul 2009 7:28 pm
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    God people are horrible. Perhaps if Harry made a public statement vouching for Snape then all would be well, or at least better.

    Can't wait to read how Severus looks.


    Author's Response:

    Poor Snape.

    Speaking as someone with no fame but loads of small town notoriety, nah, they wouldn't buy it.

Title: Binns, Bodmin, and Balderdash 12 Jul 2009 11:19 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Hmm, why are Harry and Ginny not snogging if they are an item? seems a little strange. Is it still the memory of Eileen getting in the way for Harry?

    I know Harry would hate me for even bringing it up, but it is like he hasn't done anything as significant as kill the most evil wizard ever. Any other story has him having to hide from admirers and he hated the recognition, I know. But he did do it and it is like it never happened except that the school is in ruins and they have buried a lots of people killed in the battle.

    Author's Response:

    Ginny has unacknowledged post traumatic stress disorder, and Harry has his own issues.  Everything right then is still very tentative, so they're both reluctant to take it quickly.

    Everyone wants to forget Voldemort even existed, and part of the reason he hasn't left the school is that unconsciously he realizes the school is a bubble, inside of which, no one will mention it to him if he doesn't want them to.

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