Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For No Difference
Title: Self Deception 12 Jul 2009 10:49 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    'Most fathers, Harry thought resentfully, had at least the advantage of age and supposed experience, and most fathers had nine months warning. Their sons didn’t spring fully grown and old enough be their fathers!' This was very clever.

    'Snape descended on him like a walking, raging, ink stain.' And this was very funny.

    Great chapter. Will father and son ever find a modicum of positive feeling for each other, I wonder.

    Loved the confrontation between Andromeda and Harry. Teddy was very cute.

    Why isn't HArry, almost an adopted son, with the Wesleys? Why wouldn't he want to be at Fred's funeral. It seems strnage to me that he is not at the Burrow.


    Author's Response:

    Thank you!  I wanted to keep parts of this light.

    The journey to whatever the two of them come to as an emotional status is the point of the story.  You get no freebees.

    Isn't he though?  He appears later and I was worried I'd have to warn for kidfic.

    They'd certainly have him go with them if he wanted to, but he doesn't want to intrude.  He's almost but not quite part of their family, and he feels the almost stronger than they do. 

Title: Into the Pensieve 12 Jul 2009 10:19 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Well, he knows now. He took it better than I thought he would. I love the pin comforter coming to light in Snap's past and him using it and wondering where it had come from.

    I wonder if he will want to remove the glamour.

    The mass funeral seemed a touch impersonal. I would have thoughmost of the families of the dead would have wanted to bury their own. Were Remus and Tonks part of that? Why wouldn't Andromeda have wanted to at least bury her daughter in a place of her own choosing. Though I would hate to think that she would separate remus and Tonks in death.

    Harry still doesn't seem to chuffed to be Ginny's boyfriend.


    Author's Response:

    Snape's in shock, poor man. 

    Snape?  Want to remove glamour?  Oh Hell no.

    It's a bit impersonal, but they're being buried as war heroes.  Their funeral is a state event.  Lupin's body wasn't claimed by family, and Andromeda couldn't, so she wanted them to be buried together.  Besides, I doubt anyone there thought it was impersonal.  They were all a bit overwhelmed.

    Harry isn't.  He doesn't want to tell her anything and can't think of anything to tell her if he didn't get back together with her.

Title: The Snake Foiled 12 Jul 2009 10:00 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Ah, Severus...near death has done nothing to improve his disposition, has it?

    It doesn't seem as if there are going to be any reprisals for snape. I hope this is true. Most of the post DH stories I have read where Sev survives, he is given hell and even with Harry's testimony at trials, no one believes that he wasn't a DE and everyone still believes he killed DD.

    I hope that if Harry and Ginny remain a couple that he isn't pining for Eileen the whole time as you stated that he had not thought that he would miss Eileen so badly. Sounds like he might have loved her. Will he love Ginny or just be with her because it's easy and familiar.

    Can't wait to see Sev's reaction to the revelations he is going to view.


    Author's Response:

    A little thing like nearly fatal snake bite?  Mellow Snape out?  Yeah right.

    Erm, you get to find out a bit of that later in the story.  I shan't say more.

    Familiarity breeds comfort, and that's enough reason for many people to stay together.  He certainly likes her.

Title: Foxes, Nightingales, and Larks 12 Jul 2009 9:35 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    I found this chapter a bit confusing in places, but it was very well written. One minute I like Eileen and the next, I don't. LOL. I just wonder how Harry knew how to do that Glamour charm as I am sure he never has done it before. and that would have had to be one powerful spell to last 38 odd years. And he didn't appear to even have his wand.

    And to meet DD near the forest. I suppose he had to tell him what had to happenin the future. Though, it has happened! It seems that everything is going to keep going around and around in circles. The concept boggles my mind.

    So, Harry is going to go all the way through Hogwarts knowing that Snape is his son. See, I am totally confused.

    Still, am looking forward to reading how things transpire.


    Author's Response:

    Harry learned it in class.  With as few spells we know about from canon, they have to be learining others.  I just filled in.  Harry does have his wand, and I think power has more to do with the wizard, and Harry's quite powerful.

    Harry's meeting with AD made it possible to avoid a paradox.

    No, AD isn't going to tell him, he will know nothing.

    Thank you!

Title: Not Half so Pretty 12 Jul 2009 8:44 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    I was wondering if it was a coincidence that Harry arrived in Eileen's living room a year to the day before Snape was born?

    Great chapter, very informative. Eileen isn't the nicest of people though, is she? Why can't she brew simple potions that will help people rather than harm some poor unsuspecting person? I imagine that there a any number of wizards who cannot even brew a Pepper-up potion or a Burn salve, which I imagine are easily enough brewed.

    And Harry thinks he likes Eileen too much for her to be Snape's mother. But this has happened after he saw Snape's memories, so he should be a little more accepting of the man. And it didn't strike him as strange that Eileen hated her future husband, just as his own mother once hated her future husband. Though Lily did finally fall in love with James. It seems Eileen married Tobias because she is pregnant.

    Author's Response: Eileen makes her bread and butter making the sort of potions people don't want to be seen buying but are technically legal.  No one minds if people know they're buying pepper-up.  If it's any consolation, she also makes venereal disease treatments.

    For Snape to be born on his birthday (or in the time he'd have to be born to go to school with Harry's parents) she'd have to fall in love with Tobias pretty damn quickly (three months) and Tobias lacks the charisma and good looks James Potter had, and is an abusive, controlling drunk.  It took Lily years to reverse her position on James Potter, and Eileen only would have months.

    Snape might not be evil, he might have been a friend of Harry's mom, but he's still extremely unpleasant and outright nasty to Harry.  Harry likes and gets along with Eileen (in spite of her questionable morals) as opposed to just not thinking her to be evil.
Title: Beginning at the End 12 Jul 2009 7:47 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Interesting. I wonder how much of the story is set in the past.

    Author's Response: Thank you!  Lol, just a little bit.
Title: Detentions and Deliberations 04 Mar 2009 11:58 pm
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed) [Report This]
    OK, I like her a lot better now. The second-to-last sentence in this chapter makes no sense to me... :-(

    Author's Response:

    Harry is quieter and more reserved than his father, and not more than usually fond of jokes and pranks.  He has a serious caring disposition, whereas Ginny likes pranks, noise, and causing a bit of chaos.  Therefore, she's more like James Potter than Lily Evans and Harry is more like Lily than she.  I also forgot an apostrophe and an "s".

    Wow, I'm really surprised, most people don't come around to her.  It makes me happy!

Title: Not Yet 04 Mar 2009 10:11 pm
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed) [Report This]
    I am so not liking Ginny in this fic! Then again, I just don't like her much usually anyhow...

    Author's Response: You're in good company, but then, tha harry/Ginny ship was not the intended focus of the fic.
Title: Beginning at the End 26 Feb 2009 4:02 pm
Reviewer: hypercell (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG! Do you read minds over the internet? I had an idea like this..there are so many Snape is Harry's father stories, and I thought, well, what about a Harry is Snape's father? But I don't write so well, so I didn't write one.

    Author's Response:

    I try so hard to read minds, but whenever I wave my pen around muttering "Legilimens," I just get strange looks.  I most confess though, this is a challenge fic, so the "Harry is Snape's father" prompt wasn't strictly mine.


Title: Epilogue: Six Years Later 30 Nov 2008 7:54 am
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Signed) [Report This]
    I really enjoyed this story - it's a concept I don't think I've read before, and it really drew me in. You also managed to show how everyone was adjusting to life after Voldemort, the reactions of students like Ginny and the 'old' firsties, which was really interesting. Thanks a lot for this - I look forward to your future work.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, I'm kind of thrilled someone other than me likes the way I characterized Ginny.  The young first years (especially the Muggleborns) feel profoundly that everyone else at Hogwarts has gone through something that they will never quite be able to comprehend, and to some extent, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the school feel that way about each other.  Ginny of course feels more outside than ever, poor kid.

    Heroic fiction tends to end abruptly when the main villain is done away with, but I've always been much more interested in the fumbling rebuilding after the battle is over.  That's what brings about the new world system.  I'm also more interested in the way things work during the rise of the major villain as well, which is why the novel length fic I'm working on now centers around the school days of Snape, Lily, and the Marauders, but (sadly unlike most of the fics about that era) focuses a lot on Snape living in Slytherin and the rise of Voldemort.

    As I said, I'm currently working on a novel length fanfiction, but I can't post it here because Harry isn't in it. (It takes place during the Marauders et. al.'s fifth and sixth years, so Lily and James aren't even dating).  I have it and all the rest of my fic posted on my LiveJournal account under the same username and conveniently linked with summaries on my LJ profile.  The title is "Children of Mars" and it only has one chapter up right now, but I post on the first of every month.

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